California Game Warden Kills Armed Pot Grower

Stop the Drug War – by P Smith

A California game warden shot and killed a suspected marijuana grower during a raid early this morning at a federal wildlife refuge near Elk Grove. The as-yet-unidentified man becomes the 22nd person to die in US domestic drug law enforcement operations so far this year.

According to the Sacramento Bee, citing law enforcement sources, a team composed of agents from the state Department of Justice Mountain and Valley Marijuana Investigation team, the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office, and the Department of Fish and Wildlife game warden hit a suspected marijuana grow just after sunrise.  

Raiders approached the patch from several different angles, and one of the teams confronted the grower, who police said was armed.

“The man was armed and pointed his weapon at the officers,” said state Department of Justice spokeswoman Michelle Gregory. “He was told to lower that weapon but did not comply.”

“There was a mortal threat to one of the officers by the armed suspect,” said Fish and Wildlife spokesman Captain Patrick Foy.

The man was pronounced dead at the scene by paramedics.

There’s no word on whether any of the law enforcement personnel were wearing body cameras that could verify their accounts. There were apparently no other witnesses.

4 thoughts on “California Game Warden Kills Armed Pot Grower

  1. More murdering over pot by the government that spends all of its time robbing the citizens of everything.When will corrupt bankers,corrupt politicians,corrupt corporations, corrupt cops and judges,ETC. be hunted down with the same zeal? Never that when ,until the citizens revolt and do it themselves for some real justice and not the ju$tice we get from the corrupt system.

    1. I was thinking the same thing, Cracker. I’d expect people to be exacting a little revenge by now, but they sit idly by while cops murder people, the border is opened, their Bill of Rights is trashed, and all their money is stolen.

      This convinces me they’re not going to move until they’ve gone hungry for a few days, so please, let the mass starvation begin. It’s the only thing that’s going to pry these spoiled fools away from their mind-numbing television sets.

  2. a team composed of agents from the state Department of Justice Mountain and Valley Marijuana Investigation team, the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office, and the Department of Fish and Wildlife game


  3. “The man was armed and pointed his weapon at the officers,” said state Department of Justice spokeswoman Michelle Gregory. “He was told to lower that weapon but did not comply.”

    Stupid gets you killed.

    NEVER point a weapon at pigs, and then FAIL to pull the trigger.

    He had his chance, and blew it.

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