Food That Stay Good Longer Than You’ll Be AroundKitchen Daily

You’d be surprised to learn what items in your pantry can last a lot longer than the printed expiration date! With proper storage, some food items can last for many years or indefinitely. In fact, one sticky sweetener has been known to stay edible for thousands of years.   Continue reading “Foods that Stay Good Longer Than You’ll Be Around”

Stuyvesant TownHuffington Post – by Heather Holland

STUY TOWN — Residents of Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village were shocked to find a notice taped to their doors on Tuesday, giving tenants two weeks to either pay a mid-lease rent increase or move out.

CW Capital, the primary lease holder of the property, distributed notices detailing rent increases ranging from $100 to over $900 per month, and said tenants would have to decide whether to pay the increase or move out within 60 days of the notice that was doled out to individual tenants on Tuesday afternoon.   Continue reading “Stuy Town Owner To Tenants: Pay Mid-Lease Rent Increase, Or Face Eviction In Two Weeks”

speech (2)The Alliance for Natural Health

Our exclusive report reveals government surveillance, what appear to be undercover sting operations, and investigations into the alleged crime of “practicing nutrition without a license.”Action Alerts!

ANH-USA has uncovered widespread surveillance (including undercover sting operations), aggressive investigations, and prosecutions of nutrition professionals. These actions, together with the levying of criminal penalties, have been undertaken by state health departments and state dietetics boards that are enforcing monopolistic laws sponsored by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. More often than not, they are supported by local law enforcement or the offices of state attorneys general. The AND—formally the American Dietetic Association, or ADA—is not a medical organization, but a trade group that represents the interests of Registered Dietitians (RDs, who are certified by the AND’s credentialing arm). The AND has about 74,000 members.   Continue reading “ANH-USA Uncovers Suspicious Activity by State Dietetic and Health Boards”

Mayor Bloomberg, Gov. Malloy meet at City Hall, May 15, 2013. (credit: Spencer T. Tucker/Mayor's Office)CBS New York

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork/AP) Mayor Michael Bloomberg met Gov. Dannel P. Malloyat City Hall to discuss Connecticut’s new gun control law.

Malloy and Bloomberg met in the second-floor bullpen.

“There is a certain reality that America’s got to get used to that guns aren’t making you safer in your house. They’re increasing precipitously the opportunity for your child to kill themselves or someone else,” Malloy said following his half-hour conversation with Bloomberg. “There’s a reality that 19,000 people are going to commit suicide because there’s a gun in their house. And if there wasn’t a gun in that house and they didn’t commit suicide at that time, their chances of committing suicide at any time decreases by 90 percent.”   Continue reading “Conn. Governor Malloy Met With Mayor Bloomberg At City Hall To Discuss Gun Control”

Lead ShotAmmoLand

NEWTOWN, Conn –( The California Assembly could vote as early as Thursday on legislation that bans all traditional ammunition for hunting.

It is urgent to make calls urging opposition now. NSSF is asking all California retailers to post a copy of this alert in their stores and to personally call their Assembly members expressing their opposition to AB 711. AB 711, if passed and signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown, would extend the now limited Condor range ban on traditional lead ammunition to the entire state.   Continue reading “California Traditional Ammunition Ban Vote Thursday?”

Kern County Sheriff Donny YoungbloodLA Times – by Diana Marcum, Paul Pringle and Richard Winton

BAKERSFIELD — The FBI launched an investigation Tuesday into the death of a man who was beaten by authorities amid questions over whether officials tampered with cellphone videos confiscated from witnesses.

Kern County Sheriff Donny Youngblood said he asked the FBI to get involved after learning that one of two phones seized from witnesses had no footage on it.   Continue reading “FBI to probe fatal beating by Kern County deputies”

Vice – by Peter Rugh

Nicholas Heyward is a haunted man. He is one of many New Yorkers who have lost loved ones to the police. Nineteen years ago, Heyward’s son was playing with a toy gun in the stairwell of a Boerum Hill housing project in Brooklyn, New York, when he was fatally shot by an NYPD officer. Nicholas Jr. was 13 years old when he was killed.

“I heard Nick say, ‘We’re playing,’ and then I heard a boom,” Katrell Fowler, a friend of Nick Jr.’s told the New York Times shortly after the incident. Yet blame was placed on the boy’s toy rifle, instead of officer Brian George, who fired his very real revolver into the child’s abdomen.   Continue reading “Who Protects New Yorkers From The NYPD?”

51513haste.jpgGothamist – by Christopher Robbins

A judge has dismissed the indictment against the NYPD officer who shot and killed an unarmed teen in his Bronx home last year. The dismissal was for a technicality, as the Bronx DA’s office erroneously instructed members of the grand jury that they did not have to consider if Officer Richard Haste’s colleagues informed him that 18-year-old Ramarley Graham was armed.

“With no great pleasure, I am obliged in this case to dismiss the charges,” Supreme Court Justice Steven Barrett said as he made his decision, according to DNAinfo.   Continue reading “Charges Against Cop Who Killed Unarmed Teen Thrown Out On Technicality”

netanyahu-tells-putin-israel-will-wipe-out-syria-if-assad-attacksNow the End Begins

An Israeli official confirmed Wednesday night that a dramatic and unprecedented message to this effect had been conveyed to Damascus, Channel 2 news reported.

