COVID19 is caused by vaccines | Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD

Apr 23, 2020
Dr. Mikovits is a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from George Washington University and Postdoctoral Scholar in Molecular Virology at the Laboratory of Genomic Diversity, National Cancer Institute. She led the Antiviral Mechanism Labs at the National Cancer Institute in Frederick, Maryland where she developed purification methods for Interferon alpha. She worked at Upjohn Pharmaceuticals in Kalamazoo Michigan developing production methods to ensure biological materials manufactured using human blood products were free of contamination from HIV-1.

3 thoughts on “COVID19 is caused by vaccines | Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD

  1. How can people welcome this garbage for their kids with arms wide open? Even before I researched the dangers, my intuition nudged me to stay away from them. Thankyou for the info.

  2. “It’s not a Corona Virus. They’re covering up XMRV. Every single day the data shows me that SARS COV2 does not equal COVID-19. SARS COV2 + XMRVs, mouse retroviruses put into people by forced vaccines for at least 30 years of heavily contaminated and dirty vaccines. A group in Italy proved it as well. So the flu vaccines will have retroviruses. The polio vaccines will have retroviruses. The polio with the mouse. There are some bird ones in the flu. Here your government is saying get the flu shot, get the flu shot. Oh yeah, that will kill you very quickly if you have an underlying XMRV infection……….”

  3. Interesting that The Epoch Times (for some reason they sent me their newspaper a short time ago though I never asked for it) back in early April told everyone it was all China’s fault, and everything else was “conspiracy theory”….so Epoch Times interviews a “conspiracy theorist”….. Maybe Epoch Times should stop their trying to imitate MSM maybe? Because back tracking like they did does hurt their credibility.

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