California jailbirds get to vote starting next year

Capital Research – by Matthew Vadum

Just days ago California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) signed into law a measure that  effective next year reinstates the voting eligibility of felons on probation or under community supervision. Inmates in state and federal prisons are not covered by the new law.

Apparently “community supervision” means “incarcerated in a county jail.”  

So criminals still serving their sentences will be allowed to vote in California. With the stroke of Brown’s pen, there could be up to 50,000 new voters in California.

Daniel Zingale, senior vice president of the California Endowment, a left-wing grant-maker, was thrilled. He spewed politically correct nonsense, as one might expect.

“California is stronger and healthier when more people participate in the electoral process,” he said. “Mass disenfranchisement for minor offenses is a tragic legacy of the Jim Crow era that disproportionately affects and diminishes the power of communities of color.”

Both the California State Sheriffs’ Association and the California Police Chiefs Association opposed the bill.

“We believe that there have to be consequences to your action, and the consequences of being a convicted felon are that you can’t vote and you can’t possess firearms,” said Kern County Sheriff Donny Youngblood, president of the sheriffs’ group.

5 thoughts on “California jailbirds get to vote starting next year

  1. Many people who are in prison don’t belong there anyway, having been convicted of victimless “crimes.”

    Besides, voting makes little if any difference to anything.

  2. “With the stroke of Brown’s pen, there could be up to 50,000 new voters in California.”

    Obummer has a pen, too.

    “We believe that there have to be consequences to your action, and the consequences of being a convicted felon are that you can’t vote and you can’t possess firearms,” said Kern County Sheriff Donny Youngblood…”


    There’s a PERIOD at the end of “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED”, @SSWIPE, in case you hadn’t noticed.

    Oh, that’s right,… your commie jewb#tch (miserable, worthless) @ss is far too busy TRASHING our Bill of Rights to worry about actually UPHOLDING it.

  3. Boy, they are really desperate for voters this election. It’s crazy. The sane people want nothing to do with this election and want everything to do with exposing it for a fraud.

    On the contrary, the elites want to continue making people believe in the fake elections even if it means grabbing every available person (illegal, felon, psychopath and so on) just to keep the system going.

    Absolutely pathetic.

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