Convicted tax evader Elaine Brown to be released early from prison

WMUR – by Ray Brewer

A Plainfield woman who was sentenced to 35 years in prison for failing to pay federal income tax on nearly $2 million is being released early.

Elaine Brown, 79, has served 12 years of her sentence since she and her husband, Ed Brown, were convicted in 2007. After they were convicted, the Browns and several supporters holed up in their fortified Plainfield compound for eight months, often threatening violence before they were arrested.

Friday’s resentencing hearing came about in because part of the law Elaine Brown was convicted under was found to be unconstitutional.

In reducing Elaine Brown’s sentence to time served, U.S. Circuit Judge George Singal said the justice system can provide mercy, as well as punishment.

Singal, who presided over the original trial, said Elaine Brown had repented and rehabilitated herself during her 12 years in prison and no longer represented a threat to the public.

Brown’s daughter also spoke in court, telling the judge that Ed Brown manipulated her mother, and now that she is no longer under his influence, she has once again become a loving person.

Elaine Brown is scheduled to be released from prison on Feb. 28 and then go to live with her son in Massachusetts. She will be on probation and has also been ordered not to have any contact with her husband, from whom she is seeking a divorce.

Ed Brown is still in prison and is awaiting his resentencing hearing.

8 thoughts on “Convicted tax evader Elaine Brown to be released early from prison

  1. ‘Friday’s resentencing hearing came about in because part of the law Elaine Brown was convicted under was found to be unconstitutional.’ ….. which part of the law would that be, hmmm?

  2. From another article.

    “In prison, she took a religion-based Life Connections course, which helped her sort her actions out, she said. She said a Bible verse that encouraged believers to submit to civil authorities hit home with her.”

    missed that part. I disagree.

    “She had faced a mandatory minimum sentence on the weapons charge she was convicted on, Aframe said. But in June, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in U.S. vs. Davis that mandatory sentences for gun crimes were unconstitutional.
    They based the ruling on due process and 5th amendment matters, he said.”

    mighty white of them.
    Sure glad these people decide.

  3. May justice be found one of these days against the crimes and tyranny from all levels of this faux entity calling itself the American Government.

    There is No Law or Valid Government In America since the removal of our people’s court jurisdictions and our ability to process our own justice against all violations of our BOR’s.

    I don’t blame her one bit for saying or doing ANYTHING at all to get out of their cages. Ain’t nobody going to brake out the poor unlawfully incarcerated folks from these cages.

    I hope she doesn’t actually believe any of that BS and will get out and start preparing for the true justice that is coming to our lands.

    Take heed all you violators and destroyers of our Bill of rights at every level….once the switch is tripped there is no going back.

    And there are wayyyyyy more of us who actually believe in freedom than there are of you who are being paid to protect the traitors and enforce their edicts.

    These lands will one day see again; American Freedom, Sovereignty and the liberty that was enshrined in our bill of rights, that enumeration which restricted the criminal construct know as the Constitution, a created mechanism meant to enslave the people.

    How vial are those among us everywhere whom proclaim they are free. We don’t serve government, and we don’t submit to “authorities” of any kind…
    Imagine if the true founders of our nation and Bill of rights had that belief.

    There would never have been an uprising with that attitude…!

    1. ‘ the criminal construct know as the Constitution, a created mechanism meant to enslave the people. ‘
      ‘Con’ is right

  4. Wow, it’s been a long time since I’ve heard of these folks. Such a tragedy for them both.
    Sounds like she’s been reprogramed to never question the official narrative.

  5. Ha! I remember when Jones was championing these people, standin’ right beside them ’till the stuff hit the fan and then he puffed, backed away at full speed.

    Oh Alex, how you led us away from the truth, tossing little morsels to tempt us, but most of us stopped biting and would not join you in your gate-keeping extroidinaire. How do you sleep at night, Alex?


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