One of the world’s largest ATM manufacturers and, formerly, one of the largest manufacturers of electronic voting systems, has been indicted by federal prosecutors for bribery and falsification of documents.

The charges represent only the latest in a long series of criminal and/or unethical misconduct by Diebold, Inc. and their executives over the past decade.

According to Cleveland’s Plain Dealer, a U.S. Attorney says the latest charges are in response to “a worldwide pattern of criminal conduct” by the company….   Continue reading “Diebold Charged With Bribery, Falsifying Docs, ‘Worldwide Pattern of Criminal Conduct’”

AFP Photo / Drew AngererRT News

American immigration officials have deported one of the dozens of activists taken into custody last month while protesting current US immigration policy.

Rocio Hernandez Perez was one of 34 immigrants who attempted to cross into the US on September 30, knowing they were not authorized to live in the country. Perez, like the majority of the group, came to the states illegally as a child and had spent most of her life there.   Continue reading “Dreamer activist deported after protesting US immigration policy”

 (Image from News

The research and development arm of the US Department of Defense plans to establish drone-mounted laser weapons, a scheme referred to as ‘Project Endurance’ in the agency’s 2014 budget request.

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) seeks to produce “technology for pod-mounted lasers to protect a variety of airborne platforms from emerging and legacy EO/IR [electro-optical and infrared] guided surface-to-air missiles.”   Continue reading “DARPA developing drone-mounted lasers to shoot down missiles”

USS Zumwalt (U.S. Navy photo illustration)RT News

After suffering numerous problems with the latest class of surface warships, the Navy is hoping for a win with the introduction of the largest destroyer in United States history.

On Monday, the Navy launched the new USS Zumwalt into Maine’s Kennebec River for the first time. Originally designed simply for shore bombardment, the ship is now intended to serve multiple purposes, including backing up Marines on clandestine missions.   Continue reading “US Navy gets largest and most expensive destroyer ever”

Paul Craig Roberts

To inform people is hard slugging. Everything is lined up against the public being informed, or the policymakers for that matter. News is contaminated by its service to special interests and hidden agendas. Many scientists or their employers are dependent on federal money. Even psychologists and anthropologists were roped into the government’s torture and occupation programs. Economists tell lies for corporations and Wall Street. Plant and soil scientists tell lies for agribusiness and Monsanto. Truth tellers are slandered and persecuted. However, persistence can eventually win out. In the long-run, truth sometimes emerges. But not always. And not always in time.   Continue reading “Ignored Reality Is Going To Wipe Out The Human Race”


As campaigns for state supreme court seats become more expensive and more partisan, the fear of being portrayed as “soft on crime” is leading courts to rule more often for prosecutors and against criminal defendants, contends the Center for American Progress study. 

A new report from the Center for American Progress examines the impact on the criminal justice system of the explosion in judicial campaign cash and the growing use of political attack ads in state supreme court elections, which have increased pressure on elected judges to appear “tough on crime.”   Continue reading “New report shows when campaign cash increased, courts ruled in favor of prosecutors & against criminal defendants”

Ray Kelly booed off the stage at Brown UniversityNew York Post – by Joe Tacopino

Police Commissioner Ray Kelly was shouted off the stage at Brown University Tuesday by more than 100 protesters angry over the NYPD’s stop-and-frisk policy.

Kelly was attempting to give a lecture on “Proactive Policing in America’s Biggest City” when angry students at the Ivy League college in Providence, RI, forced him to cut the talk short.   Continue reading “Ray Kelly booed off the stage at Brown University”

Gangs WILL Rule The CitiesMilitia News – by Ken Jorgustin

After ‘The Shit Hits The Fan’ (TSHTF), gangs will be the number one problem in cities of any size. The gangs will take over a city very quickly starting with their own blocks and neighborhoods. Their numbers will grow very rapidly as those desperate for water and food will become their “new recruits” and will join for their own survival.

The gangs will be a formidable force for a number of logical reasons, and will be the downfall of many preppers and others who happen to be in their way…   Continue reading “Gangs Will Rule The Cities”

ATT000012012 What’s the Real Truth?

The extraordinary scene was captured by photography student Casey Gutteridge at the Santago Rare Leopard Project in Hertfordshire. The 19-year-old, from Potters Bar, Hertfordshire, who was photographing the leopard for a course project, was astounded By the mouse’s behaviour.
He said: ‘I have no idea where the mouse came from – he just appeared in the enclosure after the keeper had dropped in the meat for the leopard. He didn’t take any notice of the leopard, just went straight over to the meat and started feeding himself.’   Continue reading “One Hungry Little Mouse!”

