Viral Global News – by Angelina Bouc
Two men are wanted by the Santa Ana, California police after striking and killing three teenage girls on Halloween night. The three teens were crossing the street in a crosswalk near Fairhaven Elementary school when the SUV struck and killed the girls around 6:45 p.m. Friday. The Orange County Fire Captain, Steve Conciadli, stated the identities of the girls have not been released, but they were estimated to be around 13-years-old. Two of the girls were killed at the scene, the third teen was being transported by paramedics, when she succumbed to her injuries. Officials shared two of the three girls were twin sisters.
The scene, filled with costumes, happy kids and families changed to a tragic scene in an instant. Police need the public’s help to locate the missing men. The SUV was recovered at a nearby strip mall about two hours later, it was identified as a Honda CRV.

A witness said two men were in the vehicle and fled from the SUV. The horrid situation reveals the girls were properly crossing at the intersection in the 35 mph driving zone. The SUV was doing approximately 50 mph or more, and struck the girls at full force, as officers state they was no tire tracks to indicate the brakes were applied. The three teen girls were thrown over 100 feet.
Weather was not a factor in the accident. Officials dispatched counselors immediately to the area to counsel families and children who witnessed the death of the three girls.
Local channel 5 KTLA talked to an 8-year-old girl and her father who witnessed the crash. The young girl said she was friends with the twin girls, as they had protected her from bullies in the past.
Officials continue to speak to the many witnesses in the area, and ask all residents who may have information on the location of the suspects to contact police immediately. They are also looking into if the SUV was reported stolen. Currently, there has been no clear description of the suspects. Viral Global News will update this story as information becomes available.
I wonder what the odds are that it was an illegal immigrant driving the suv
Pretty damn high, hweinhard.
Santa Ana is Mexed out.
” The horrid situation reveals the girls were properly crossing at the intersection in the 35 mph driving zone. The SUV was doing approximately 50 mph or more, and struck the girls at full force, as officers state they was no tire tracks to indicate the brakes were applied. The three teen girls were thrown over 100 feet.”
There is a multitude of insane & EXTREMELY stupid drivers in this sorry-@ss state.
It’s incredible this doesn’t happen multiple times on a daily basis.
stolen vehicle, illegals, illegal driving, or murder