Coincidence … or Is It? Planned Parenthood ‘Sting’ Video Isn’t First to Derail Legislation

Yahoo News – by Jennifer Gerson Uffalussy

A video released on Tuesday by an organization calling itself the Center for Medical Progress says it details a lunch meeting wherein Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s senior director of medical services, discusses how the tissue and organs from aborted fetuses can be best harvested to then be utilized for medical research.  

The video, through not-so-subtle editing, implies that Planned Parenthood is in the business of encouraging women to abort fetuses so that the organization may then sell the fetal parts for profit. Nucatola appears to say that it costs $30 to $100 purchase baby organs. This has been markedly denounced as untrue by both Planned Parenthood itself and outside journalistic entities.

There are several very unusual circumstances surrounding the video, perhaps most notably the timing of its release, which corresponded with action in the House around a bipartisan-authored bill that would support the manufacture and sale of a commemorative coin, the sale of which would fund various breast cancer research and support services initiatives. The bill denoted that half of the funds raised from the coin would go to Susan G. Komen, the breast cancer education, research, advocacy, and health and support services organization. Komen, however, gives grants to Planned Parenthood for the conducting of breast cancer screenings for women who oftentimes would be unable to otherwise afford or access these kinds of screenings.

On Tuesday morning, the bill had 307 co-sponsors in Congress, including 142 Republicans. By Tuesday afternoon, following the release of the video, enough congressional Republicans had rescinded their support for the bill to effectively end it before it could even begin — purportedly because of their desire to not show support for an organization that funds Planned Parenthood (and, per the video’s unfounded allegations, the illegal sale of fetal organs).

6 thoughts on “Coincidence … or Is It? Planned Parenthood ‘Sting’ Video Isn’t First to Derail Legislation

  1. Planned Parenthood has the federal tentacles involved…the federal “for-profit” government.

  2. after seeing this I contacted my state’s senators and linked this vid to them and demanded fed funding be pulled from planned parenthood and criminal charges should be brought

  3. They’re no different than the Jewish ghouls that work the organ donation rackets. They kill people to sell their body parts, too.

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