Congress demands answers from Trump about Iran general’s death


(AP) – Two top Senate Democrats are calling on President Donald Trump to immediately declassify the administration’s reasoning for the deadly strike on an Iranian official.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and the Senate Foreign Relation Committee’s Sen. Robert Menendez say there’s “no legitimate justification” for keeping the information from the public.

Schumer and Menendez say in a Monday letter to Trump the White House’s classified notification sent to Congress Saturday under the War Powers Act was insufficient.

Trump has warned the U.S. will levy harsh sanctions against Iraq if it expels American troops in retaliation for the strike in Baghdad that killed Gen. Qassem Soleimani.

In Tehran, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei offered prayers and wept over the casket of Soleimani.

It was a rare display of emotion from the typically reserved and measured Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. His voice cracked as he prayed during a funeral that drew throngs of people to Iran’s capital of Tehran.

The massive crowd wailed in response. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and other top officials stood beside Khamenei.

The emotion showcased the depth of the bond Khamenei had with Soleimani and gave insight into how his death is being felt personally by the supreme leader.

It could also impact how Khamenei responds to the United States.

Soleimani’s killing Friday in a U.S. drone strike has prompted a vow by his successor to take revenge.

Also, Tehran has abandoned the remaining limits of its 2015 nuclear deal with world powers in response to the slaying.

Separately, Iraq’s parliament has called for the expulsion of all American troops from Iraqi soil.

One thought on “Congress demands answers from Trump about Iran general’s death

  1. Or what ?
    They will impeach him again?
    If he’s really the loose cannon they say he is
    Why are they playing word games ?, lock him up!

    Seems to me ALL the Clowns in DC need their depends undergarments changed
    Because every one of them have the same crosshairs on them as we do, and all their enemies
    are not only Foreign or domestic

    Anyone can be found ….

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