On May 1, 2012, our Glorious Leader, Premier Barack Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat, signed yet another Executive Order – Promoting International Regulatory Cooperation.  This dictate is designed to standardize regulations between the United States and it’s so called trading partners.

What is a regulation?  A law.  So what is actually being attempted here is a standardization of international law.  It is an absolute violation of the Constitution for the United States to legislate our law outside of our borders.
Continue reading “Obama Signs Executive Order Declaring International Law for the United States”

It was coordinated campaign.  The FBI had been working for months to orchestrate the false flag attack on the bridge in Ohio and the CIA and Mossad came in right on cue with envelopes with white powder in them sent to the banks.  Of course the explosives in Ohio were made out of play dough and the powder in the envelopes was corn starch.  The third phase of the plan consisted of communist agitators being put in place in major cities across the country.

The mainstream propagandists did their part in coming on hot and heavy, showing huge protests from around the world and predicting the same in the United States.  And then it fizzled.  The soviet socialists’ plan to hijack the Occupy Movement was a dismal failure and this is why.
Continue reading “Grassroots Occupy Movement Scores Victory on May Day”

At present there is now a trillion dollars out in student loans and today’s graduates only have a 50% chance of getting a job when they get out of school.  Government loans are called a subsidy because the government subsidizes the difference in the interest rates for a student loan and a straight up loan for any other purpose.  A government subsidized loan procures 3.4% interest, which is to say the student making the loan must pay back the principle plus 3.4%.

If that student is lucky enough to get a job when he or she graduates and then opens a savings account in the US, the interest on that account is less than 1%.  Of course the bank can take the money in that savings account and leverage it 300% which will be lent out at 6+% interest.  The difference between the 3.4% for the student loan and the 6% made on the leveraged savings account, which pays less than 1%, is the amount subsidized through the government.
Continue reading “Subsidized Student Loans, Subsidized Banks, and Socialism on May Day”