Jim Stone: Israel has a nuke in New York City. Australia guilty of laying false debris trail for MH370.

The Tap

Speaking at a brief news conference in the Hague, President Obama said he’s more worried about a nuke being detonated in Manhattan than he is about Russia:

TAP – Read that as a threat to Americans not to react aggressively against Israel for this latest false flag fail.  The fail is massively humiliating for the Rothschild Zionists, indicating that they don’t control the world’s intelligence agencies and military forces as much as they thought they did.  The threat of revenge against the world that’s not obeying is the natural next step.  My guess is that it will be highly counterproductive.  Americans should demand the removal of Obama, and the impeachment of the Zionists that believe themselves in control of America….How much more evidence do they want?  

Australia also has some work to do.


Jim Stone: Israel has a nuke in New York City.

Part of the “Samson Option”

This was proven in 2007 during a radiological sweep of New York. The Israeli embassy showed a huge spike that was off the charts. At first I thought they might just have polonium there for executions, but polonium has a short half life and would not produce a continuous radiation spike. I have no doubt the article Nuclear Blackmail is accurate and if anything goes off, well, at least you know what is up with that now abandoned “embassy”.

R sent:

G’day Jim,

Could it be that flight 370’s false debris trail (No confirmed wreckage linked to that plane yet. But they just know the plane is in that spot.) was planted so incredulously far south from where it last dropped off radar, all the way West of Perth, Australia, because being in Australian territorial waters, Illuminati Masonic-controlled Australia could be unfailingly relied upon; far more than anyone else in the region to back up their fraud and fabricated, planted evidence?

Of course they can say, “Well, it took us so long to find it, because no-one ever thought of looking for it before so far a field.”.

Now Muslim Malaysia can rightfully say to their already enraged subjects out for the government’s scalp, “Don’t blame us. It’s now out of our hands.”.

Australia’s always done the banksters’ grunt work: Viet Nam, War on (of) Terror, the Gulf Wars, Afganistan and every other war and police action. When they were Johnny-on-the-spot, helping to wreck the 2002 Bali crime scene, they were off their turf. Now they’re comfortably on it. What a master stroke.

All the best. And please keep safe.




5 thoughts on “Jim Stone: Israel has a nuke in New York City. Australia guilty of laying false debris trail for MH370.

  1. If they’re going to NUKE NY do it now and get it over with! before my oldest moves there in a few weeks.

  2. Thanks for posting this #1. You did a much better job of getting Jim’s information out than I attempted to in my comment on another article. This is very important in my opinion.
    . . .

    1. Same here, Cathleen.

      Given all the possibilities, I have to believe this one ranks very high in probability.

  3. The Apple has the largest population of Jews in the US. If Zionists were to nuke it, the attack would be flagged by a sudden exodus of Jews from the area, just as Jews fled the Twin Towers after the Israeli messenger service warned of a terrorist attack in NY City two hours before the attack on the towers.

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