The report said that Israel’s position to this effect also came up during Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s emergency meeting in Russia on Tuesday with President Vladimir Putin, during which Netanyahu also told Putin of Israel’s profound opposition to Russia’s sale of sophisticated S-300 missile defense batteries to Assad.   Continue reading “Israel Tells Russia They Will Wipe Out Syria If Assad Attacks”

Breaking: Acting commissioner of IRS resigns, Obama saysCNN

Treasury Secretary Jack Lew requested – and has accepted – the resignation of the acting commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service in the wake of its handling of requests by conservative groups for tax-exempt status, President Barack Obama said Wednesday.

The “misconduct” detailed in a report about the IRS response to those requests is “inexcusable,” he said.   Continue reading “Acting commissioner of IRS resigns, Obama says”

Accuracy in Media – by Alan Caruba

Native-born and naturalized Americans who are currently seeking work are already competing with illegal immigrants-a term that the Associated Press says it will no longer use-or standing in line behind them as they sign up for all manner of welfare benefits. The official estimate of the number of illegal aliens-oops, undocumented aliens-in the nation is estimated to be eleven million, but if the “Gang of Eight” amnesty bill becomes law, it will act as a magnet to attract millions more.   Continue reading “Amnesty Bill is a Massive Multi-Million Dollar Fraud”

LA Times – by Richard Winton

Six Kern County sheriff’s deputies and a sergeant, who last week were involved in a violent confrontation with a man who was struck numerous times with batons before he died, have returned to their regular jobs, officials said Tuesday.

David Sal Silva, 33, a father of four, was pronounced dead  Wednesday less than an hour after eyewitnesses reported seeing several deputies repeatedly strike the man in the head with batons as he lay on the pavement.   Continue reading “Kern County deputies involved in fatal beating are back at work”

281729_10151140545970764_1287731512_nThe Tenth Amendment Center – by William J. Watkins, Jr.

Excerpted from an  article which appeared in the Winter 1999 issue of The Independent Review

Working in complete secrecy, Jefferson drafted the Kentucky resolution of 1798 between 21 July and 26 October 1798. His original plan was for W. C. Nicholas to introduce the Resolves in North Carolina, but because of political setbacks there, Nicholas instead gave the Resolves to John Breckinridge for introduction in Kentucky. As an independent-minded frontier state, Kentucky was the perfect forum for Jefferson’s resolution. Across the state, without much prompting, citizens gathered to protest the Alien and Sedition Acts. In Lexington, five thousand people — a crowd three times the town’s population — assembled.   Continue reading “Resolutions of 1798: Guideposts of Limited Government”


The national news media haven’t discovered it, but the issue that is bringing out hundreds of citizens who never before attended political meetings is Common Core (CC). More precisely, it is the attempt of Barack Obama’s Department of Education to force all states and schools to adopt specified national education standards for each grade level that will dictate what all kids learn and don’t learn.   Continue reading “Education Dictates More Like ‘Communism Core’”

New America Now – by Joe Marshall

I have seen the story below on multiple forums and posts. I have spent some time trying to verify the source of the story, but so far I have been unable to find the original source. (Though it may be an excerpt from Selco at the

Even though I cannot verify the facts in this story, it is still very much worth the read.   Continue reading “One Year In Hell…Lessons From A Societal Collapse”

Alt Market – by Brandon Smith

The debate over what actions actually constitute “terrorism,” I believe, will become one of the defining ideological battles of our era. Terrorism is not a word often used by common people to describe aberrant behaviors or dastardly deeds; however, it is used by governments around the world to label and marginalize political enemies. That is to say, it is the government that normally decides who is a “terrorist” and who is a mere “criminal,” the assertion being that one is clearly far worse than the other.   Continue reading “Lions And Tigers And Terrorists, Oh My!”

irs happyGateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

The IRS is facing a lawsuit after stealing 60 million medical records from 10 million patients.
Healthcare IT News reported:

The Internal Revenue Service is now facing a class action lawsuit over allegations that it improperly accessed and stole the health records of some 10 million Americans, including medical records of all California state judges.   Continue reading “IRS Faces Lawsuit After Stealing 60 Million Medical Records”

Gun Watch – by Dean Weingarten

On 4 April, 2013, Arkansas HB1700 became ACT 746. The revised law will not go into effect until late July or early August of this year.

The bill makes a definition change in the statute that has been interpreted to limit the legal carrying of weapons in Arkansas.

The original language was this:

A person commits the offense of carrying a weapon if he or she possesses a handgun, knife, or club on or about his or her person, in a vehicle occupied by him or her, or otherwise readily available for use with a purpose to employ the handgun, knife, or club as a weapon against a person.   Continue reading “Constitutional Carry will be the Law in Arkansas”

Reuters / Lucy Nicholson RT News 

The quick progress of the ‘shale revolution’ in the US is set to reshape the world energy market by 2018, when OPEC becomes less influential and developing countries drive global demand.

The US shale oil will meet most of the demand from across the world in the next five years, even if it goes into ‘recovery motion’. The developing economies outside OECD, such as BRICS countries and Saudi Arabia, that’ll be driving increased demand.   Continue reading “US shale oil boom will make OPEC voice smaller in energy market- IEA”