nixon watergate 1The Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges

Mark Twain once talked about history not necessarily repeating, but he noted that history sure does rhyme.

Richard Nixon was unable to survive one direct hit upon his administration, namely, the Watergate scandal. Conversely, Obama is facing five scandals which dwarfs Watergate in terms of criminality, abuse of power, malfeasance of office and outright treason. The damage inflicted upon the American people by the criminal syndicate occupying the White House, in American History, is unparalleled. Yet, Obama is going to survive and this article will describe how Obama is this century’s version of the famous escape artist, Houdini.   Continue reading “Why Obama Will Survive the Equivalent of Five “Watergate Scandals””

AlterNet – by Steve Yoder

When 20-year-old Sarah Smith got into an accident with a motorcyclist in 2008, it was nothing but bad news—she was driving with a suspended license. It got worse. When police showed up, officer Adam Skweres took Smith aside and implied that he could either make it look like the accident was her fault or give the other party a ticket. It depended on whether she’d agree to perform unspecified sexual favors. Skweres also threatened that if she told anyone, he’d “make sure you never walk, talk, or speak again,” and looked at his gun. That scared her enough that she immediately reported what he’d done to the police, according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.   Continue reading “When Cops Rape … and Nothing Happens”

Mother Nature Network – by Jenn Savedge

Five ninth-grade young women from Denmark recently created a science experiment that is causing a stir in the scientific community.

It started with an observation and a question. The girls noticed that if they slept with their mobile phones near their heads at night, they often had difficulty concentrating at school the next day. They wanted to test the effect of a cellphone’s radiation on humans, but their school, Hjallerup School in Denmark, did not have the equipment to handle such an experiment. So the girls designed an experiment that would test the effect of cellphone radiation on a plant instead.   Continue reading “Student science experiment finds plants won’t grow near Wi-Fi router”

PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, CO - A serviceman stands outside a pair of giant blast doors at the command center of the Northern Command December 9, 2002 located deep within Cheyenne Mountain at the foot of the Rocky Mountains near Colorado Springs, Colorado. The Cold War-era station now monitors homeland security as well as foreign nuclear threats. Every commercial plane in U.S. air space is monitored from the center. Crews reporting unruly passengers or planes that drop from radio contact are given special attention since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. (Photo by Kevin Moloney/Getty Images)IntelliHub – by Shepard Ambellas

The whole concept of Continuity of Government (COG) was originated by the British government during World War II, then was later adopted by the US and other world governments. President Dwight D. Eisenhower was the first US president to start implementing such a plan as COG, he put it on the table.   Continue reading “Continuity of Government Redefined to Suspend US Constitution”

How to Make Ammunition for PreppingUS Crow

If you’re survival minded like us you need to know how to make ammunition. If you’ve been keeping up with the news you’d know ammo is a hard thing to come by. Not only is ammunition hard to come by, but it will be exponentially harder to acquire post-disaster. With this in mind, maybe it’s time to learn the art of ammunition reloading. First and foremost you should understand the advantages and disadvantages of reloading your ammo. Don’t be a victim to erratic availability and price gouging, stay self-reliant.   Continue reading “How to Make Ammunition for Prepping”

How to Make Ballistic Plates for Body ArmorUS Crow – by CMF Contributor Barnes

Body Armor and Ballistic Plates should be standard PPE (In accordance to MOPP Standards) for your team. The presence of hostile elements in all disasters (man-made or natural) is an eternal truth. Having access to these plates will make the difference between life and death. Ideally, you want standalone ballistic plates that can be used in conjunction with a plate carrier instead of a bulletproof vest. The most basic and user-friendly way to achieve this is with heavy steel plates that have been improved.   Continue reading “How to Make Ballistic Plates for Body Armor”

Bob Owens

On its face it seems like such a laughable question, doesn’t it? Surely, no Republic would ever a elect a tyrant willing to shed the blood of it’s citizens for power.

And yet we know that this Administration has admitted to killing for Americans with drone strikes, and that has taken part in gun-smuggling schemes to arm Mexican drug cartels which predictably has resulted in the deaths of American citizens.   Continue reading “Would the Obama Administration kill for power?”

IMG_1139Warrior Talk News -by Gabe Suarez

First I want to define the difference between a Carry method from a Ready method.  A Ready can be expanded to a Ready To Shoot Position.  These are used immediately before and during the fight and share one common attribute – that they either already have the muzzle on target, or allow the quick movement of the muzzle to a target once it has been identified.

