BREAKING🚨 The Biden Administration is set to pay out Jewish billionaire Dan Gertler $300,000,000 for his mining positions in the Democratic Republic of Congo which has enraged human rights activists… Gertler is responsible for thousands of child slave deaths in his illegal cobalt and diamond mines in the DRC…

3 thoughts on “BREAKING🚨 The Biden Administration is set to pay out Jewish billionaire Dan Gertler $300,000,000 for his mining positions in the Democratic Republic of Congo which has enraged human rights activists… Gertler is responsible for thousands of child slave deaths in his illegal cobalt and diamond mines in the DRC…

  1. What does this mean? I don’t understand:

    “Biden Administration is set to pay out Jewish billionaire Dan Gertler $300,000,000 for his mining positions in the Democratic Republic of Congo.”

    $300 mil, for what? What does it mean to obtain “mining positions?” Does it mean buying the rights to mine it yourself? And what the hell is anyone doing stealing from Congo because it’s likely stealing even if the ‘authorities’ there are in on it. And worse, why isn’t that billionaire in jail for cruel and continuing child abuse?


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