“Bioethicist”, S. Matthew Liao: In order to tackle “climate change”, humans should be genetically modified to be intolerant to meat.

4 thoughts on ““Bioethicist”, S. Matthew Liao: In order to tackle “climate change”, humans should be genetically modified to be intolerant to meat.

  1. Decades before learning of any U.N. agenda I became, and still am, a vegetarian. That was back in my teen years. This guy and his hideous presentation embarrasses me, as well as enrages me. The stupid, programmed puppet thinks he has the right to launch another gene-altering substance into humans making them into compliant saps. And then there’s the ignorant laughter coming from the audience, as if bio-engineering humans is just such a fun and cutting-edge thing!! He sells it to them as for the greater good.

    Remember this lady?:


    Hardly anything is more clearly a PERSONAL decision than what one chooses to eat, and there’s a big difference between a man taking what he needs to eat, and the cruel, unnatural/anti-environment factory farming methods of today. That’s what this jerk should be aware of. How sweetly he speaks, as if he’s recommending a cough-drop and not a poisionous treatment that would harm the body, and likely also the mind. I see it as soul-killing. Hope I never hear from this creep again.


  2. Q. What do you get when you stage the largest communist revolution ever & slaughter every free-thinking intelligent & creative member of your population?

    A. A very diminished gene pool that from now on only produces lower overall IQ compliant robotic slaves that are willing to do the bidding of their masters.

    Q. What happens when traitorous governments all over the developed world give all their industrial & commercial power over to this third world communist regime?

    A. They become too powerful too quick & become more capitalistic than all other so-called capitalist countries/economies.

    Q. What happens when your lower overall IQ compliant robotic slaves are now given way more money than they ever could have produced under their own diminished capabilities?

    A. They become very materialistic lower overall IQ compliant robotic slaves who will do anything for more money that they believe is their proof of “success”.

    Q. What happens when you “educate” some of your newly wealthy lower overall IQ compliant robotic slaves?

    A. They become this guy.

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