These are what the bulk of the tactical shooting community are familiar with since they comprise the starting point for all the drills commonly done in a rifle class.  But they require a focus and intensity that is short lived.  For example, one cannot maintain a modern Contact ready, nor a traditional Low Ready for a five hour hike up a mountain.   Continue reading “Rifle Carry Modes”

PractM_TP.jpgEvery Citizen a Soldier

Training and developing skills

I. “Shooting” at home

Dry fire is the single most cost and time efficient way to improve your shooting.  It is often overlooked, as it is not as “cool” as actually shooting.  But people dedicated to serious weaponcraft are apt to spend as much time dry firing their weapon as time at the range. While it is impossibly to completely simulate the feel of firing a real gun, dry fire teaches the muscle memory up to the actual squeezing of the trigger (which is the most important part.)  Dry fire training saves countless dollars in live ammo.   Continue reading “Practical Marksmanship”

American Mercenary

In Ranger school a common joke when coming to a decision point is to remind the person in a leadership position “5th Principle of Patrolling” as if that would make their life easier.   The Principles of Patrolling are not a checklist, you have to do all five at the same time.  However, the principles apply to EVERYONE on the patrol, not just leadership.  Even a rifleman should know the route, should be actively engaged in planning (even if it is just over his personal kit and duties), should know where he falls in the chain of command and be able to accomplish the mission (though I be the lone survivor).  Oh, and you get to do it all in a time crunch most of the time.   Continue reading “5 Principles of Patrolling explained, with select quotes from Patton”

Dean Clifford

Has Everyone started to participate in “Divestment 2013″ yet? This is where we all divest and defund the system that we all seem to despise so much. This is the most simple movement, and low risk movement that ANYONE could possibly join. Here’s how easy it is:

1. Cancel your satellite or cable package. This will lead to an increase in brain function, and a decrease in funding for our enemies (enemies of freedom of thought and choice.)   Continue reading “Divestment 2013”

File photo of a police car. (credit: Joe Raedle/Getty Images)CBS Seattle

JOSEPHINE COUNTY, Ore. (CBS Seattle) — An Oregon woman was told by a 911 dispatcher that authorities wouldn’t be able be able to help her as her ex-boyfriend broke into her place because of budget cuts.

Oregon Public Radio reports that an unidentified woman called 911 during a weekend in August 2012 while Michael Bellah was breaking into her place. Her call was forwarded to Oregon State Police because of lay-offs at the Josephine County Sheriff’s Office only allows the department to be open Monday through Friday.   Continue reading “911 Dispatcher Tells Woman About To Be Sexually Assaulted There Are No Cops To Help Her Due To Budget Cuts”

Before It’s News – by stompk

I was watching the Denver Fox31 News last night, and the came out and said the story about Daniele Perazzi, Italian gun maker being arrested for terrorism was a hoax, and blamed it on some rogue source….

Kudos to the Daily Caller for catching them. Perazzi, actually died last year.   Continue reading “Arrest Of Shotgun Maker In Denver Was False Flag Hoax, Fox31 Admits. Perazzi Died Last Year”

china destroys gmos 263x164 China Incinerates 3 US Shipments of Genetically Modified CornNatural Society – by Anthony Gucciardi

China has destroyed a total of at least three genetically modified corn shipments with origins from the United States in a move that echoes the way in which the nation of Hungary actually went and destroyed acres upon acres of Monsanto’s GMO corn fields. Interestingly enough, my article on that subject became one of the most widely shared articles in recent years across the web thanks to the rising number of individuals who are behind the elimination of GMOs across the globe.   Continue reading “China Incinerates 3 US Shipments of Genetically Modified Corn”

Wake Up America – by Susan Duclos

About. Damn. Time.

The Internal Revenue Service official overseeing the unit that targeted conservative groups for several years beginning in the spring of 2010 has been placed on administrative leave, according to Congressional sources in both parties. Lois Lerner was the director of exempt organizations when the agency filtered applications for tax exempt status for words such as “patriot” and “tea party.”   Continue reading “Woman In The Center Of IRS Scandal, Lois Lerner, Placed On Administrative Leave”

Buzzfeed -by Assemblyman Tim Donnelly (R-Twin Peaks, California)

Not since 1776 have Americans had more cause to revolt. The long train of abuses number far more than the original 26 levied against one tyrannical king: King George. Today, tens of thousands of tyrants rule over legions of government agents, whose sole purpose has become perpetuating and growing their state-sanctioned fiefdom.   Continue reading “California Assemblyman Says Second American Revolution Has Already Begun”