Building Your SHTF Gunshot Survival Kit

combat kitThe Sleuth Journal – by Brandon Smith

The purpose of survival culture is to assess and address probabilities and uncertainties, and of course, prepare accordingly.  We view assumption as the greatest Achilles Heal of humanity, and disdain attitudes of complacency, apathy, and general stupidity.  For us, wide eyed and naïve ignorance is a fatal disease; one that gestates during the best of times, and strikes mercilessly during the worst of times.  That said, there are some scenarios which even survivalists do not like to think about.  

Being shot, or, hit with indirect shrapnel, is not a problem many of us want to imagine having to deal with.  Some preppers, believe it or not, refuse to acknowledge that fighting may ever occur.  They may think that the coming collapse will be mitigated and that government tyranny will fade away along with the financial structure.  They may have a rather irrational faith in the effectiveness of digital currencies and other questionable technologies in defusing future crisis.  They might even see themselves as “invincible” or untouchable, believing that their training will trump any circumstance.  However, historical precedence cannot be denied.  Most economic disasters over the past century have led to eventual widespread war, internal conflict, surges in domestic crime, government brutality, or, all of these violence prone situations combined.  And, no matter how much training you might have, there is no accounting for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Ideally, the best method for dealing with a gunshot wound is to not get shot.  Since there is absolutely no way to guarantee such luck (even people who avoid conflict can still be a victim of it), we must set aside some money, and space in our bug-out-bag, for a fast and effective medical pouch designed specifically for a traumatic combat injury.

This means a kit entirely separate from our general purpose medical supplies that is easy to get to not just for ourselves, but also for others who might be trying to save us.  I recommend this kit be standardized amongst those in your survival community so that everyone has the same setup, and understands the functions of each item within the kit.  It is also important to avoid the mistake of centralizing all medical functions into the hands of a single person within your community.  Every individual survivalist should have their own trauma package, or what the military often calls a “blowout kit”, so that their resident medical expert does not have to bear the full burden of purchasing supplies, and redundancy is maintained.  Med gear runs out very quickly during social collapse.  Don’t assume others will have it for you when you need it…

The point of this kit is to stop bleeding as swiftly as possible so that the bullet or shrapnel can be removed and the wound sealed.  There are many premade blowout-style kits on the market today, but from my research, the mark-up on most of them is too high, the items are often substandard quality, and, they are always missing certain vital gear that you will have to buy later anyway.  Building your own is not difficult; here is a list of essential items, all of which are used by EMT’s and Military personnel, to get you started.

Medical Pouch: A small medical pouch with molle straps allows you to keep your trauma kit on the outside of your pack if you wish, clearly marked so that your teammates can find it and use it.

Battle Dressing: A large compression bandage usually found in surplus stores.  It may be wise to supplement this battle dressing with a large surgical dressing to ensure heavy bleeding is controlled.  The more blood lost, the more likely the wound will result in shock, and fatality.

Roll Of Gauze: For wrapping the wound and aiding in compression.

Medical Tape: Most veteran medics I have discussed gunshot response with have told me that medical tape is the first item to disappear during crisis.  Stock extra, and make sure all the people you work with have some in their kit.

Nitril Gloves: These emergency gloves are thicker and stronger than standard latex gloves, and do not cause reactions in people allergic to latex.

Trauma Shears: Very important.  Used to strip away clothing around a wound, cut tape and gauze, cut makeshift bandages, etc.

Extra Long Tweezers: All foreign materials and shrapnel must be removed from the wound in order to avoid infection later.  Sometimes, a bullet impact will carry bits of material from clothing deep into the wound channel, and long tweezers will be essential in their removal.

Combat Tourniquet: Cuts off blood flow to a heavily damaged extremity.  I highly recommend the C-A-T Combat Application Tourniquet widely used by military medics.

Hemostat Forceps: Used to clamp off damaged arteries in order to stop bleeding while repairing a wound.

Sterile Scalpel: Used to open the wound channel to allow easier removal of foreign materials.

Celox Blood Stopper: A coagulating agent that can be poured into the wound to quickly stop bleeding.  Does not need to be cleaned out before the wound is closed.

Celox Granule Applicator: An injector with plunger used specifically for combat wounds.  Insert the applicator as far into the wound channel as possible, then push in the plunger and slowly back the applicator out.  Celox blood stopper is injected into the core of the wound.

Irrigation Plunger: Wounds should be irrigated with a non-abrasive sterile solution, such as saline, in order to help avoid infection.

Small Bottle Of Hydrogen Peroxide: Use to sterilize your hands and tools.  Do not use on the inside of wounds.

Halo Chest Seal: The best seal for chest wounds on the market.  Glue on the seal works even when damaged area is bloody or unclean.  Stops all air loss through the chest when a lung is punctured.  Contains two seals per package for a through-and-through gunshot.

