Chuck Schumer Received Thousands in Donations from Jeffrey Epstein

Political Insider

Sen. Chuck Schumer has called for Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta to resign and has even said President Trump should “answer” for his relationship with pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

But there’s one thing Schumer hasn’t talked about: He received thousands in donations from Epstein over a number of years during the 1990s. 

The New York Post reported Wednesday, “Federal Election Commission records show that Schumer received seven $1,000 donations from Epstein between 1992 and 1997, first as a US congressman from New York and then when he was vying to be the state’s senator in 1998, an election he won.”

“Epstein — who was arrested Saturday and charged with sex trafficking and a related conspiracy count for allegedly sexually abusing a vast network of underage girls — also gave $10,000 to Victory in New York, a joint fundraising committee established by Schumer and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,” the report continued. “Epstein gave an additional $5,000 to Win New York, a Schumer-associated joint committee that benefited the Liberal Party of New York state.”

Schumer Is A Hypocrite

So there is a clear financial link between Schumer and Epstein. Is Schumer going to “answer” for his relationship with this horrible man, as he demands of President Trump?

“Both of Epstein’s donations to the committees came in October 1998 — and look to have primarily benefited the DSCC and the Liberal Party of New York, as Epstein would have already met the $2,000 limit on donating individually to Schumer,” the Post continued. “At the time, donors could give $1,000 to a candidate per election — once in the primary and again in the general.”

“That means Schumer and Schumer-linked entities received a combined $22,000,” the Post deduced.

Granted this isn’t a lot of money for politicians at Schumer’s level, but when he’s attacking the president over his past relationships (and curiously ignoring Bill Clinton’s friendship with Epstein) it could become an issue.

Angelo Roefaro, Schumer ‘s spokesman responded, “While these campaign accounts closed about 20 years ago, and even then the campaign never controlled the two political action committees (PACs), Senator Schumer is donating an equal sum to anti-sex trafficking and anti-violence against women groups.”

That sounds great, but when will Chuck Schumer answer for his donations received from Jeffrey Epstein?

Political Insider

4 thoughts on “Chuck Schumer Received Thousands in Donations from Jeffrey Epstein

  1. This is why fkstein is so dangerous , he donates huge to the enemy so he can gain strength. They allow him to operate his hedge fund, then donating back the cash. These hedge funds are a scam, allowed to operate with borrowed money from banks playing with American National dollars.

    Yesterday Katie asked a damn good question. Why is Epstein relevant? Well, this is why. Him and all the other billionaires operating hedge funds are crooks, allowed to operate, hurting everybody else, because eventually, WE PAY FOR IT WHILE THEY GET RICH.

    The hedge funds,for the most part is speculating, allowing the false pretense of huge gains, problem is only person getting rich is the SOB running it

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