5 thoughts on “Canadian MP: “There’s no such thing as parental rights in Canada”

  1. Sure, just let the kids run everything. They know what’s best. And give them perverted sex models and mood-altering drugs, drugs that dim any notion of any personal creativity they may still house within. Teach them about the joys and wonders of 15 minute cities. Be sure they read no real history or look upon any stirring and astounding art, art that speaks of humanity’s true experience. Surround them with all manner of obscenities. And above all, empty their minds of all independent thinking so they may fully become robotic mechanisms of compliance. And one day, best of all, they may be willing to kill their own parents.


  2. “The leftists in Canada…”

    Yet more divide & conquer BS on Twatter. Social media exists to keep the masses entranced & (re)educated. Realize that it’s not the subject matter that matters – we know this sh*t goes on every day – it’s the FRAMING that’s the important part.

    1. Hijack the social media platforms. Teach all who are there about The Bill of Rights. Encourage them to fight. Remind them their lives are their own. Push freedom at every turn. Warn against slavery and oppression. Set right the lies. Let social media become a force to be reckoned with. Get thrown off, keep coming back. Upset comfort zones. Quote Tench Coxe whenever you can. Tell the story of Samuel Whittemore. Let ’em know your own readiness to fight.

      Brings to mind that old question: “What’s the difference between a ruler and a leader? A ruler says, ‘Go!’ and a leader says, ‘Let’s go!!'”

      We are social media. We are militia. We see genocide, and not just in Gaza; it’s comin’ at us. The new book is being written and we are writing it: The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Militia.

      I know words can’t do what actual fighting can do, but they are better than doing nothing.


      1. Galen. You have the most incredible way with words. I look forward to reading your comments. Thank you for all that you do.

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