7-Eleven StoreOff the Grid News – by John Evans

Crooks in three different robbery attempts got more than they bargained for when they ran into gun-wielding citizens.

All three demonstrate what gun rights supporters call the “equalizing” power of firearms.

In the first incident, the owner of a jewelry store in Alcoa, Tennessee, shot one of two suspects attempting to rob his store, according to the news station WBIR.   Continue reading “Wheelchair-Bound Storeowner Stops Two Robbers With His Gun”

John Friend’s Blog

The alleged shooting at the Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut in December of last year has caused quite a bit of friction and disagreement amongst the staff at American Free Press. Here I will attempt to explain my views on this controversial subject, which stand in stark contrast to the position taken by Michael Collins Piper in his recent article entitled, “Internet Rife with Disinformation: “Cyber Shills” working to misdirect, embarrass legitimate conspiracy researchers,” published on page 18 in issue number 43 of AFP’s print edition.    Continue reading “Sandy Hook shooting: Where’s the proof?”

tsa goosing grannyThe Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges

 In the early morning hours of October 29, 2013, I was interviewed by Kate Zickel from The Voice of Russia radio show, formerly Radio Moscow. The Russians wanted to know why I believe that the United States was on the verge of martial law and I feel compelled to say that the host seemed extremely uncomfortable with the content of my presentation. I was told we would have 10 minutes for the interview. This story cannot be told in 10 minutes so I prepared attention grabbing bullet points in an attempt to convey why I believe martial law does not lie far off in our future. As a radio guest, I usually adopt a calm demeanor and attempt to present hard data which allows the listeners to make up their mind. I am congenial and polite because I would like to be invited back at a future date. In this instance, I did not have that goal.  Continue reading “What I Told the Voice of Russia Radio Network About Impending US Martial Law”

nited Nations headquarters in New York City (AFP Photo / Stan Honda)RT

US President Barack Obama has “recently ordered” the National Security Agency to stop tapping the UN headquarters in New York amid the review of electronic surveillance programs, Reuters reported, citing official sources.

The United States is not conducting electronic surveillance targeting the United Nations headquarters in New York,” a senior Obama administration official told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Another official told the news agency that the decision was made within the last few weeks after the president’s aides said in briefings that the White House no longer wanted to conduct certain monitoring of UN targets.    Continue reading “NSA ‘no longer spying’ on UN headquarters in New York – report”

NSA Reform Bill Huffington Post – by Matt Sledge

WASHINGTON — A major bill to reform the National Security Agency was introduced on Tuesday as the spy service’s director defended its activities before the House Intelligence Committee.

The bipartisan legislation introduced jointly by Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) and Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) is one of the most ambitious efforts to rein in the NSA’s spying powers in the wake of revelations made by former agency contractor Edward Snowden.  Continue reading “NSA Reform Bill Introduced As Agency Remains On The Defensive”

dick cheney canada arrestHuffington Post – by Shadee Ashtari

An international volunteer organization urged Canadian authorities to arrest former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney on war crimes charges when he visits the 2013 Toronto Global Forum later this week.

Lawyers Against the War argued in a letter dated Sunday that Toronto Police Chief William Blair and Ontario Attorney General John Gerretsen have a duty to arrest Cheney “as a person suspected on reasonable grounds of authorizing, counseling, aiding, abetting and failing to prevent torture.”   Continue reading “Canadians Seek Dick Cheney’s Arrest For War Crimes During Upcoming Visit”

Robert WilkinsAmmoLand

Washington, DC –-( The Senate Judiciary Committee will soon begin the first step in taking anti-gun judges and “court-packing” them into what is widely regarded as the nation’s second-most-important court — the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals.

And, unlike anti-gun judges with no “paper trail,” the nominee, Robert Wilkins, has a particularly virulent anti-gun record.   Continue reading “Senate Committee to Vote on Anti-Gun Judge, Robert Wilkins for Nation’s 2nd-Highest Court”

A protestor holds a sign during a rally in front of the Sonoma County sheriff's office for 13 year-old Andy Lopez who was shot by a Sonoma County sheriff's deputy last week on October 29, 2013 in Santa Rosa, California (AFP Photo / Justin Sullivan)RT News

Over 1,000 people showed up to protest the death of Andy Lopez hours before the funeral for the 13-year-old boy was scheduled to take place. California police fatally shot Lopez last week when they saw him carrying what turned out to be a toy rifle.

The Tuesday rally began at approximately 12pm local time and only seemed to grow as the day went on. Demonstrators planned to march through the small city of Santa Rosa, California, located approximately 50 miles north of San Francisco.   Continue reading “Thousands protest against police ahead of 13-year-old shooting victim’s funeral”