Cop: Americans Should “Get on Your Knees” Below Police and Thank Them for Giving Their Lives to You

Filming Cops – by Jean Strong

The Colorado State Lodge Fraternal Order of Police site has posted a rant saying that citizens ought to “get on their knees and thank” cops for looking after them.

Portions of the rant are highlighted here at length, because it must be read to be believed and recognized for the absolute narcissistic, psychopathic, arrogant drivel that it is.  

In case you haven’t noticed…there is a war going on in our own streets today…it’s a war on law enforcement and unless YOU want to walk the line between good and evil, maybe YOU should do something to stop that war. Only YOU can make a difference and WE as a community everywhere must take a stand against those who would like to see our law enforcement officers neutered and defenseless. Our officers need to know that they are supported by their community and their leadership. Far too many today are more worried about being sued when they have to make a split second life or death decision that will experience days, weeks, months or years of armchair quarterbacking by the ill-informed.

I’ve walked that thin line. I have many members of my family that walk that thin line still today. I have many friends who I call brother or sister that walk that thin line, and many more that have recently left the line. For those I say their lives matter, they made a difference, they did something that mattered, and when one of them dies…guess what, I’ll hashtag the hell out of my mourning because by whatever God you worship or don’t, by all things holy, #BlueLivesMatter.


Instead of you getting on some high horse thinking that you are being so damned enlightened with your “All Lives Matter” bullshit,you should be getting on your knees thanking each and every one of those people who gave their live so you can sleep at night, so you can walk the street, so you can enjoy the safety that they provide. Will any of them ever ask for your thanks, no. Do they deserve it, you bet they do.

If I’ve offended you, I honestly don’t give a shit. You’re an adult, get over it or move on. And honestly, if you get offended that easily and don’t or won’t support our law enforcement officers then I really don’t have the time for you so good riddance. You are part of the problem.

Author: William James Manifold

This pathetic little man is a prime example of the sociopaths with god complexes that permeate law enforcement.

For every “good” cop, there appears to be several of these.

He demands not just respect, but adoration.

Evidently, if you don’t worship him you are evil.

This puny-minded, conceited, self-important, bombastic, self-aggrandizing jackass is not worth the ground that peons piss on.

He is a disgusting, pretentious loud-mouth on an ego trip.

He is a disgrace to the badge, to the American people and to the country.

Watch another cop demand respect from citizens after a 12-yr-old boy was shot to death by police:

Author Bio: Jean is an advocate for accountability for all lawless actions by cops and civilians. She lives in Alaska with her dogs of uncertain heritage and an occasional cat or two.


25 thoughts on “Cop: Americans Should “Get on Your Knees” Below Police and Thank Them for Giving Their Lives to You

  1. Yeah, I’m sure he fears for his life all the time while he’s writing tickets and generating revenue for his communist masters. Seems like all the pigs have a God complex these days.

  2. An America citizen is 1000 times more likely to be murdered by a law enforcement person than a terrorist. To date, 3 innocent civilians are murdered by cops in the US of A every day this year.FELL SAFE?????

  3. “…….Thank Them for Giving Their Lives to You.”
    You didn’t even START giving your lives yet.

    This line sums things up nicely:
    “This pathetic little man is a prime example of the sociopaths with god complexes that permeate law enforcement.”

    This article provides more proof (as if we needed more) that cops are delusional psychopaths. We have to remove every last one of them if we ever want to restore law and order, and sanity to this country. They’re the single biggest criminal element we have in this country, and thankfully, more and more people are beginning to realize that..

    1. Considering most cops weigh about 300 pounds (all those donuts), they ARE “the single biggest criminal element we have in this country”!

  4. Typical psychological profile of the personality traits law enforcement strives for. “Are you a dickwad?” Yeah. Your hired!

  5. Wow! God complex with a big side of respect mah authortah. What a POS! A three inch stiletto should do the trick. Why waste ammo on an empty skull such as his. Frickin criminal.

  6. “For every “good” cop, there appears to be several of these.”


    GOOD COP???

    You had me up to that point.

  7. “I’ve walked that thin line.”

    From the look of that waistline, it couldn’t have been more than a couple dozen feet or so.

    Far more likely you snorted that ‘thin line’.


      1. I’ve lost far more family & friends to the so-called ‘medical’ establishment and their toxic cancer ‘treatments’.

        But that could change soon, considering.

        1. What? End of days? Jimmy Swaggert has all the answers. He alone, keeps Visine in business with his tear-jerking sermons. “Yes, Jesus will strike you down unless you “pony up”. “Otherwise, I may have to f*#k another whore”!

  8. I can’t imagine the “power trip” these delusional a$$holes have putting their badge on in the mirror, adjusting their hat, strapping their holster on and believing what’s plastered on their patrol car, “Protect and Serve”. Mace, baton, taser, check! Parking enforcement ready for duty!

  9. Do what a pig tells you to do. F¥€£ Them!
    They work for us and they answer to the people.
    That needs to be taught to them again!
    They think that they Rule over us. This is going to get people killed.

    1. “going to get people killed” What, are we starting the count from here forward? I get your point though, Brian USN.

  10. Sure. I’ll gladly get on my knees….as I point a double barreled shotgun at your groin and pull the trigger. 😉

    1. Dammit NC, you made me read my Jimmy Swaggert comment from last night. May the good lord not spank me soon!

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