CDC Director says people who aren’t up to date on boosters or people who are unvaccinated should get the vaccine for the old variants now, but it might delay the ability to get the new one that’s coming in mid-September.

3 thoughts on “CDC Director says people who aren’t up to date on boosters or people who are unvaccinated should get the vaccine for the old variants now, but it might delay the ability to get the new one that’s coming in mid-September.

  1. Having studied body language, it looks like this “CDC Director” is having trouble trying not to seem facetious…. and notice she pulls a Kill Bates with her hand waving? Bwahahahahahahahahahah!

    1. I actually worked for a City Council for almost 2 decades. Without giving too much away, 10 years of that was on the ground in a “coalface” hands-on role doing actual physical work making my part of the City a better place for people who physically used it. It was satisfying work & I certainly felt like I was doing it for my fellow humans around me. After that I was assigned to a supposedly months-long project at a corporate level (the dreaded “office job” I said I would never do!) to develop systems to better manage usage of those same facilities that I had an intimate hands-on knowledge of. I had already decided that I was going to leave employment when that project concluded but it turned into almost another prolonged decade of working on this one thing. During that time I was able to do all kinds of courses on things like body language, etc mainly because they interested me as well as develop new skills around general computer software & hardware usage (I made the most out of my time there!). These courses were obviously designed for staff aspiring to higher positions in Council (definitely not me!) who would then go on to use these learned “skills” when dealing with the public & other concerned parties & “stakeholders”. I actually hated pretty much all of the corporate types I came into contact with there who were really materialistic “fake” people wallowing in this artificial anti-human corporate world & who lapped up all this BS they learned in these courses. I couldn’t get out of there soon enough when I finally decided to quit & “get back to my roots”!

  2. It amazes me how no one can speak their own thoughts anymore. They just read everything off a teleprompter like this woman. Nothing says, “I can read a teleprompter” like this woman.

    It’s like a teacher trying to teach without a teacher’s book. They become a malfunctioning robot. “Danger! Danger! What do I do?! How will I ever know the answers? I’m not trained for this!”


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