Chicken factory farmer speaks out

Published on Dec 3, 2014 by CompassionUSA

After 22 years of raising chickens for Perdue, one brave factory farmer Craig Watts was at his breaking point and did something no one has done before. He invited us, as farm animal welfare advocates, to his farm to film and tell his story. Ask your supermarket for Better Chicken at

2 thoughts on “Chicken factory farmer speaks out

  1. I’m gong to guess that Purdue, or some other chicken industry organization produced this video, because it concentrates on humane treatment of the chickens and doesn’t mention the worst of what the chicken industry does.

    There’s no mention of genetic modification, antibiotics, or growth hormones, but instead these “whistle blowers” are leading us to believe that animal cruelty is the worst of what they’re guilty of.

    Too many people are starting to learn about the horrors of factory farming, so the chicken industry was forced to produce this “limited hang out” piece, and they’ll respond to their own criticism by announcing “new humane practices”, and that will settle the fears of consumers who only know half the story — the half that Purdue decided to tell them about.

    See how that works? They’ll continue to sell poison chicken, and the consumer will think that the problems of factory farming have been addressed.

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