Billionaire Zionist Jew Sheldon Adelson Also Wants Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants

Image: File of Las Vegas Sands Corp Chairman and CEO Adelson testifies on the witness stand at the Regional Justice Center in Las VegasDaily Slave

It is funny to see how both Rupert Murdoch and Sheldon Adelson write opinion editorials at about the same time proclaiming how the United States needs immigration reform.  This is not a coincidence.  They realize that the American people don’t want any new laws, new reforms or changes in immigration law and that the window to take action is closing.  This is why they are pushing the issue so strongly.  

It shouldn’t be a surprise that the billionaire Zionist Jew Adelson would be in support of such measures.  Adelson is directly connected to the Republican establishment.  Just a few months ago Adelson hosted an event in which 2016 Republican presidential hopefuls delivered speeches to Adelson and a bunch of other Zionist Jews in which each hopeful professed how they would be good for Israel and Jews if elected President.  It was an incredibly sickening display and shows how influential Jews are in American politics.

The fact that Adelson along with Murdoch are both for immigration reform or amnesty, is a good indication that the American people should be dead set against it.  Below is Adelson’s article in which he professes his support for amnesty.  He even quotes the Jew poet Emma Lazarus to support his stance.

From Politico:

Radio show hosts and political pundits are suggesting that the primary election defeat of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor is the final nail in the coffin for passing immigration reform in this session of Congress. They surmise that other Republicans will be especially reluctant to tackle the issue for fear of losing political support.

If we are led to believe that the results of a local election with 12 percent voter turnout in a single congressional district (one out of 435) with a mere 65,000 votes cast is all that it takes to disrupt a necessary and important national policy debate, then America is in big trouble—not just on this issue, but on a whole range of issues.

I certainly hope that is not the case.

 As a Republican, it’s my view that efforts to complete immigration reform should be led by our party. Some on the outer fringes of the GOP may disagree, but the truth is we are humans first and partisans second. Frankly, the Democrats don’t have a monopoly on having hearts.

While I do not practice or promote illegal behavior, the reality is that 11 million illegal immigrants are currently in this country. Let’s face it, the United States does not have a process—real or imaginable—to deport 11 million people from within our borders. Those who favor the deportation of every person here illegally must understand that this position simply is not realistic. There is no wave of a magic wand that could accomplish such a task. Nor should there be.

Most of the immigrants who are here illegally came for the same reason as those who are here legally—a chance to make a better life for themselves and their families. They came heeding the famous words of poet Emma Lazarus that have welcomed generations of immigrants, including my parents, to the United States as they pass the Statue of Liberty and her golden torch: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free … Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me.”

Poll after poll shows the majority of Americans support immigration reform, including a pathway to citizenship. So, let’s put the political nitpicking aside and deal with the situation.

Let’s start by instituting a process in which all undocumented immigrants receive permits to legally work here. Let’s provide them with the opportunity to get driver’s licenses and bank accounts—simple things that we all take for granted. The immigrants here illegally need jobs, want to work and are willing to take on jobs that are not appealing to many Americans. Additionally, many of them are exploited because of their illegal status in this country.

Quite honestly, this is such a ridiculous joke.  From the tone of his article it sounds as if he just wants more cheap labor for his casino empire.  This is one Jew that should be put at the front of the line for immediate deportation.

3 thoughts on “Billionaire Zionist Jew Sheldon Adelson Also Wants Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants

  1. Of course he does. Slave labor is popular among billionaires, and I think a just punishment for this billionaire Zionist Jew would be to have him and his family working in the fields with an iron balls chained to their ankles.

    “An eye for an eye” as the Bible says. Work them to death for a taste of their own medicine.

  2. We don’t have to deport them. Just turn off the benefits and they’ll stream back the other way. Nobody sneaks into the carnival when the rides stop running.

    As George Carlin would say, the “owners” of this country are letting the vermin overrun our borders, letting our own kids go hungry, letting veterans die without healthcare, letting the Middle East implode, and letting their media tell us “it’s all good, dude”.

    “Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.” Benjamin Netanyahu, 2002

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