Charmin debuts a toilet paper robot and a bathroom smell sensor at CES 2020

Tech Republic – by N.F. Mendoza

Charmin is getting a bit cheeky at CES 2020 with a toilet paper robot.

That’s right, a TP bot. It will bring your toilet paper to you in a hurry if you find yourself stranded on the commode without a roll. Consider it the ultimate in a smart home. 

The bathroom, the last bastion of privacy from high tech, now has its own robot, thanks to Proctor & Gamble’s Charmin’s GoLab. At least, in theory. The product is one of three that P&G is debuting at CES 2020 as a concept, but that won’t be available for sale to the public.

Anxiety-plagued Mr. Whipple and his pleas of “Please don’t squeeze the Charmin” during the long-running ad campaign of 1965 to 2000 couldn’t have predicted that his precious product would regain the spotlight for a robot that brings toilet paper, a VR experience, and a sensor for smells.

Read the rest and see the pics here:

3 thoughts on “Charmin debuts a toilet paper robot and a bathroom smell sensor at CES 2020

  1. Funny, I am sitting down right now and getting ready to paint a jackson pollack.

    I am neither drunk nor a joo but I bet if I was I could sell it for a cool million.

    The robot can f off but I’d like to have the creator of such a ridiculous spy contraption held captive in my private studio right now.

  2. Wow. Either the people of the world are completely lazy and need a nanny for everything or the elite really are desperate to make sure you have zero privacy and that every corner of the Earth is being monitored by them.

    If I see one of those robots, I’ll be sure to shit in my drawers and hang it over the robot’s face saying, “Hey buddy, take care of this for me, please.”

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