More Than 101 Million Working Age Americans Do Not Have A Job - Photo by Sage RossThe Economic Collapse – by Michael

The jobs recovery is a complete and total myth.  The percentage of the working age population in the United States that had a job in March 2013 was exactly the same as it was all the way back in March 2010.  In addition, as you will see below, there are now more than 101 million working age Americans that do not have a job.  But even though the employment level in the United States has consistently remained very low over the past three years, the Obama administration keeps telling us that unemployment is actually going down.    Continue reading “More Than 101 Million Working Age Americans Do Not Have A Job”

Slash Gear – by Brian Sin

There is a Skype trojan going around that is turning PCs into Bitcoin miners. So far, victims are mostly located in countries like Italy, Russia, Poland, Costa Rica, Spain, Germany, and a few others. Bitcoin Mining is a another way for users to acquire Bitcoin’s currency by “making computer hardware do mathematical calculations for the Bitcoin network to confirm transactions and increase security.”   Continue reading “Skype trojan turns your computer into a Bitcoin miner”

Before It’s News – by Josey Wales

Did you see the recent Joe Biden Video where Joe discusses the New World Order?

Do you think this is the first time the people have been warned about the coming New World Order?

Well it’s not new, it’s just much closer than it’s ever been. If you have any doubts, Listen to them and read their own words as they gradually unveil to the world the plan for a new world order.   Continue reading “The Globalists’ Agenda – New World Order Quotes from Politicians (1950 – 2013)”

The Intel Hub – by Shepard Ambellas

SEOUL — The South is now on alert “military readiness posture”, said Kim Jang-soo, South Korea’s Chief of Security. This comes after an assessment made by Jang-soo, concluding that North Korea had told foreign diplomats in Pyongyang to flee the region.

South Korean officials also stated that the North might be planning a test missile launch from the East coast of North Korea as early as Wednesday possibly firing a missile over Japan.   Continue reading “North Korea continues to push to potentially provoke a war with South Korea and possibly the US.”

Common Dreams – by Jon Queally

New aerial photos from above Mayflower, Arksansas released by Greenpeace on Tuesday show the extent of the devastation caused by the ruptured Pegasus pipeline, owned by oil giant ExxonMobil, as residents from the town spoke out and climate campaigners continued to use the latest localized catastrophe to denounce the fossil fuel industry’s destructive nature.

“Despite what oil companies like Exxon want you to believe, oil pipelines leak,” said Greenpeace USA executive director Philip Radford. “It’s what they do.”   Continue reading “New Photos From Keystone XL Debate: ‘Imagine Arkansas Spill Times Ten’”

90 Miles from Tyranny

Government purchases of Ammunition and Panic Buying has taken all of the ammunition out of the supply chain.  .22 LR is now selling for nearly 5 times what it used to sell for.  Some ammunition manufacturers have gone into 24 hour production cycles to fill some of the need.

If you are buying ammunition at these jacked up prices you are throwing your money away.  When the supply chain catches up to demand, and it will, there will be an oversupply of ammunition.  You will be able to buy ammunition at prices lower than what you could before the panic buying began.   Continue reading “The Coming Ammunition Price Crash”

pillsinwater 235x147 Toxic Consumption: Big Pharma Putting Pharmaceuticals in WaterNatural Society – by Elizabeth Renter

The United States is a consumption monster when it comes to prescription drugs. And while we are beginning to see their effects on our health and our wallets, we often don’t consider their effects on the environment and the world around us. What’s more, we don’t even know how present these drugs truly are, especially when considering how big pharma has been putting pharmaceuticals in water across the nation for years.   Continue reading “Toxic Consumption: Big Pharma Putting Pharmaceuticals in Water”

Image: The Humane SocietyThis is all the more reason to grow your own food or purchase from the farmer market or the farmer directly from the farm if possible.

