Cop Kicks, Pushes and Trips Teen Girls After High School Soccer Match

Activist Post – by Amanda Warren

Vandergraft High School in Austin, Texas made a historic soccer win on Saturday. The Lady Vipers took home thestate title. Naturally, students swarmed the field in victorious fervor.

But an unnamed Georgetown Police Officer didn’t like that display of good cheer. He is caught on camera tripping a female, attempting to trip another, kicking, pushing down two other girls and in one video, violently grabbing a young man.

He also had no qualms openly abusing students in front of crowds of people and cameras.


What type of mental illness or abusive disorder do you call that?

State-sanctioned violence, apparently. We aren’t holding our breath for the investigation.

Suffice it to say, though, a lot of parents and some students found the officer’s behavior abhorrent and don’t understand it.

Here is some footage from the student, Rohan Gupta, mentioned in the news piece above:

15 thoughts on “Cop Kicks, Pushes and Trips Teen Girls After High School Soccer Match

  1. Aaaah, doesn’t that just make you proud of “Georgetown’ s finest”.
    In my perfect world = he’d have an 8×10 glossy of his mug on the front page of the local rag. Nothin’ beats having to hide from everyone you ever knew.

    1. His mug can still be easily published and probably should. Maybe people need to start nailing up flyers of scumbags like this guy with a brief description of their thuggery. Problem is, I don’t think there is enough space on all the power poles in any town to get them all. But this jackass, he should get his own damned animated billboard with a loop of the sh!t he’s pulling here.

  2. I guess the Georgetown police dept. hires the handicapped as
    what kind of kook does something like this. Indescribable.

    1. Leita, I’m sure you meant your comment to be a pajorative slur towards that individual cop, and I feel the same – but sometimes its easy for us to forget that there are a lot of people like me, that are handicapped (physically only and not mentally, I hope).

      1. Sorry did not mean to offend you. I’ll just refer to this kook as
        developmentally immature with a side order of sadistic.

        1. That will work, Leita – thanks for addressing that – I believe NC’s comments below go to the true crux of the problem = it’s the parents, the town, the PD, the school, that puts up with this type of behavior – When I was in high school (early ’60’s) this would have never gone un-punished.

          1. Thanks STFB. I was in high school in the late 60’s and never did a cop
            come to school. A girlfriend and I were taking swigs from a btl of alcohol
            in a guys gym bag and we became tipsy (neither of us had ever drunk
            alcohol before) The principal just called a parent and we went home.
            End of story. Today, off to the slammer.

  3. Oh they couldn’t be there for an interview but they assure us that the Internal Affairs is investigating it. Awww……

    I’m sure the news team did all they could to contact the police department ONE whole time because we don’t want offend the law enforcement now. They are our heroes and are always under a lot of stress. They are very busy men and we should just ask them nicely to come on air. If they don’t want to come, then that’s that. But let’s not hound them over what was probably just a “simple misunderstanding” or an “honest mistake”, right? (sarcasm)

    Also, I’m sure the Internal Affairs will exonerate the cop.

    I say, have all the high school students stand on both sides of their school hallway and have someone push him down the hallway as everyone sticks their feet out from both sides to trip him and see how he likes it.

  4. Ok first of all, what kind of F**Ked up school brings a police officer to a high school game anyways? In the late 90’s when I was in high school, a police officer at a football game would have been unheard of and everyone would actually stop the game until he leaves. Now it’s normal to have him at a game and even after a win. Hell, there would be lawsuits up the ass against this guy if he did what he did.

    What the hell is wrong with these parents and this school. Grow a pair of balls and beat the shit out of this bastard or make sure he never works in that town again. Damn, I can’t believe how people have become such cowards.

    Enough already. Grow a pair and fight back!

    An entire school of high school students and their parents can’t handle one cop. WTH????!!!!

  5. I’m telling you this is where these idiots are stuck. High School! Look at all that animosity, it’s juvenile. Then again, he might be a lawless hoaxer with UN Diplomatic Immunity and be above our laws so he can send high school girls limping off the field. Why can’t we have something like celebrity boxing where this young girls father or Uncle gets to face off with that pussy?

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