News Max – by Michael Mullins

Nevada is now the sixth state in recent months to consider either legalizing or decriminalizing marijuana possession, courtesy of a bill proposed by Democrat Las Vegas Assemblyman Joe Hogan on Friday.

“We’ve wasted a tremendous amount of money spoiling teenagers’ lives, chasing them around until we can arrest them for something,” Hogan told the Las Vegas Sun. “And marijuana is not just a harmless plant. The medical benefits are remarkable.”   Continue reading “Las Vegas Pot? Nevada Weighs Bill to Decriminalize or Legalize Marijuana”

Medical Adviser Journal – by Kyle J. Norton

In the study to investigate the effects of pesticides containing different adjuvants like Roundup formulations found in the environment, surface waters and as food residues of Roundup tolerant genetically modified plants on cells from liver, a major detoxification organ, and the mechanism of action and possible protection by precise medicinal plant extracts called Dig1   Continue reading “Roundup tolerant genetically modified plants and Liver cell”

The Hill – by Benjamin Goad

A growing number of states are moving forward with legislation to exempt them from new federal gun controls and, in some cases, brand as criminals anyone who tries to enforce them.

While many of the bills are considered symbolic or appear doomed to fail, the legislative explosion reflects a backlash against legislative and regulatory efforts in Washington to tamp down on gun violence.    Continue reading “States to feds: Hands off our guns”

Joe Biden is the latest celebrity to get a reality show, though 'Being Biden' will be seen on the White House's website and will be geared toward a distinct policy agenda.NY Daily News – by JAMES WARREN

Joe Biden is the latest celebrity to get a reality show, though ‘Being Biden’ will be seen on the White House’s website and will be geared toward a distinct policy agenda.

WASHINGTON — The “Real Housewives of New Jersey” need not get nervous, but the White House Thursday unveiled its own online reality series — “Being Biden.”   Continue reading “Vice President Joe Biden gets his own Internet-based reality show”

Rep. Jan Rep. Jan Schakowsky Admits Assault Weapons Ban Just the Beginning | Jason MatteraThe Blaze – by Billy Hallowell

A new video released by conservative activist Jason Mattera will surely have gun rights advocates up in arms. In an exchange with Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) that was caught on camera last month but only released Monday, the Democratic politician spoke openly about her gun control views, noting that current proposals are only the beginning.

Perhaps the most contentious portion of the dialogue, which purportedly took place at a women’s rights rally, is the section in which she seems to indicate that a much larger push against firearms could inevitably take aim at handguns.   Continue reading “Dem Rep on Candid Camera Admits: ‘Assalt Weapons’ Ban just the Beginning, Handgun Ban may be Possible”

Ghost Hunting Theories

Let’s talk about the delight that is the Irish. My mother was a Scots/Irish. There is more to be thankful for than just settling America and putting their blood, sweat and tears into the process, making the best beer (Guinness) and whisky. No, the Irish are not cliche. They are creative, romantic, loving, and do everything with passion, even their legendary creatures –

Banshee – an Irish legend of a female spirit considered to be a harbinger of impending death. To hear her scream is not a good thing.   Continue reading “Irish Legendary Creatures”

Nesara News


When are our citizens going to put a stop to these commie nazi ahos?  Who the hell do they think they are?? 

If your readers have Sheriffs they can send this to, please encourage them to send it to them and offer their support.    Continue reading “Ravalli County Sheriff Threatened By The (Criminal) ‘Feds’”

Washington’s Blog

Obama Is Worse than Bush In Favoring the Super-Elite, Bailing Out the Big Banks, Protecting Financial Criminals, Targeting Whistleblowers, Keeping Government Secrets, Trampling Our Liberties and Starting Military Conflicts In New Countries

Glenn Greenwald notes that even Democratic party loyalists are getting fed up with Obama’s Bush-like actions:   Continue reading “Even Democratic Party Loyalists Starting to Wake Up to the Fact that Obama Is As Bad As Bush … Or Worse”

pentagon3Global Research – by Prof Michel Chossudovsky

Is it a coincidence?

In recent history, from the Vietnam war to the present, the month of March has been chosen by Pentagon and NATO military planners as the “best month” to go to war.

With the exception of the War on Afghanistan (October 2001), all major US-NATO led military operations over a period of almost half a century –since the invasion of Vietnam by US ground forces on March 8, 1965– have been initiated in the month of March.   Continue reading “The Pentagon’s “Ides of March”: Best Month to Go to War”

Freedom Outpost – by William Lafferty

Here’s what Obama’s advisors are telling him about the way to confiscate guns: Tax them.

