AOL – by Claire Gordon

If you’re a teacher, and want to keep your job, don’t mock your students on Facebook. If your boss is a Jewish community leader, and you want to keep your job, don’t post photos on Facebook of yourself covered in swastikas. And if you’re anyone who wants to keep your job, don’t go on Facebook and insult a police officer.   Continue reading “Chili’s Waitress Fired Over Facebook Post Insulting ‘Stupid Cops’”

Reality Blog – by Clint Richardson

I’d just like to remind the good people of America that there is only one man that the people voted in as president of the United States – well, technically he is elected by the electoral college and not the people, but who’s really paying attention to politics anyhow?

And again I’d like to remind the people that this one “elected” man in the presidency then appoints all other officers and cabinet members of the Federal Government. He is the Chief Executive Officer – the boss. All other officers are underlings operating solely on the authority of the President conveyed to them… millions and millions of unelected men and women controlling every aspect of our lives.   Continue reading “The President Does It Again…”

Baltimore Sun – by Erin Cox

Gov. Martin O’Malley on Thursday signed a gun-control bill that is among the country’s most sweeping legislative responses to the December mass shooting in Newtown, Conn.

The law bans the sale of assault-style rifles, including the AR-15 used in the Newtown killing of six educators and 20 first- and second-graders. The law limits gun ownership for people with mental illness, outlaws the sale of high-capacity magazines and establishes the nation’s first new handgun licensing scheme in two decades.   Continue reading “Maryland Governor O’Malley signs gun bill”

The Weekly Standard – by DANIEL HALPER

California congressman Devin Nunes made the claim yesterday that the Justice Department wiretapped telephones in the House of Representative’s Cloak Room, an exclusive part of the Capitol where members are able to privately interact with one another. Nunes made the claim on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show.   Continue reading “Congressman: Justice Dept. Wiretapped the House of Representative’s Cloak Room”

governmentNatural News – by Mike Adams

Without any direction from the President, if you believe the current denials, the IRS went on a politically-motivated rampage that turned its own agents into weapons of intimidation and censorship against any non-profit which taught the Constitution or used conservative buzzwords like “We the People.”

As part of its campaign of tyranny, the IRS demanded from the groups titles of all the books they had recently read, details of Facebook posts and names of all their donors. They even asked for the names of students they taught! Applications for non-profit status were routinely denied or delayed, and a huge number of individuals including Catholic priests were warned that if they didn’t stay silent about opposing Obama, they would be “scrutinized” even further (i.e. audited or worse).   Continue reading “IRS criminality proves big government is lawless, unrestrained and utterly out of control”

CENTRALAZBANKFDICShenandoah – by John Galt

Uh, this sounds a lot like 2008 or 2009. The Central Arizona Bank in Scottsdale, AZ did not even open THIS MORNING!!!! The bank was seized last night with little warning and instead of seizing the parent company in total (Capitol Bank Holdings, Lansing, MI) this one unit was suddenly seized Tuesday night and shut down. Something does not smell right as it has always been EXTREMELY RARE for a bank to be shut down on a weekday evening other than Fridays.   Continue reading “Holy Smokes FDIC Seizes Failed Bank in AZ on a WEDNESDAY!”

Cape Fear Arsenal, a maker of ammunition, will locate in this building on Starlight Drive that was originally home to Outer Banks.Governor Pat McCrory

Raleigh, NC– Governor Pat McCrory and North Carolina Commerce Secretary Sharon Decker announced today that Cape Fear Arsenal Inc. will locate a new manufacturing facility in Robeson County.  The company plans to create 150 jobs and invest more than $15.2 million over the next three years in Lumberton.   Continue reading “Ammunition Manufacturer to Create 150 Jobs in Robeson County, NC”

Sen. Lindsey Graham at Center of Evidence Tampering Case?American Free Press – by Pat Shannan

A civil case that is being waged in a South Carolina federal district court may expose decades-long Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) evidence tampering and perjury in numerous criminal cases. It could also affect the political career of South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey O. Graham.

