AG Holder: Feds Will Ignore State Laws and Enforce Gun GrabThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

Attorney General Eric Holder has written to Kansas Governor Sam Brownback (shown), informing him that the Obama administration considers state attempts to protect the Second Amendment “unconstitutional” and that federal agents will “continue to execute their duties,” regardless of state statutes to the contrary.   Continue reading “AG Holder: Feds Will Ignore State Laws and Enforce Gun Grab”

Arkansas Senator Pryor’s Troubles Continue to MountThe New American – by Bob Adelmann

In a veiled threat directed at Democratic Senator Mark Pryor of Arkansas (shown), Mayor Michael Bloomberg, in his role as co-founder of the anti-gun group Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG), said last Thursday that any lawmakers who are “going with the NRA” are “going against the lives of our children.” When asked directly if that meant that his group was going to target Pryor, the senior senator from Arkansas, Bloomberg sidestepped a direct answer:   Continue reading “Arkansas Senator Pryor’s Troubles Continue to Mount”

Lew Rockwell – by Thomas DiLorenzo

As I previously blogged, the sheriff of Palm Beach County, Florida, one Rick Bradshaw, recently got a million-dollar grant from the state legislature to use to spy on citizens and recruit people to spy on and “report” their neighbors if they think they are too critical of government.  He wants people to report “the guy down the street who hates the government . . .”  Then the governmental critic will be sent for mental health evaluation, and his life possibly ruined.   Continue reading “Will Rush Limbaugh Be Sent to a Mental Hospital?”

FBI Wants Real-time Warrantless Access to Online CommunicationThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

The Obama administration is attacking the Fourth Amendment on every possible front. The latest assault would require Facebook, Twitter, Google, Apple, etc. to submit to real-time warrantless wiretaps on customer accounts. Tweets, Facebook posts and direct messages, email, all conversations on messenger apps, and all other online communications would be subject to real-time federal monitoring without first obtaining a warrant to conduct the surveillance, as required by the Constitution.   Continue reading “FBI Wants Real-time Warrantless Access to Online Communication”

Reason – by Andrew Napolitano

Here they go again. The Obama administration has asked its allies in Congress to introduce legislation that would permit the feds to continue their march through the Fourth Amendment when it comes to obtaining private information about all of us.

The Fourth Amendment, which guarantees the right to be left alone, was written largely in response to legislation Parliament enacted in the colonial era that permitted British soldiers to write their own search warrants and then use those warrants as a legal basis to enter private homes.   Continue reading “Obama Continues His War on the Fourth Amendment”

scstatehouse12.jpgFox News

The Supreme Court may have ruled ObamaCare is constitutional, but implementing the controversial federal law would become a crime in South Carolina if a bill passed by the state House becomes law.

The bill, approved Wednesday by a vote of 65-39, declares President Obama’s signature legislation “null and void.” Whereas the law that Obama pushed and Congress passed is known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, South Carolina’s law would be known as the Freedom of Health Care Protection Act.   Continue reading “South Carolina bill would make it a crime to implement ObamaCare”

Reuters -by Mark Hosenball

The number of names on a highly classified U.S. central database used to track suspected terrorists has jumped to 875,000 from 540,000 only five years ago, a U.S. official familiar with the matter said.

Among those was suspected Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev, whose name was added in 2011. The increase in names is due in part to security agencies using the system more in the wake of the failed 2009 attack on a plane by “underpants bomber” Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab in Detroit.   Continue reading “Number of names on U.S. counter-terrorism database jumps”

The company's founder says he thinks people will attach the Drone Shield to their fences or roofs to protect their home from surveillance.US News – by JASON KOEBLER

Worried about drones spying on you? Soon, a device might be able to send you text and email alerts that let you know when a drone is nearby.

A Washington, D.C.-based engineer is working on the “Drone Shield,” a small, Wi-Fi-connected device that uses a microphone to detect a drone’s “acoustic signatures” (sound frequency and spectrum) when it’s within range.   Continue reading “Tiny Device Will Detect Domestic Drones”

fastwaxOath Keepers – by Stewart Rhodes

Darren Ellsmore, Owner of, Donates Associate Sponsorship Position to Oath Keepers.