Nasopharyngeal Airway: Allows for breathing in the advent of airway closure; also keeps ample oxygen flowing into the lungs which aids in preventing shock.

Sutures: There are many different sutures on the market, though the needle and thread versions are most common.  Make sure your thread is silk, or any other material that will not cause an allergic reaction or infection.  I also recommend storing Steri-Strip style sutures which can be used in instances where there is no time to sew up the wound.  Your medical expert should also have a Surgical Skin Stapler on hand, which is much faster and less painful than thread sutures.

Large Instant Heat Packs: One of the primary concerns with traumatic wounds is “shock” caused by blood loss to internal organs and the brain.  Once a wound is cleaned and closed, there is still a danger of shock, and the patient must be kept as warm and comfortable as possible in order to promote free blood flow.  Standard procedure is to wrap the wounded in a blanket and elevate his legs, however, I would note that a blanket only retains the heat already being produced by the body, which, after trauma, may be reduced.  I recommend storing at least two large instant heat packs in your kit; one to be taped to the chest area, and one taped to the thigh near the femoral artery.  This will add hours of extra heat to the patient’s circulation along with the blanket and may make the difference between life and death.

Though this list might appear long, all of the items above are small, with little to no weight added to your pack.  I have each of them in my own trauma kit, with space to spare.  Total cost for this kit is around $120 or less, depending on your supplier.  Other items you or your medic should have on hand for post-op on a combat wound are:

Antibiotics: Open wounds are also open doors to massive infection.  Shock is caused usually by blood loss, but it can also be caused by expedient infection that damages internal organs.  Antibiotics are usually needed to prevent this outcome after blood loss is stopped.

Isotonic Saline IV: An IV with isotonic saline can be administered to help replace fluids in the body and increase circulation.

Blood Plasma IV: Some preppers have their own blood or blood-type stored and ready to be administered by IV in case of a combat related injury.  The process for such storage is beyond the scope of this article and I recommend further research with your resident medical expert.

It’s a sad thing that average Americans are being forced to plan for violent trauma to themselves, their families, and their friends, but this is the reality we will soon be living in.  In Argentina, a moderate economic collapse resulted in social breakdown, rioting, looting, as well as organized pillaging in rural areas.  Combat-related injury and death were common.  In Bosnia, after a full-fledged collapse, snipers infested cities like fleas, and gunshot wounds were the norm.  The U.S. has been sitting on the very edge of a full spectrum collapse since 2008, and regardless of what you might have heard from the mainstream media, nothing has changed since.  The potential for a violent event in your personal life in the near future is very real.  Accept this fact, prepare, and continue to live confidently in the knowledge that if the worst happens, you did everything you could to be ready for it.


Brandon Smith is the founder of the Alternative Market Project, an organization designed to help you find like-minded activists and preppers in your local area so that you can network and construct communities for barter and mutual aid. Join today and learn what it means to step away from the unstable mainstream system and build something better. You can contact Brandon Smith

17 thoughts on “Building Your SHTF Gunshot Survival Kit

  1. Brandon,good article,the only issue excepting book/video would be in a tough position as have limited knowledge of use of many items,that said,if no better alternitives at least it gives someone a little bit of a better chance.

    1. Jack,on chance survive encounter but wounded the med pack could be very useful,doesn’t need to be one or the other,heal up and survive and fight yet another day perhaps.

      1. James I have a trauma kit with some surgical capabilities. The problem is. I would be the only one who would NOT be afraid to use it to save a life. I could sew up a wound and stop bleeding but I have no pain killers or antibiotics. If I get wounded I am pretty much screwed. I am no way a defeatist however I am not sure that living in a world like that would be worth it.

        1. The pet supply antibiotics have to pass same fda tests as one directed for people,for whatever a fda test is worth!So,that is a doable thing if one wants,as for desire for surviving,well,won’t know till you get there,might as well have options I guess.That said that kit may help you help another,that alone makes it worth it to me.

          1. I never gave a thought to veterinary supplies that is something to look into. It would be my hope that my supplies would help others or at least allow me to help others and not fall into the hands of the enemy. You are right on the second account, surviving won’t know until I get there.

        2. Painkillers is an easy one. If you cannot get morphine then use Heroin as it is essentially morphine anyway.
          I am sure you could find some and it keeps for a very long time.
          Antibiotics is easy too. Doctors give out antibiotics at the drop of a hat. Faking a sore throat will get you at the very least amoxycillin. I have a personal stash of antibiotics and they will be an extremely valuable commodity one day.

          1. Don’t know about Heroin, would not know where to get it and if what I got was any good. Would just have to suck it up. I have some antibiotics and will hang on to them.
            Thanks for all your great insights.
            Like John Wayne said, “God will and the river don’t rise” it won’t come down to a shoot out.

