Carmel NY Mom Shreds DemonRat Bd. of Ed. for Inculcating Children with Communist Values


June 9th, 2021.

Thanks to the determination and grit of Carmel, NY mom, Tatiana Ibrahim, June 1, 2021 may one day come to be celebrated as “Independence Day from Subversive School Boards Who Advocate Communist Values & Propaganda Themes”

She said exactly what SHOULD be said to the THOUSANDS of Leftist/Marxist school boards that have sprung up across the American landscape in the past 20 years thanks to the untiring efforts of the DemonRat Communists of America to install their fifth columnists into every facet of political, social, and family life in America in order to indoctrinate, de-moralize and inculcate our children with anti-Western Christian Civilization, society-destroying memes and propaganda. …Ken Adachi

Tatiana Ibrahim
“We need to unite in the fight to end Critical Race Theory”

One thought on “Carmel NY Mom Shreds DemonRat Bd. of Ed. for Inculcating Children with Communist Values

  1. She’s not completely wrong but hopefully she will fully awaken somewhere down the track soon & realize that this whole left/right thing is complete BS. DemonRats/Repubicunts = different teams in the same kosher game as in “what flavor of communism would you like today madame?”. At least she sounds like she’s headed in the right direction & she’s hinting at knowing what really needs to happen (bar the “court” refence) but tbh I’m getting less & less tolerant of all this right-wing garbage being fed to everyone as “anti-communist” rhetoric.

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