Crime suppression and survaillence Vehicle

IMG_1353We went to a local festival here in Lafayette today and look what we found. Notice the multiple cameras and the wording that reads, “We are watching” on the side.

What is bad is the sheep walked by it like it was no big deal. But we had to stop and take several pictures to let them know that we are watching to. I think I might call that 232-tips number and report a suspicious vehicle recording American National against their will.  




6 thoughts on “Crime suppression and survaillence Vehicle

    1. I have seen this thing around town before, but couldn’t get good pics. What amazes me is the reaction of the sheeple. They have been conditioned to think this is OK. We stayed there, took numerous pics and pointed, stared and made fun of it. I am sure that their facial recognition software was working overtime on us.

  1. Wow….The police are so pathetic these days. They’ve turned a brinks truck into an armored camera mobile. What a waste of taxpayer’s money.

    Haven’t seen one of these things around Dallas, yet. Only see Security towers everywhere. Although recently, for some reason or another, they have taken many of them down all at once, which is a little strange to me. Not sure if people finally bitched (although, I’m not betting on it) or they are planning something soon.

    However, if I do see any of these watch vans riding around the Dallas area, I’ll take a few pics and let everyone know, too.

    And yea, I know what you mean, Bulldog, about the conditioning of the sheeple and how they just walk by like it’s normal. Same thing with the security towers. Not even so much as a glance at it. It’s as normal to them as a parking lot lamppost. It completely amazes me.

  2. What about supergluing the doors shut, after covering (paintballing) all “watching areas” on the vehicle?

    Probably a dumb idea, but wouldn’t it make it difficult for those inside to get out?

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