Lions of Liberty – by John Odermatt

A former Southwestern Pennsylvania Judge is facing a slew of drug and theft charges, according to a Grand Jury Presentment.  The charges stem from a Grand Jury investigation that began as a result of repeated requests by Judge Paul Pozonsky to have drug evidence brought to him and left in his chambers.  In some instances the drugs were never returned and even when drug evidence was returned seals were broken, drugs were missing, and some drug baggies had been filled with baking soda.   Continue reading “Felony Friday: Pennsylvania Judge Facing Drug and Theft Charges”


MI5 asked Woolwich murder suspect Michael Adebolajo if he wanted to work for them about six months before the killing, a childhood friend has said.

Abu Nusaybah told BBC Newsnight his friend – one of two men arrested after Drummer Lee Rigby’s murder in south-east London on Wednesday – had rejected the approach from the security service.   Continue reading “Woolwich attack: MI5 ‘offered job to suspect’”

obama youth brigadeThe Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

This will make you puke.

Reading, writing and arithmetic are out – Communist indoctrination is in!
The radical left is indoctrinating FIRST GRADERS in communist doctrine disguised as educational tools for first graders. The indoctrination is part of the Common Core curriculum for elementary students.   Continue reading “It Begins… Communist Indoctrination Included in Common Core Literature for First Graders”

CryHavoc2013FRONTV2_3Eyre International

The 2nd Act of this Shakespearean play is unfolding and dear Willy is weeping with his tissue at his eyes wondering where he can find more actors to cover this extremely busy season at the Globe in London that is proving to be so very popular!!    Continue reading “London’s false flag even more pathetic than the Boston Bombing – Part 2”

Huffington Post

Here’s a fact that may make your blood boil: Nearly 8,000 Occupy Wall Streetprotesters have been arrested in association with the activist movement, while not one banker has been prosecuted for the actions that lead up to the country’s financial meltdown.

The website has tracked 7,736 in 122 cities nationwide since theOccupy movement began in September 2011.   Continue reading “Occupy Arrests Near 8,000 As Wall Street Eludes Prosecution”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

The following photos were just sent to Beforeitsnews by a concerned reader who asked that we share these with the world. According to our reader, a relative in Gonzales, Louisiana captured these as the train was heading South. According to this person, there were THOUSANDS, not hundreds, of military vehicles on the move. As some photos show, “as far as the eye can see”. Where are they going? What are they preparing for? Hattip to Jason and Cindy.   Continue reading “Amerika: Homeland Tanks Moving”


(Philadelphia, PA, May 24, 2013)— Political prisoner and activist Adam Kokesh has released a statement from inside the Philadelphia federal prison about his planned July 4th, 2013 Open Carry March on Washington, DC. The statement was read by comedian and activist N.A. Poe, until recently a fellow prisoner of Kokesh’s, today Friday, May 24 at 1PM in front of the Philadelphia federal prison.

What follows is Kokesh’s complete and unabridged statement.   Continue reading “Provocateur Alert: Adam Kokesh Calls on American Revolutionary Army to March on 50 State Capitols”

Before It’s News – by Tom Dennen, the paranoid historian

Our co-evolution with the plant kingdom for the past half a billion years has resulted in the very genetic/molecular fabric of our body depending on certain key compounds from plants in our diet, delivered in natural form, not irradiated, overly-cooked or petrochemically-farmed… usually raw.

Most food contains vitamins, protein, amino acids, caloric content – but more and more research is confirming that some foods also have “gene And epigene regulatory codes” that appear to help prevent major Illnesses – possibly even AIDS.   Continue reading “Every Plant on Earth has been Programmed over 50 Million Years of Evolving – Along with Us! – to Grow Key Chemicals Critical to Our Health…”

Infowars – by Adan Salazar

A new Department of Homeland Security bulletin warning of the security risks 3D printed guns pose may be setting the stage for 3D printer regulation or at the very least more intrusive pat downs when attending certain events.

