Hawaiian Supreme Court rules ‘there is no state constitutional right to carry a firearm in public’

By Thomas Stevenson – The Post Millennial

Hawaiian Supreme Court rules 'there is no state constitutional right to carry a firearm in public'

The Hawaiian Supreme Court has ruled in a new decision that “there is no state constitutional right to carry a firearm in public” and cited the “spirit of Aloha” as well as HBO’s “The Wire” in the ruling.

The ruling this week, written by Justice Todd Eddins, determined that states “retain the authority to require” citizens to hold permits before carrying guns in public. It also concluded that the Hawaiian Constitution does not afford individuals the “right to carry firearms in public places for self-defense.”

In 2017, Christopher L. Wilson was charged with felonies by the County of Maui Department of the Prosecuting Attorney for carrying a “Phoenix Arms .22 LR caliber pistol, loaded with ten rounds of .22 caliber ammunition” in his waistband.

Wilson had been walking on the fenced property of Flyin Hawaiian Zipline, according to owner Duane Ting. Ting reported this to the police and gathered Wilson and his fellow compatriots with an all-terrain vehicle armed with an AR-15 so they could be held before law enforcement arrived.

When approached by officers, Wilson verbally informed and showed them the firearm in his waistband. It had not been registered in Hawaii as he bought the gun legally in 2013 in the state of Florida.

After being charged, Wilson and his legal representation took the matter to the state Supreme Court, arguing that the law on the books in Hawaii violated his Second Amendment right.

In question was Hawaii’s Revised Statutes (HRS) § 134-25 law that says citizens must keep all firearms “confined to the possessor’s place of business, residence, or sojourn” unless it is carried unloaded in public “in an enclosed container from the place of purchase to the purchaser’s place of business, residence, or sojourn, or between these places” when the firearm is in need of repair, to be used at a target range, or for other purposes.

“Any person violating this section by carrying or possessing a loaded or unloaded pistol or revolver shall be guilty of a class B felony,” the penalty to the law adds.

“Article I, section 17 of the Hawaii Constitution mirrors the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution,” Eddins stated in the ruling. “We read those words differently than the current United States Supreme Court. We hold that in Hawaii there is no state constitutional right to carry a firearm in public.”

Eddins wrote that the “spirit of Aloha clashes” with the Second Amendment in the Constitution of the United States, calling the amendment the “federally-mandated lifestyle that lets citizens walk around with deadly weapons during day-to-day activities.”

“In Hawaii, the Aloha Spirit inspires constitutional interpretation,” Eddins added.

“As the world turns, it makes no sense for contemporary society to pledge allegiance to the founding era’s culture, realities, laws, and understanding of the Constitution,” the ruling states.

In addition to this, Eddins quotes HBO’s “The Wire,” writing the ruling, “The thing about the old days, they the old days.”

Charlie Kirk reacted to the ruling on X, saying, “The Hawaii Supreme Court essentially declares the entire Constitution null and void in their state.”

5 thoughts on “Hawaiian Supreme Court rules ‘there is no state constitutional right to carry a firearm in public’

  1. This just killed me:

    “In Hawaii, the Aloha Spirit inspires constitutional interpretation.”

    So now, is EVERYTHING open to interpretation?!! Well I interpret this as TREASON!!

    If you talk to some real Hawaiians, they’ll tell you that “aloha” is fierce and just because it is so loving that doesn’t mean it’s a doormat. They know what’s been stolen.

    This killed me again:

    “As the world turns, it makes no sense for contemporary society to pledge allegiance to the founding era’s culture, realities, laws, and understanding of the Constitution.”

    Of course we know when they say “Constitution” they really mean Bill of Rights. For them those 3 little words are to hot to let seep out. May inspire mayhem and lead to liberty.


  2. They basically just said “You are not born with unalienable rights; you are born a slave. We are your masters & we tell you what to do & what not to do.”

  3. Hmm…..I believe there’s a Second Article to the Bill of Rights which supersedes any state constitution. Does the Supreme council know how to read something so simple or are they just plain dumb?

  4. ALL .. EVERY SINGLE.. NO EXCEPTION.. gun “law” is a violation. when everything is a fraud then it’s perfectly normal to say stupid shit like that. in Birmingham city limits Walmart cannot sell guns . but you can go 6 miles up the road to Trussville Walmart and buy guns. that’s how stupid and silly it is.. I do believe Henry calls it GOOFY! it’s also racist.. in the city limits probably 80pct is black and in Trussville 94pct White.. because it’s a fraud.. they contradict themselves in everything they do.. Alabama passed “constitutional carry” Jan 1st last year.. I’ve been carrying every day 24/7 since the day after they killed Lavoy Finicum on Jan 26 2016.. and I damn sure didn’t need them to tell my im ALLOWED!!

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