City of Seattle Paying Antifa Militants to Write F**k Police on BLM Mural

Summit News – by Paul Joseph Watson

The city of Seattle is literally paying Antifa militants to write “f**k police” and “all cops are bastards” (ACAB) on Black Lives Matter murals near the infamous CHOP zone, according to a far-left live streamer.

Kitty Shackleford shared clips from the individual’s live stream which went out on Monday, which show the mural tagged with phrases like “abolish capitalism,” “ACAB,” “no good cops in a racist system,” & “abolish ICE”.

“The funniest thing about this is… the city of Seattle is paying me to do this, so it’s beautiful, you know what I’m saying,” the live streamer says while laughing.

He also makes clear that BLM is “coming for” Mayor Jenny Durkan next, despite her literally overseeing financial aid to the agitators.

The mural is also tagged with the words “100% Antifa,” a reference to the manifesto of Antifa terrorist Michael Reinoehl who murdered Trump supporter Aaron Danielson in cold blood in Portland in late August.

SDOT announced that it will maintaining the integrity of the mural, which deteriorates much faster than other surfaces, and that the total cost will remain unknown until the project is finished.


The city of Seattle is literally paying Antifa militants to write “f**k police” and “all cops are bastards” (ACAB) on Black Lives Matter murals near the infamous CHOP zone, according to a far-left live streamer.

Kitty Shackleford shared clips from the individual’s live stream which went out on Monday, which show the mural tagged with phrases like “abolish capitalism,” “ACAB,” “no good cops in a racist system,” & “abolish ICE”.

“The funniest thing about this is… the city of Seattle is paying me to do this, so it’s beautiful, you know what I’m saying,” the live streamer says while laughing.

He also makes clear that BLM is “coming for” Mayor Jenny Durkan next, despite her literally overseeing financial aid to the agitators.

The mural is also tagged with the words “100% Antifa,” a reference to the manifesto of Antifa terrorist Michael Reinoehl who murdered Trump supporter Aaron Danielson in cold blood in Portland in late August.

SDOT announced that it will maintaining the integrity of the mural, which deteriorates much faster than other surfaces, and that the total cost will remain unknown until the project is finished.

“Imagine thinking you’re a revolutionary fighting the system when you’re getting paid by the system to take part in said “revolution,” writes Chris Menahan.

One fears for the future of cities like Seattle given that the controlling authorities, not merely the rioters, are pro-Antifa.

As we highlighted yesterday, the likely next Mayor of Portland is also a vehement Antifa supporter and recently wore a skirt which championed the legacy of Chairman Mao, the Communist dictator who was responsible for the deaths of around 50 million people.

Summit News

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