2 thoughts on “Candace Owens: The Jеws working in the World Trade Center were forewarned about the 9/11 attack and didn’t go to work that day.

  1. She’s sayin’ what 9/11 truthers were saying over 2 decades ago, but unlike us, she is given a public platform. Yet, she’s sayin’ it. Why now? To keep the truthers involved/pissed? I don’t know. But I see all sides stirring things up. Gotta keep us stirred up. God forbid we have a peaceful existence, but seems that today, those who simply seek a peaceful existence are basically terrorists.


    1. There is no peaceful existence while at war , and we should never allow our enemies a moments rest

      The evil ones knows the truth is out of the bag , its come to the stage of normalizing it

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