According to Fox News, a DHS memo is being sent to various state and federal law enforcement agencies cautioning, “Limiting plastic guns may be impossible,” and that 3D guns pose “public safety risks.”    Continue reading “DHS Memo Warns 3D Printed Guns May Be ‘Impossible’ to Stop”

Many major western cities are dangerously unstable and the slightest spark can set off rioting; it is only our present massive police resources that keeps these tendencies in check.Code Green Prep – by David Spero

We have written several times about how major population groupings (ie cities) will collapse ‘shortly’ after the essential elements of life cease to smoothly flow in to them as needed.  When there’s no water, no sewage, no food, no gas and no electricity, things will unavoidably get very nasty.

In an earlier post we suggested that cities will decay into violent anarchistic morasses within a week or two.  In that article we were deliberately trying to look at a ‘best case scenario’ (don’t laugh – the collapse of cities taking a week or two is, alas, a best case scenario!).  Our projection was based on the ‘best case’ hope that people would remain passive for a few days and it would only be when people realized no help was coming and they were starting to starve that things would turn truly nasty.   Continue reading “Cities Will Collapse Even Sooner Than We Fear”

The Kansas City Star – by Christine Vendel

A Kansas City woman shot a would-be intruder through her back door Thursday afternoon.

The woman, believed to be in her 50s, called police shortly after noon to her home in the 10600 block of Greenwood Road.

She said a car backed into her driveway and a man knocked on her door. She didn’t recognize him, so she didn’t open the door.   Continue reading “KC woman shoots would-be intruder”

NASANatural New – by Ethan A. Huff

Practically everything you have been told by the mainstream scientific community and the media about the alleged detriments of greenhouse gases, and particularly carbon dioxide, appears to be false, according to new data compiled by NASA’s Langley Research Center. As it turns out, all those atmospheric greenhouse gases that Al Gore and all the other global warming hoaxers have long claimed are overheating and destroying our planet are actually cooling it, based on the latest evidence.   Continue reading “Global warming debunked: NASA report verifies carbon dioxide actually cools atmosphere”

Etienne SyldorFire Dog Lake – by DSWright

As Occupy Our Homes demonstrates at the Department of Justice the fraudclosure crisis continues unabated.

A Florida family man who not only made his mortgage payments on time but made payments early faces foreclosure by Wells Fargo. The explanation for initiating the foreclosure proceedings by Wells Fargo is nothing short of amazing and offers a sad commentary on how little has changed despite the 2008 financial crisis and supposed reforms like Dodd-Frank.   Continue reading “Wells Fargo Forecloses On Homeowner For Making Early Mortgage Payments”

NBC News – by Michael Isikoff

Attorney General Eric Holder signed off on a controversial search warrant that identified Fox News reporter James Rosen as a “possible co-conspirator” in violations of the Espionage Act and authorized seizure of his private emails, a law enforcement official told NBC News on Thursday.

The disclosure of the attorney general’s role came as President Barack Obama, in a major speech on his counterterrorism policy, said Holder had agreed to review Justice Department guidelines governing investigations that involve journalists.   Continue reading “Holder OK’d search warrant for Fox News reporter’s private emails, official says”

Common Dreams – by Dave Zirin

My kids are into Angry Birds, a game they love for the same reason I once obsessively played Super Mario Brothers: its appeal is incomprehensible to the adults around them. This inscrutable game, however, has one essential truth: you have some pissed off birds compelled by rage to put down some zombie-looking pigs. After a sad effort to play the game myself, I had my own epiphany: this game is actually a metaphor for the city of Chicago. Please bear with me. Angry Birds is more Chicago than the Sears Tower, Wrigley Field or deep-dish pizza. The lunacy, the violence, the plethora of increasingly crazed pigs and those fierce feathered fowl all represent the political actors in a city that’s gone over the edge.   Continue reading “Rahm Emanuel’s Zombie Pigs vs. Chicago’s Angry Birds”