Conn. Governor Malloy Met With Mayor Bloomberg At City Hall To Discuss Gun Control

Mayor Bloomberg, Gov. Malloy meet at City Hall, May 15, 2013. (credit: Spencer T. Tucker/Mayor's Office)CBS New York

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork/AP) Mayor Michael Bloomberg met Gov. Dannel P. Malloyat City Hall to discuss Connecticut’s new gun control law.

Malloy and Bloomberg met in the second-floor bullpen.

“There is a certain reality that America’s got to get used to that guns aren’t making you safer in your house. They’re increasing precipitously the opportunity for your child to kill themselves or someone else,” Malloy said following his half-hour conversation with Bloomberg. “There’s a reality that 19,000 people are going to commit suicide because there’s a gun in their house. And if there wasn’t a gun in that house and they didn’t commit suicide at that time, their chances of committing suicide at any time decreases by 90 percent.”  

The mayor added he’s still looking for Congress to pass universal background checks, a gun trafficking measure and a straw purchase bill.

The wide-ranging legislation Conn. lawmakers passed in the wake ofthe Dec. 14 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown extends the state’s assault weapons ban to include more guns, bans large-capacity ammunition magazines and expands background checks, among other initiatives.

Bloomberg has worked with some family members of the 26 victims at Sandy Hook to push for stronger federal gun control laws. He is also a co-founder of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a group that includes more 850 mayors from 44 states.

2 thoughts on “Conn. Governor Malloy Met With Mayor Bloomberg At City Hall To Discuss Gun Control

  1. Now that too many people understand that privately owned guns are infinitely more effective at fighting crime than the local gang of doughnut munching pigs, gun confiscation is being branded as a suicide issue.

    As for the kids, if you can keep them from drinking the Clorox under the sink, you can keep them away from your guns.

  2. “They’re increasing precipitously the opportunity for your child to kill themselves or someone else,” Malloy said following his half-hour conversation with Bloomberg.”

    That’s right, folks It’s ALL about keeping the children safe. Never mind that these scumbags are doing their level best to kill your kids with an unprecedented number of vaccines. I guess it’s o.k., as long as YOU’re the ones doing the killing.

    “There’s a reality that 19,000 people are going to commit suicide because there’s a gun in their house. And if there wasn’t a gun in that house and they didn’t commit suicide at that time, their chances of committing suicide at any time decreases by 90 percent.”

    Chemtrails, radiation from Fukushima, vaccines, GMOs, fluoridated water, killer cops, just to name a few of the myriad ways in which you’re trying to kill us, and you’re SO concerned about a few suicides commited with guns?

    Methinks thou doth protest too loudly.

    Methinks thou also feareth the hemp neckties that awaiteth thee.

    Thanks but we’ll just hang onto those guns. Come get them if you like.

    Better make that: IF YOU CAN, @SSHOLES!!!

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