Subpoenas filed in federal court in late February allege that two supposed video and audio experts for the FBI, Noel Herold and Bruce Koenig, not only lack the qualifications the FBI claims, but may have been used after their 1996 retirements to falsify evidence, which had been used to convict innocent people and to exonerate the FBI of criminal activity.   Continue reading “Sen. Lindsey Graham at Center of Evidence Tampering Case?”

Missouri Man Offers Free Land to Gun Makers in Restrictive StatesThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

“Move to Missouri!” That’s the message to gun manufacturers and distributors from Larry Pratt, the president of Gun Owners of America and Michael Evans, host of the America’s Voice Now radio show.

John Negri, a West Plains, Missouri, small business owner who listens to Evans’ show, made a remarkably generous announcement last week on the show that could make that happen.   Continue reading “Missouri Man Offers Free Land to Gun Makers in Restrictive States”

KGW News

WASHINGTON (AP) — The House Agriculture Committee has approved a sweeping farm bill that would trim the $80 billion-a-year food stamp program.

The panel approved the bill 46-10 late Wednesday after rebuffing Democratic efforts to keep the food stamp program whole.   Continue reading “House panel OKs farm bill with food stamp cuts”

I know this story has already been reported, but this one has photos we haven’t seen before.

Mr. Conservative – by Libertarian Girl

A Bakersfield father of four died this week after struggling with nearly nine police officers outside of a medical facility. Witnesses say that the thirty-three year old pled for his life.   Continue reading “Father Beaten To Death By 9 Sheriffs, Bystanders Captured On Camera”

Authorities were looking for Rodney Lorenzo Addison, 20, who fled Wednesday, May 15, after a shooting incident at the Jacksonville, Fla., airport.MSM – by M. Alex Johnson, NBC News

One person was shot, a second was in custody and at least one other was being sought Wednesday after a Hollywood-style car chase with police bullets flying at the Jacksonville, Fla., airport, authorities said.

The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office said the incident may have been related to a shooting near Highlands Elementary School. It gave no further information, but NBC station WTLV of Jacksonville reported that the lockdown, which was imposed as a precaution, was lifted Wednesday afternoon.   Continue reading “One shot, second arrested, third at large after shooting and wild car chase at Florida airport”

Video Rebel’s Blog   [Satire]

Blythe: Hello, I am Blythe Masters, Vice-President of Global Commodities here at J P Morgan. As you know, I am the creator of Credit Default Swaps, a 700 trillion dollar plus market. I want to welcome the two of you as J P Morgan’s newest board members. I am going to give you a tour and brief introduction into how Morgan and the world really works. I am sure you know you were selected for the board because we are expanding into areas that require your corporate expertise, in Internet surveillance and mercenaries.   Continue reading “Blythe Masters Tells How The World Really Works”

Godfather Politics – by Tad Cronn

Somebody must have put something in the watercoolers at the major news networks this week.

After years of lethargy, particularly where President Obama is concerned, all of a sudden the mainstream media are acting like, well, journalists.   Continue reading “Media Dogpile: ABC, CNN, NBC Demand Release of Benghazi Emails”

Ulsterman Report

Please read the following brief assessment below of just how clear the Obama White House has revealed either its complete complicity in at least one of the many quite serious administrative scandals that are now ongoing, OR, Barack Obama is the most detached and incompetent president to have ever been elected to the office of president, and should resign on such incompetence immediately as he is not mentally fit to be President of the United States…   Continue reading “Obama White House Just Caught In HUGE Lie/Contradiction – See Proof Here.”

shoval droneRichard Silverstein

A highly-placed Israeli source elaborates on a partially truthful Ynetnews reportthat Israel destroyed an advanced Shoval (“Heron”) drone that was on a mission over the sea between Tel Aviv and Netanya. Israel did indeed destroy the drone, one of the most advanced in its fleet. Here is what its manufacturer had to say about it after its October 2012 launch:   Continue reading “Advanced Israeli Drone Hijacked by Iran or Hezbollah, Then Destroyed by Israel”