As families gather together for Christmas, the talk around the table this year will be unique in comparing to those past. The existence of the lie that we Americans have been living in for too many years can no longer be denied. Twenty-eight million of us have lost our jobs, many of us our pensions and homes, and those still lucky enough to be working realize that they are next. We have been witnessing the execution of a deliberate plan to disenfranchise and dispossess we the people and leave us in a third world hell.
Fortunately for us and unfortunately for our enemies, the international corporate mafia, through communicating with one another on the internet, there has been a great awakening. The sleeping giant has risen from his slumber and quite frankly, he is pissed. We the people, in returning to our Constitution, are now preparing to lay to waste those who would have enslaved us had we been less diligent. It is indeed quite sobering to see how close we have come to the abyss.
Once we have elected Ron Paul as president and reinstated our Republic under our Constitution we must put in place new safeguards to make sure the sleazy international elitists never infiltrate us to this depth again.
Barring unforeseen circumstances, we will have Dr. Paul in our White House come 2013. All should be advised and realize this is not the end of the fight. The fact is this is where it begins. Considering the size and momentum of the internal insurgency, which has been unleashed upon us, first we must stop it before we can destroy it and it will be like stopping a freight train. It will not happen in an instant and we all are going to have to roll up our sleeves and get to work applying the brakes.
Don’t get me wrong. If these insurgent bastards make an attempt to stop our efforts through force, we will derail the train, and though it will be a bigger mess to clean up, one way or another this shit is going to stop. We have a lot of hard work ahead of us but the reward that awaits us is more than any of us can dream. And when we are finished and get to sit down for a well deserved rest, oh what a day that will be.
So this Christmas communicate with your family and friends. Make plans and prepare. This thing is coming to a head and literally how we act and react from day to day will determine how bad things are going to get before they get better. Always keep in mind our enemies are the few and we are the many. We cannot be stopped and we are going to have our country back.
Have a Merry Christmas.
God bless this Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.
Merry Christmas to you and your family Henry! 🙂
Thank you, and to you and yours, also. 🙂
Hi henry thanks my friend your words kept me alive i back in the fight im appologise for dumping my shit on you i was never more alone in my life im a 100 percent thank you again have a merry christmas and lets hope next year get’s better your friend Brian Sargeant
Glad you are back. I don’t know if the new year is going to be any better, but I for one intend to cause an effect.
Have a Merry Christmas and a better New Year.
Your friend, Henry
Merry Christmas to you, Henry, and the rest of my friends on this site, from me and everyone at the shelter. Keep us in your prayers. Lord knows, we need ’em. Happy Birthday, Jesus !
And a Merry Christmas to you, brother.
I want to wish Everyone in the Trenches a Good Christmas. May we All find a bit of Joy and Peace. Love to All of you.
Here’s to Making it a Better Year in 2012.
Merry Christmas to all you great people on this site. God Bless you all. Hope 2012 brings us some good cheer. 2011 was a disaster. May the good Lord straighten out the wrongs that the corrupt in congress have forced upon us.
Amen, brother.
Merry Christmas to a great bunch of American Patriots! Hope to see a happier New Year!
Not to be pessimistic but I hope this website is here next Christmas.Otherwise we’ll be fighting for it.I just chewed Terry Branstad’s ass (Iowa governor) on email for reporting to the media that if Ron Paul wins forget it.Look to who comes in second or third.I told that worthless son of a bitch he’s done in Iowa or anywhere else.And he is.Ron Paul will win by 10% and since that worthless asshole Branstad opened his big mouth I’m predicting 12.5%The most influential statement that dumb bastard ever made ,much to his dismay.Merry Christmas,everyone!
Happy Holidays to all on this site, and thanks for all the great information and insight on the government bs. I await, anxiously, and read all the articles and comments diligently… and still hoping for the real revolution to begin!!
Ready in Denver