Robocop: The Axon Flex consists of a head-mounted camera worn by officers to record evidence from incidents as they work their patrolsDaily Mail – by DAVID MCCORMACK

Police officers could soon be equipped with cameras attached to their uniform recording incidents as they happen and providing valuable evidence in the fight against crime.

Taser International, the manufacturer of stun guns now used in everyday police work, has developed the technology which it claims could be the next major advancement in policing. Continue reading “From the people who brought you the Taser, the headcam that turns every policeman into a Robocop”

dees12.jpgHenry Makow- by Keith Howe

It is time to build a gallows, and restore freedom and lawful leadership to this country.

Public Officials seem to think that they have become prison wardens, and citizens are their prisoners. It is far past time that we reel them in, clip their feathers, and put them in their place. For many of them, that place would be prison!   Continue reading “Hang Em High for Treason!”

The Pros and Cons of BarteringThe Prepper Journal – by P. Henry

Bartering is the key. This will be the solution to all our problems when the grid goes down and society devolves back to somewhere around the early 1900’s,  or at least that is what everyone in the prepping community would have you believe. Everyone that is except for the 10% who are anxiously awaiting the collapse so they can finally live out their lawless fantasies to their fullest.   Continue reading “The Pros and Cons of Bartering”


I recently received a letter from one of law enforcement’s finest.  He had attended a seminar in which he was told to be on the lookout for Christians.  The letter was written by an attendee, Ron Trowbridge, Undersheriff in Prowers County, Colorado.  I would like to thank Sheriff Trowbridge for the letter and the 25 years he has spent protecting the public in his county.   Continue reading “Colorado State Police And Homeland Security Target Christians As Anti-patriots”

money-powerZen Gardner – by Anthony Migchels

This week three banks, ING, Rabo and SNS, simultaneously suffered major computer malfunctions, leading to a temporary closure of their on-line facilities. Their problems were ‘unrelated’. It is completely unprecedented. The chances of a coincidence are close to zero. For years some in the blogosphere have speculated that ‘computer problems’ might be a good excuse for the Money Power to call a bank holiday and ‘reorganize’ their system. This looks like a drill.   Continue reading “Bank Holiday Drill? – Major Computer Malfunctions At Three Dutch Too Big To Fails”

Beth Ferrirzzi (Image: WDAY video screenshot)Conservative Truth – by Elena

This is why I hate NY. Most restrictive and convoluted laws nearly anywhere. They have thrown common sense out the window and replaced it with red tape. The latest rubbish coming out of the anti-gun state, makes no sense.

Beth Arneson Ferrizzi legally checked her gun in her departure city, Fargo, North Dakota on a Delta Flight to La Guardia.  She called Delta to find out how to do this legally. They told her the firearm had to be unloaded, stored in a hard sided and locked case. They told her the ammunition had to be stored separated. Not Separate from the gun, but separated, either in their original packaging or in a container that keeps the bullets from touching each other.  She made sure it was exactly as Delta said.   Continue reading “Pregnant mom charged with felony after trying to check an unloaded gun at the airport.”

A "sandwich." (Photo: Hashgram)BetaBeat- by Jordan Valinsky

Gangs may soon join teens in the “totally over Facebook” collective. The NYPD announced yesterday that it has arrested 63 members from three East Harlem gangs, after they left a trail of evidence boasting about their exploits online.

Authorities said the members—all men, 16 to 25—are responsible for 30 non-fatal shootings in the neighborhood since 2009. When using Facebook to plan their hits, they often used slang words. For example, guns were identified as “biscuit” or “clickety,” while ammunition were often labeled as “sea shellz” and “gas.”   Continue reading “NYPD Captures 63 Gang Members Because They Referred to Guns as ‘Biscuits’ on Facebook”

 police officer from protests at 113 pct. Photo by Robert Stridiron.New York Daily News – by JOSEPH STEPANSKY AND KERRY BURKE

A drug bust outside a Queens housing project erupted into a tense three-hour standoff Friday night as dozens of angry residents marched on the 113th Precinct and cops in riot gear stood guard over their stationhouse.

Shocked witnesses said police officers pounded on brothers Raynard Fields, 27, and Corey Crichlow, 33, outside the Baisley Park Houses during the 7:45 p.m. arrest on Foch Blvd.   Continue reading “Three-hour standoff between cops in riot gear and Queens residents after drug bust”

Max Velocity Tactical

I feel the need to follow up on the posts I have published about the potential to avoid Thermal Imaging (TI)/ FLIR and aerial thermal surveillance in general. To understand where I am coming from you will need to read and digest these two posts that I wrote on the subject:

Countering Aerial Thermal Surveillance   Continue reading “Follow Up on the ‘Thermal Poncho’ Concept”

Lew Rockwell – by David Hathaway

There is a lot of chatter amongst conservative “2nd Amendment cops” and military folks about how they will not obey the orders when the grand pronouncement is made to take guns. It will be a cop sit out. What will really happen is quite different. Your Republican cop or military buddy will gladly and patriotically take your guns.

Gun grabs and grabs of anything else – children, money, real estate, raw milk – don’t come down the chain of command as such. There is not an edict that comes out saying:   Continue reading “Your 2nd Amendment Cop Buddy Will Take Your Guns”

dhsFreedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

I know, you are probably thinking like I am after reading the title, “You’ve got to be kidding!” I’m not. Even after the Department of Homeland Security indicated that they had nearly 264 million rounds of ammunition back near the end of November 2012, they have sent out an email to Border Patrol agents yesterday informing them that they will not be issued any new proficiency ammunition for next quarter.

Townhall obtained an email sent to Border Patrol agents stationed in the El Centro border sector by a supervisor:   Continue reading “DHS Tells Border Patrol They Have Ammo Shortage”

navyWND – by Aaron Klein

JERUSALEM – Is the Obama administration’s military build up in the Pacific part of the president’s so-called pivot-toward-Asia strategy, a move that could demonstrate the biggest shift in world power since World War II?

Specifically, is Washington using the North Korean nuclear standoff as an excuse to shift massive military might to Asia just as China and other powers seek to create a new economic order that would rival the Western-dominated World Bank and International Monetary Fund?   Continue reading “Is THIS the Real Reason Obama’s Confronting North Korea?”

Steve Quayle Alerts

I just spoke with a close associate who has been working for the last three years at Barksdale AFB [Louisiana], on various construction projects. Likely, you will not remember that I wrote you about 6 weeks ago to ask for prayers for people in that area. This man is just a guy…a construction worker…been there all his life…salt of the earth kind of guy. In his words…”I am just a working man…doing the best I can do.”    Continue reading “They are Gearing up for Something Big”

Before It’s News – by Alton Parrish

No doubt you’ve heard the adage: a picture is worth a thousand words. A picture of 62-year-old Nick Christie could be worth thousands of dollars when a jury sees it.

The photo shows the Ohio man restrained inside the Lee County Jail with his body covered in pepper spray.   Continue reading “Police Tie Up Tourist And Kill Him With Pepper Spray”

Before It’s News – by Mort Amsel

An “anti-government” man alleged to have kidnapped his two young sons from their grandmother’s house may be trying to escape in a sailboat, according to officials.

Police say that Joshua Hakken, 35, apparently broke into his mother-in-law’s Tampa home after 6 a.m. on Wednesday, tied up his mother-in-law and then fled with the boys, Cole, 4, and Chase, 2.   Continue reading “‘Anti-Government’ Couple ‘Kidnaps’ Own Children, Coast Guard Searching For Them”