Pictured here is our brother in arms Darren Ellsmore who donated an associate sponsorship position on his FW1/FASTWAX.COM Mustang for the NASCAR Nationwide Race on Saturday May 4th at Talladega Super Speedway.   Continue reading “Oath Keepers Logo Will be on Earnhardt Car this Weekend at Talladega Super Speedway!”

doombergDaily Current [A Satirical News Site]

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg was denied a second slice of pizza today at an Italian eatery in Brooklyn.

The owners of Collegno’s Pizzeria say they refused to serve him more than one piece to protest Bloomberg’s proposed soda ban,which would limit the portions of soda sold in the city.   Continue reading “Bloomberg Refused Second Slice of Pizza at Local Restaurant”

121018-F-MJ260-350Pat Dollard

Excerpted from TODD STARNES

An Air Force spokesperson said personnel are not allowed to proselytize but are free to express their personal religious beliefs so long as it “does not make others uncomfortable,” but a critic pointed out at an Air Force officer was told to remove a Bible that was on his desk.   Continue reading “Air Force Officer Told to Remove Bible From Desk”

The USS Enterprise (AFP Photo / Jose Jordan)RT News

The United States Navy has officially entered the drone business.

On Thursday the Navy inaugurated the Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron 35, or the “Magicians,” a fleet made up of both manned and unmanned vehicles that will accompany US warships into battle across the world. Included in that fleet are eight traditionally piloted helicopters and a yet to be determined number of Fire Scout MQ-8 B drones, each capable of being operated at a distance of 110 miles away and maintaining flight for half-a-day straight.   Continue reading “US Navy gets their first squadron of drones”

NestleNatural News – by Lance Devon

In an interview with “We Feed the World,” Nestle CEO Peter Brabeck touted that his company is the largest foodstuff corporation in the world, worth $65 billion. He went on to proclaim that water is not a human right and that corporations such as his should control water to preserve it for future generations.

In addition to controlling naturally occurring water, Nestle is also striving to monopolize and control a naturally available plant called the fennel flower. According to patent filings, Nestle is claiming ownership of nigella sativa, or fennel flower, for “nutritional interventions in humans with food allergy.”   Continue reading “Nestle trying to patent the natural fennel flower”

Before It’s News – by Sebastian Clouth

Fires are spreading in two different areas in California, one spreading to more than 6,000 acres as of Thursday afternoon.

The main fire spread about 50 miles outside of Los Angeles as hundreds of firefighters tried to stop it.   Continue reading “Red Flag Warning: Wildfires Spread in California”

The Tenth Amendment Center – by Michael Boldin

On Thursday, Kansas Governor Sam Brownback received a letter from Federal Attorney General Eric Holder threatening action against the state should it enforce SB102 which Brownback signed into law last month.

The new law states, in part:   Continue reading “Eric Holder Threatens Kansas in Letter on Gun Control Nullification Law”

Activists of India's right-wing Shiv Sena, shout anti-China slogans and burn a Chinese flag during a protest against an alleged Chinese incursion. India says Chinese troops set up a camp on its side of the ill-defined frontier in Ladakh regionDaily Mail

A two week Chinese incursion has left India on the verge of crises, it has today been reported.

India says Chinese troops set up a camp on its side of the ill-defined frontier in Ladakh region in the middle of April.

The platoon of Chinese soldiers slipped across the boundary into India in the middle of the night, according to Indian officials.   Continue reading “China invades India: Tensions mount as platoon of soldiers slip across border to claim disputed territory”

Washington’s Blog

We’ll interview Ms. Edmonds later today. So check back for updates.

Former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds has been deemed credible by the Department of Justice’s Inspector General, several senators (free subscription required), and a coalition of prominent conservative and liberal groups.   Continue reading “Report: U.S. Government and NATO Worked with Bin Laden and His Top Lieutenant 3 Months AFTER 9/11”