Colorado Girl Scouts Not Allowed To Sell Cookies To Hungry Stoners

Pat Dollard

DENVER (CBS4) – Customers of some marijuana shops are finding they don’t have to go far if they have a case of the munchies since Girl Scouts are selling cookies right outside the front door.

A Girl Scout in San Francisco sold about 117 boxes in just two hours outside a medical marijuana shop.

But those in Colorado will have to go a lot further for cookies because Girl Scouts here are keeping their distance.  

Katherine Kneeland is a Girl Scout troop leader and said she would never ask her troop to make more money by trying to sell to people who buy marijuana at stores that sell the drug legally.

“I don’t think I’d want my daughter to set up a booth in front of a dispensary,” said Kneeland.

Although pot shops are becoming a big market in the state, it’s one the Girl Scouts of Colorado don’t want to get into.

They issued a statement that reads, “We recognize these are legitimate businesses, but we don’t feel they are an appropriate place for girls to be selling cookies in Colorado.”

However, reaction to this statement is split.

“If it’s safe go for it. I’m sure they’ll sell a lot of freaking cookies because people will get high and want to eat food,” said a Denver resident.

“I think whatever they feel is right is what they should do,” said Denver resident Amanda Legos, who buys cookies every year.

Kneeland hopes the Girl Scout’s idea in California doesn’t catch on and change tradition.

“It brings something to light, something to mind, and will start a discussion,” Kneeland said.

Aside from pot shops, the Girl Scouts of Colorado said other places that are off limits are bars, strip clubs, casinos and liquor stores.

11 thoughts on “Colorado Girl Scouts Not Allowed To Sell Cookies To Hungry Stoners

  1. That’s it squash a entrepreneurial brilliant idea that is a money maker, how smart is that. You can not hide this from kids they are not dumb. Besides they are finding out that this plant is not as dangerous as they thought and can do great things. Are all moms this dumb?

  2. Sounds like the girl scouts are discriminating against legitmate businesses.
    Yea this kneeland has a lot of nerve to demand this. Yea, she is setting a Fine example isn`t she.
    Perhaps we all aught to ban buying girl scout cookies, as I cannot reccomend them to any one after hearing this. Are they also going to not sell to people just because they look stoned or intoxicated or perhaps are skinny and have long hair – it wouldn`t surprise me one bit – now too!! Yea, I wonder if they got their sollicitation license to go door to door begging people to buy their cookies now.

  3. fine be that way
    the GS cookie sales is just a child labor deal for a cooperate conglomerate that screws over the girls that sell these cookies anyways, I personally know how bad they F over these kids..yeah give them the promise of a 1″ tall pewter kitten statue for selling a thousand boxes of cookies netting the company hundreds and the troop doesn’t even see to it that the kid that did the work is sufficiently compensated for their time, and no they really don’t benefit their troop by becoming a work slave that in any other type of job it would be illegal for the company to employ children of this age and than screw them on even getting “paid” for what they have done..what a racket, and it should be illegal anyways

  4. HAHAHA!!! This is hilarious.

    Oh come on! She’s making money. Isn’t that the idea?

    Besides, aren’t the girl scouts and boy scouts a part of a type of “society” anyways? Don’t they have their “fraternity”/”sorority” kind of codes and all? If so, I’m pretty sure they are street smarts and know just where to setup shop and sell.

    Good for this girl. I’ll buy her Girl Scout cookies just for being business smart.

  5. NEVER liked Girl Scout cookies.

    Especially when I can whip up my chocolate oatmeal cookies, which are better than anything you can find in the stores.

    Excluding certain bakeries, that is.

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