The govt says the wind industry isn’t killing whales, but it is. Here’s the proof: another dead one, nicknamed “Faith.” They found her yesterday at the @Orsted Southfork Wind site (#517), Rhode Island, right next to the (yellow) turbine base. 71st whale killed since last Dec

One thought on “The govt says the wind industry isn’t killing whales, but it is. Here’s the proof: another dead one, nicknamed “Faith.” They found her yesterday at the @Orsted Southfork Wind site (#517), Rhode Island, right next to the (yellow) turbine base. 71st whale killed since last Dec

  1. So I guess the WEF and the rest of Satan’s minions want to “re-imagine our world” without whales…and birds and bats (wind turbins) and the rest of nature (DEW and govt.-sponsored arson etc. fires, geoengineered droughts and floods, releasing Fukushima radiation to destroy the Pacific…I could go on)…. and create man-made-insects (gee thanks Kill Bates!) for us deplorables to eat, but just as long as the minions of Satan get to eat all the nature they want. In other words, the world they “re-imagine” looks a lot like the movie “Soylent Green.”

    Sorry, psychos, it won’t work–see Revelation 11:18.

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