They are advising him to tax guns, ammunition, magazines, and licenses and then attach draconian remedies for failure to register and pay the taxes. Set the taxes low the first year, then increase them gradually to the point where a person owning an AR 15, three magazines and a box of ammo would owe $5,000 a year in taxes.   Continue reading “Obama’s Advisors: Disarm America Through Taxation”

Flex Your Rights

There are four general types of checkpoints you might encounter: DUI checkpoints, US border checkpoints, drug checkpoints, and TSA checkpoints. In a legal sense, they are not all created equal. So depending on which one you encounter, you’ll want to be prepared to flex your rights appropriately.   Continue reading “What are my rights at various “checkpoints”?”

radioactiveNatural News – by Carolanne Wright

(NaturalNews) The American government has developed a solution for all the excess radioactive metal from the medical industry and military: Make it into belt buckles. Or forks. Even cheese graters are fair game. The stainless steel beverage cups used to avoid the dangers of BPA? Those are threatened with radioactivity as well. In an absurd twist of policy, The United States Department of Energy decided in December 2012 that it might be a good idea to revoke the ban on recycling radioactive material. The logic behind the proposed reversal is this: If you have a waste product that is costly to contain and dangerous, quietly offload it onto the unsuspecting masses in the form of consumer goods and building materials while turning a nice profit throughout.   Continue reading “Radioactive recliner chairs, apartment buildings and household goods are not as unusual as you may think – and it’s about to get worse”

Williams Tea Party – by Glen

Although we are proud of our ranking, WE CAUTION ALL VISITORS (and residents for that matter) to find out the laws of the State of Arizona before you come packing heat under your coat. For example you can still be charged if you use your weapon and injure or kill an innocent third party. You can check with an attorney, but make sure he’s a Republican. I have heard a lot of nonsense about our concealed carry law from regular well-intentioned “law abiding” citizens.   Continue reading “Guns and Ammo ranks Arizona number 1 gun-friendly State”

The Tap

So what exactly is this magic ingredient that will be appearing in a new version of Pepsi, and how is it made? Unfortunately, those questions are hard to answer. Senomyx… refers to them only as ‘enhancers’ or ‘ingredients’… The products work by triggering receptors on the tongue and tricking your taste buds into sensing sweetness — or saltiness or coolness, in the case of the company’s other programs…

So are Senomyx’s covert ingredients safe? That, too, is anyone’s guess… many of its enhancers have ‘been granted ‘GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) status, but all that means is that the company did its own assessment and then concluded everything was fine. We don’t know whether Senomyx did any testing since the company isn’t required to submit anything to the FDA.14          Continue reading “Pepsi replaces sugar with mystery ingredient”

big brotherThe Rebel – by The Rebel of Oz

“We shall have a [Jewish] world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest.” – James Warburg, Jewish Merchant Banker

Our ruling crime families are not dumb. In fact, they are getting smarter and faster. They know it’s the endgame. They know, it’s either us or them. It took them a while to work out that it is cheaper to go from A to B riding their horse to death and replacing it with a new one, than watering, feeding and giving it a rest when it gets tired. So they replaced feudalism and open slavery with capitalism. Continue reading “Tyrants’R’Us – Welcome to the age of corporate tyranny”

backwardsThe Tenth Amendment Center – by Bob Greenslade

While observing the proceedings in a federal District Court, I was taken-back by the blatant arrogance of the judge masquerading as a constitutional officer. The case involved a civil dispute between two corporations. After setting a briefing schedule and reading the opposing attorneys the riot act concerning the conduct of his courtroom, the judge did something that illustrates the extent of the usurpation of power being perpetrated by the federal government.   Continue reading “Is the Federal Government Supreme?”

The Liberty Beacon – by Ken LaRive

Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides should know they’re in the game.” Paul Rodriguez, and I tend to believe that too.

What hunting is, is practice. Hunting is learning your own heart. It is an education gleaned from experience and knowledge where we can gauge both strengths and limitations, with that of our quarry. The need to hunt is ingrained, hard wired into the minds of all men by eons of survival. It is a complex endurance technique instilled by both hungry woman, children, and your own, and is the place where love and responsibility are born.   Continue reading “The Well-Dressed AR-15 for Green-Light Critter Hunting”