Cops force man to frame someone or face prison

Terry Robinson recorded police threatening to set him up.  (Source: KMOV)Police State USA

ST. LOUIS, MO — A man has brought forth evidence that a team of police officers repeatedly intimidated him with prison time if he didn’t find someone to frame up with a weapons charge.

Terry Robinson, 21, is currently on probation from a previous offense and working to stay out of trouble and finish school, according to KMOV.  Should he get arrested again, he will face at least 9 years in prison.  Police officers used his precarious position as a way to leverage him into being their pawn in setting up innocent people with undeserved charges.  

It began when officers saw him in his neighborhood, cuffed him, and pretended to drive him to the police station.  During the drive, they began to lay out their demands.

What they didn’t know was that Robinson had access to his cell phone and initiated the recording feature.

Officers reportedly told Robinson that they intended to arrest someone on weapons charges and would plant a gun on someone if necessary.  Robinson could either give up a name of someone who could be framed, or else the officers would plant a .38 caliber revolver on him and make sure he was sent to prison.

The conversation recorded by Robinson and shared by KMOV went as follows:

“Your nine years are going to seem like four times more,” said the female officer, caught on audio record.

“I know y’all said you need a gun and a body,” Robinson replied, echoing their demands.

“Got to have a body with it,” the female officer answered.

“I don’t need no gun case,” Robinson reasoned.  “You know I’ll get you somebody.”

Missouri is a state where the right to bear arms has been infringed to the point that only people with government permission may appear in public carrying a handgun.   A license endorsement is required by law.  Presumably for the scheme to work, Robinson would have to name someone who was unlicensed.

When officers released Robinson, the clock began ticking.  By the next day the officers would come looking for him.  Instead of giving them the chance, he went to a lawyer and to the media.

“If you don’t give me anything in the next 24-hours then I’ll write this case up as you ran from me but you got away,” Robinson recalled the police telling him.  “But I know who you are and you had this gun.”

This form of corruption is enabled by laws that require no victim to exist, and no violence to occur — only a claim of the mere touching of a prohibited item.  “Possession” laws are a great tool for a corrupt police state to oppress targeted individuals at will — be it gun charges or drug charges.  Witnessing the ease in which police across the country can so easily turn these laws against the innocent should be more than enough reason to repeal them.


7 thoughts on “Cops force man to frame someone or face prison

  1. This does not shock me at all…as my Dad was a corrupt St. Louis City Cop..and my Mom was a Court Clerk who embezzled something like $80,000 from the ticket fund…so no surprise here…in fact…read my memoir (Webster Groves) and you will read what it was like to be raised by these type animals…

    RJ O’Guillory
    Webster Groves – The Life of an Insane Family

    1. Oh yea, it is because of that BS black mail tactic of theirs as to why I had to do time and so much jail and rehab time. Them bastards a dirty.That was way back in the early 70`s they did that to me. Didn`t do anything even they just wanted people to start rattin out every one they did. Yea, the cops are really the low of the low lifes besides the rat snitch turn coats.

      1. Sorry about my spelling there guys.
        Yea the cops have always used blackmailing tactics to set people up and to either lock people up or make a deal and use and control people in exchange for their freedom – if that is what you would want to call freedom.

        1. …I could be wrong…but I think the issue here is one of emotions…not literacy…I get very frustrated sometimes …after years of fighting these animals…I can see where you have years of bitterness as many would have…and that can affect our typing, our thinking and our focus…you sound like someone who has had his share of crap…

          ..a small bit of advice….

          …keep fighting the good fight…be ready when you leave this ready to let go of as much anger as possible…try to observe and look upon our life-string as a humorous script of idiots and loved ones…my outlook is that I will never give my sense of calm…my sense of humor…or my sense of right vs. wrong…I will never give them to others who do not have my best interest at heart…and whom I know to be damaging to decent people…I learn something new everyday and try to live life without hating….hard to do..but I do try…I hope you can find that spot to live in…if you have not already…


          1. Yes RJ, we have had our spittin` matches, but ya know what RJ, I have gotten to know ya a bit and I must say that you are OK.
            Bet ya never thought you would hear that from me did ya.
            Yes, you talked the truth as how you grew up and that deserves only respect from me RJ. One of the few I can say that about RJ.
            Yes you grew up and know first hand about what they do and you are not afraid to say it and that deserves my respect.
            You are alright by me RJ 😉

  2. It makes me sick when I hear these fools talk about the good ones every time they kill or frames someone.The f#@king good ones are mythical creatures much like a unicorn shooting skittles out of its ass!

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