There is this running theory in politics and business that if one works within the Kissinger-Rockefeller sphere of influence, that lucky soul has immunity from any event as long as the individual continues to work for the benefit of the greater globalist financial cabal. Apparently the Teflon coating is still quite intact and functional for the former Secretary of the Treasury as the scandals which happened under his watch continue to explode with fresh headlines on the front pages of newspapers and the internet on a daily basis. Continue reading “The Rat Who Keeps Escaping Every Scandal”
Month: May 2013
In South Carolina, an effort is currently underway to nullify Obamacare. The tip of the spear nationally,H3101 introduced by Representative Bill Chumley won’t totally collapse the federal act in one fell swoop. But if passed into state laws there, it will mark the beginning of the end for Obamacare if other states follow South Carolina’s lead.
This bill is so good that the George Soros-funded has been attacking it as “an insidious new form of Obamacare nullification.” Continue reading “South Carolina: Following James Madison’s Advice to Nullify Obamacare”
Colorado Springs, CO, May14, 2013, Basic Freedom Defense Fund (BFDF) A Colorado grassroots group is heading the recall of State Senate President John Morse (D) Colorado Springs, for his “…aggressive attacks and for actively leading legislating against the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights”–Anthony Garcia, BFDF spokesman. (
According to Garcia–”Personnel working for BFDF to help collect signatures for Senator Morse’s recall were the subject of known erroneous radio attack ads for the Morse political machine headed by Ed Hall, Chairman of the Denver Democrats and the filing agent for a recently established Morse anti-recall group called “A Whole Lot of People for John Morse.” Continue reading “Recall of Anti-Second Amendment Colorado Senate President John Morse Gets Real Traction”
Kansas recently passed legislation designed to preempt confiscation of firearms under federal law, which, said state legislation declares as unconstitutional. The Kansas legislation even goes so far as to say that zero infringement on the 2nd Article of the Bill of Rights is the standard in reference to any and all firearms manufactured within its sovereign territory.
Other states such as Missouri have passed similar legislation which is now the law in those sovereign states. So, are the pro 2nd Article states making the appropriate moves to put the communist insurgency in checkmate in reference to the right of we the people to own and bear arms? Well, not quite. Continue reading “Washington Scandals Smoke Screen for Gun Confiscation”
Have you ever read about a survival scenario where a kidnapping victim, a forgotten prisoner, or lost hiker was forced to choke down insects in order to survive? Did it sound repulsive? Demeaning? Even sub-human?
Well, welcome your life if the United Nations has anything to do with it. Continue reading “UN Grocery List: Bread, Milk, Grubs, Beetles, Maggots”
Information Clearinghouse – by Paul Craig Roberts
There are many signs of gangster state America. One is the collusion between federal authorities and banksters in a criminal conspiracy to rig the markets for gold and silver.
My explanation that the sudden appearance of an unprecedented 400 ton short sale of gold on the COMEX in April was a manipulation designed to protect the dollar from the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing policy has found acceptance among gold investors and hedge fund managers. Continue reading “Gangster State America”
Man-made chemicals in everyday products are likely to be at least the partial cause of a global surge in birth deformities, hormonal cancers and psychiatric diseases, a U.N.-sponsored research team reported on Tuesday.
These substances, dubbed EDCs, could also be linked to a decline in the human male sperm count and female fertility, to an increase in once-rare childhood cancers and to the disappearance of some animal species, they said. Continue reading “UN Study Links Man-Made Chemicals to Common Diseases”
Police attend to a bomb call at the Centaurus high school in Lafayette, Colorado on May 13, 2013.
Police have arrested a teenager in connection with an explosive package found at an area high school in the US state of Colorado, authorities say. Continue reading “US teen arrested in connection with bomb planted in high school”
Final Update – 5/13/13 1614MST
Yesterday evening we had multiple sources come forward to us about this issue. Each of them had stories that lined up with other stories, and all of them seems to not have any kinds of ties to each other. Continue reading “DEBUNKED – UN Tanks & Supplies On the Move – Local Militias Mobilized – Maine”
Before It’s News – by Alton Parish
Current marijuana users have 16 percent lower fasting insulin levels compared to non-users, according to the American Journal of Medicine
Regular marijuana use is associated with favorable indices related to diabetic control, say investigators. They found that current marijuana users had significantly lower fasting insulin and were less likely to be insulin resistant, even after excluding patients with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. Their findings are reported in the current issue of The American Journal of Medicine. Continue reading “Marijuana Users Have Better Blood Sugar Control Novel Study Reports”
Yahoo News -by CHEVEL JOHNSON | Associated Press
NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Police late Monday identified a 19-year-old man as a suspect in the shooting of about 20 people during a Mother’s Day parade in New Orleans, saying several people had identified him as the gunman captured by surveillance camera videos.
Superintendent Ronal Serpas said officers were looking for Akein Scott of New Orleans. He said it was too early to say whether he was the only shooter. Continue reading “Police ID suspect in New Orleans mass shooting”
Frontpage Mag – by Arnold Ahlert
Monday, President Obama finally addressed the Benghazi controversy, calling scrutiny of the edited talking points a “sideshow” and denying his administration was involved in a cover-up. ”If this was some effort on our part to try to downplay what had happened or tamp it down, that would be a pretty odd thing that three days later we end up putting out all the information,” Obama said. “Who executes some sort of cover-up or effort to tamp things down for three days? So the whole thing defies logic.” Equally willing to defy logic was Obama’s MSNBC whore Chris Matthews, who has been more than eager to carry water for the Obama administration. Indeed, Matthews’ coverage of the unrelenting Benghazi scandal has distinguished itself as being particularly loathsome. Continue reading “Obama’s MSNBC Whore”
Frontpage Mag – by Daniel Greenfield
The United Nations, which is always thinking of helpful ways to make our lives horribly worse, has a new proposal. You’ve probably heard it already.
A new report from the UN’s Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) says Western societies should get over their “disgust” at the idea of eating bugs and join in. Continue reading “UN Bigwigs Eat Filet Mignon and Foie Gras, Tell Everyone Else to Eat Bugs”
Digital Journal – by Johnny Simpson, April 2, 2008
The former general counsel and chief of staff of the House Judiciary Committee, who supervised Hillary during the Watergate investigation, says her history of lies and unethical behavior goes back farther – and goes much deeper – than anyone realizes. Continue reading “Hillary Clinton Fired From Watergate Committee for Fraud, Ethics Violations”
The Captain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith
I predicted it. Now, the L.A. Police have found a sniper rifle in the city.
Thanks to a push from local faith-based organizations and an assist from the Pasadena Police Department, 135 guns were taken off the streets Saturday at the Pasadena Area Gun Buyback and Peace-source Fair. Continue reading “Sniper Rifle Found In L.A.”
An audit of the Colorado Department of Corrections has revealed that hundreds of inmates have been given incorrect prison sentences, meaning some freshly released parolees will be forced back behind bars while others have been incarcerated for too long.
Though only a fraction of the audit has been completed, the examination has already found “serious questions” in the sentences of some 349 convicts, according to the Denver Post. Judges have amended 56 of those errors and are in the process of clearing the rest. Continue reading “Colorado auditing prison files over hundreds of misapplied sentences”
The National Patriot – by Craig Andersen
Monday, in a joint press conference with the British Prime Minister, Barack Hussein Obama was asked about Banghazi. In his pointed and in a voice laced with disgust, the Dictator stated: Continue reading “Obama’s Benghazi LIES Don’t Add Up”