Cape Cod Online

On one covert video, farm workers illegally burn the ankles of Tennessee walking horses with chemicals. Another captures workers in Wyoming punching and kicking pigs and flinging piglets into the air.   Continue reading “On farm, taping cruelty is becoming the crime”

holocaustHenry Makow


Aggressors always pretend to be innocent victims, and that the real victims are aggressors. The holocaust perpetuates this meme. It convinces the real victims, the goyim, they are “bullies” if they resist the real aggressors, the Illuminati’s Jewish and Masonic fronts.   Continue reading “Pounding the Holocaust Drum”

guns ammoUSA Today  – by Judy Keen

CHICAGO — Cook County, Ill., this month began collecting a $25 tax on gun purchases, and at least six states are considering new taxes on firearms or ammunition as a way to help pay for the consequences of gun violence.

The Cook County tax applies to purchases in Chicago’s suburbs, but not the city. The tax is expected to raise $600,000 a year, which will help pay for indigent gunshot victims’ medical care at county-run Stroger Hospital.   Continue reading “States look to tax guns, ammo”

Z Communications – by Angelo Young

The accounting of the financial cost of the nearly decade-long Iraq War will go on for years, but a recent analysis has shed light on the companies that made money off the war by providing support services as the privatization of what were former U.S. military operations rose to unprecedented levels.

Private or publicly listed firms received at least $138 billion of U.S. taxpayer money for government contracts for services that included providing private security, building infrastructure and feeding the troops.   Continue reading “Cheney’s Halliburton Made $39.5 Billion on Iraq War”

APThe Free Beacon – by Adam Kredo

More than 100 Jewish Democrats, Democratic donors, and liberal rabbis sent a letter this week to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asking him “to make painful territorial sacrifices for the sake of peace” with the Palestinians.

In the letter, delivered earlier this week to Netanyahu’s office in Jerusalem, the Israeli leader is urged “to work closely with Secretary of State John Kerry to devise pragmatic initiatives, consistent with Israel’s security needs, which would represent Israel’s readiness to make painful territorial sacrifices for the sake of peace.”   Continue reading “Jewish Democrats call on Netanyahu to make concessions ahead of Kerry visit”

north-korea-jong-i_2492687bPat Dollard

(Reuters) – China warned against “troublemaking” on its doorstep, in an apparent rebuke to North Korea, and the United States said it was postponing a missile test to help calm high tension on the divided Korean peninsula.

China, North Korea’s sole financial and diplomatic backer, has shown growing irritation with Pyongyang’s warnings of nuclear war.   Continue reading “China Publicly Rebukes North Korea For ‘Troublemaking For Selfish Gain’”

SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

Over the weekend, hundreds of teens joined forces to harass, mug and beat peaceful residents of the disarmed city of Chicago.

Things got pretty bad and very quickly, with a lot of innocent shoppers and tourists caught in the middle of a very chaotic situation.   Continue reading “Chicago Mobs and the Case For High Capacity Magazines”

AFP Photo / Gabriel Bouys RT News

Hacktivist group Anonymous has launched a second massive cyber-attack against Israel, dubbed #OpIsrael. Israel declared there haven’t been any major disruptions amid reports of arrests of Palestinian activists suspected of hacking.

Anonymous threatened to “disrupt and erase Israel from cyberspace” in protest over its mistreatment of Palestinians.   Continue reading “Anonymous launches massive cyber assault on Israel, IDF responds with ‘arrests’”

Washington’s Blog

Instead of Changing their Behavior to Prevent Another Crisis, the Powers-That-Be Double Down On the Strategies that Caused the Financial Crisis In the First Place

Liberals blame deregulation and reckless Wall Street greed for the economic crisis.

Conservatives blame bad government policy.   Continue reading “Big Banks and D.C. Politicians Doing the EXACT SAME THINGS Which Caused the Financial Crisis In the First Place”

Oregon children to be vaccinated against parents' willExaminer – by MIKAEL THALEN

Parents in Marion County, Oregon lost their battle in court Wednesday to choose whether or not their eight children would be vaccinated after losing custody to the state last year.

A ruling from The Oregon Court of Appeals said that the parents did not have the right to exempt their children from forced vaccinations after child welfare workers and the Oregon Department of Human Services fought to obtain a court order demanding the children receive multiple vaccinations last year.   Continue reading “Court rules 8 Oregon children to be vaccinated against parents’ will”