        3. “God will and the river don’t rise” it won’t come down to a shoot out.

          It will. No other options left.

  2. A good effective pain killer has always been my biggest problem when it comes to my trama/med kit. Not only do I NOT want to use a drug bought on the streets I also do NOT want to be caught with it on my person as that will lead to a drug conviction and a reason to be demonized. I need to find a way to obtain a legal perscription to include in my kit so it will be at the ready when needed. My first choice is dilaudid because it is recommended by a very trusted combat medic. Also recommended by her as a second choice is fentanyl which comes in a gel patch that could be ingested for rapid effect. Both of which should ONLY be used in emergency as they are very dangerous and highly addictive if prolonged useage takes place.any thoughts?

    1. I think #1 is right there will be no options left. Through out history Tierney is over thrown by violence thru revolution. Hope for the best prepare for the worse. If the SS know you have weapons and they will because you did a back round check when you bought them, they will come in blazing. I can only try to get off the first shot, 12ga 00 or pumpkin ball Pain management won’t matter after that.
      Ya know even when I proof read what I write I go back and see typos. Damn

      1. Jack,just remember that with private sales/custom builds/hell,back yard machinists there are millions of firearms unregistered.That said,do not limit yourself to firearms,hell,your door gets kicked in by intruders the now broken bottles of bleach and ammonia will be a greeting card for those with ill intent.The so called war on drugs has failed miserably,heroin is potent and cheap,understand not wanting to go that route though.I and friends never use up our scrips when injured,we have small stashes for emergency,I suppose you could grow/nick your own poppies and get opium,kinda just throwing out ideas.Sucks that street drugs easily available but good quality pain killers not for folks that do want to have emergency kits to help themselves or perhaps others.

        1. I was thinking a little more radical. Gas leak with a timed detonator. I know, a bit excessive, but, I’m old, cranky and my bucket list is finished so myself and wife will most likely not be taken alive. The press would have a field day. I can almost hear the bubble headed bleach blond on the news now……

    2. I think that the most important factor in a painkiller is that it needs to be injectable(when dealing with a gunshot wound) as ingesting a fentanyl patch might be a little difficult in some situations. I am in no way more knowledgeable than a combat medic and am not trying to be I am just trying to come up with quick dirty solutions.
      Would nitrous oxide help? It is easily available – I think the kids call it party poppers(something to do with whipped cream dispensers).
      Freebased codeine could be given to the patient via a vaporiser but requires some preparation of the ingredients(prob illegal in the US to do).
      I suspect that if you want real effective pain relief available then you will have to break the law to obtain/store it.

      Henry: if this post is inapropos please delete it.

    3. If you’re looking for oral pain relief for severe pain, you’re right about Dilaudid being one. Another oral one is Oxycontin. A topical fentanyl patch is a thought.

      But with severe pain and shock from trauma such as a gunshot, deep gash/wound, shrapnel, or traumatic amputation, the digestive system shuts down, often with nausea and vomiting and lower tract evacuation, and an injectable would be needed, such as Dilaudid or morphine. Injectable fentanyl should probably be avoided, unless you have training to administer anesthesia, as it is 50 to 100 times stronger than morphine. Heroin would be a good street alternative IF you know what you’re doing.

      The only option I know of that would be risk free for the “street medic” to carry is to develop expertise with acupuncture and carry the small needles and some alcohol pads; not as effective as putting a severely physically traumatized person into the narcotic pain-free ozone, but still an option if your priority is no/low personal risk for carrying.

      Just a couple little FYIs: peroxide is not used for deep open wounds because it actually burns raw tissue to a degree. Colloidal silver would be a safe option to help clean a raw wound – it is an amazing antiseptic.

      You can go the route of securing some antibiotics, and that’s an option if you understand what type of microbes you’re likely dealing with and which antibiotics would likely be effective, but the easiest prescription is oral lipospheric/liposomal vitamin C in divided doses of several grams to 20 or 30 grams per day if necessary. It is an amazing antibiotic in the lipospheric (liposomal) form. A bit pricey purchased in one-dose packs, the capsule form is more economical. You can also make your own (provided you have electricity) by purchasing vitamin C crystals, lecithin granules, and a 2 cup-reservoir ultrasonic cleaner; the homemade version would maintain its strength for about 5 days at moderate (80 degrees or less) room temperature or about 3 weeks refrigerated.

      1. Enbe,thanks for input,how easy and is it worth it to make ones own Colloidal silver,what is other alternitives for deep wound cleansing beyond water irrigation?

  3. I agree would have to probably break the laws,but most laws should be illegal,hell,we are talking pain killers to help people out in bad situation when hospitals may not be available(though you want pain killers for recreation none of my business),am more then willing to break laws to do the right thing for people.That said,have little to no med training,but,someone bleeding out/whatever will do my best till hopefully more qualified folks come along and take over.

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