Natural Blaze – by Catherine J. Frompovich

Concerned healthcare consumer Jon Kopel provided me with links about the October 23, 2013 public hearing held in Long Island City, New York, regarding the proposed rule by New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, and for which I thank him very much:   Continue reading “New York City-Style Vaccination Mandates for Children Under Five”

Before It’s News – by N. Morgan

In this new Police State, even the police are thugs. They will abuse you, rob you, take your property, all in the guise of protecting and serving us! This twisted logic has us at the point of no return. The People will either rise up against this abuse or they will comply and be slaves. Police officers are forcing people to choose between time behind bars or turning over their money and property — all without ever making an arrest. Fight civil asset forfeiture abuse.   Continue reading “A Question: When Did “Serve And Protect” Become “Seize And Profit”?”


The U.S. military says it has a new benefit for same-sex couples who are in the Armed Services and want to get “married.”

And it’s a taxpayer-funded perk available only to same-sex duos, not heterosexual couples.

It’s government-paid leave to travel to a state that recognizes same-sex “marriage.”   Continue reading “Military gives bonuses only to same-sex couples”

Media Research Center

RESTON, VA – In a bombshell report for NBC, NBC News senior investigative correspondent Lisa Myers found buried in the 2010 Obamacare regulations language predicting, “A reasonable range for the percentage of individual policies that would terminate is forty percent to sixty-seven percent.” Myers’ reporting shows that Barack Obama knowingly lied to the American people for more than three years when he regularly insisted that those who like their current health insurance would be able to keep it under Obamacare.

Yet, according to an analysis from the Media Research Center, this massive, deliberate breach of trust was worthy of only 21 seconds of coverage on NBC Nightly News, buried at the end of the show’s fourth story, with no follow up on Today. ABC and CBS completely censored Lisa Myers’ discovery with not one single second of coverage on either their morning or evening programs.   Continue reading “NBC Buries Own Reporter To Hide Obama Lie”

rochesterskylinePolitics on the Hudson – by 

American Tactical Imports is leaving Rochester for South Carolina, blaming the move in part on the state’s gun-control law passed in January.

“As one of the gun industry’s top importers and manufactures of firearms and firearm related accessories, ATI’s decision to relocate is two-fold,” the company said in a news release yesterday.“ATI believes it is imperative that a firearms importer and manufacturer do business within a state that is friendly to the Second Amendment rights of the people.   Continue reading “Firearms maker leaves Rochester to “a state that is friendly to the Second Amendment rights of the people””

PR Newswire

BELLEVUE, Wash., Oct. 29, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today said gun ban groups and the Obama administration are engaged in “world-class hypocrisy” for criticizing gun rights organizations over “Guns Save Lives Day” – on the day after the first anniversary of the Sandy Hook tragedy – while planning their own lobbying effort and activities to exploit the event.

“When we launched ‘Guns Save Lives Day’ (GSLD) we were condemned for ‘poor taste’ by the same groups that are now reportedly planning a November lobbying effort, and media events coinciding with the Sandy Hook anniversary,” noted CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “According to Politico, the leading gun prohibition groups are coordinating with the Obama administration to fully exploit the Newtown anniversary to further their own political agenda, exactly as we predicted when we announced the GSLD project.   Continue reading “CCRKBA Blasts Hypocrisy of Gun Ban Groups, Obama Admin. on Newtown Exploitation”

Ben Swann – by Kristin Tate

Libertarian activist Adam Kokesh has been in jail for 114 days (92 of which he was held by the feds) with no bond, no bail, and no trial. 57 of those days were in solitary confinement.

Clearly, this Kokesh fellow is a dangerous threat to society… Right?

Nonsense, say many of those who know Kokesh well. In fact, they argue that Adam Kokesh is anything but dangerous.   Continue reading “Adam Kokesh, A Modern Day Political Prisoner?”

The DC Caller

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg dropped a cool $1 million in support of a campaign in Colorado to raise income taxes by nearly $1 billions a year.

Bloomberg’s intervention occurred even though Gov. John Hickenlooper recently appealed to deep-pocketed out-of-state groups to stay out of local politics.   Continue reading “Bloomberg drops $1 million into effort to raise taxes in Colorado by $1 billion”

Police TrainingAmmoLand

Wisconsin –-( Assembly Bill 9 (when introduced last spring) would have, if passed, created a special class of off-duty and former law-enforcement officers who could carry places (school grounds) ‘we the people’ could not.

It also trampled private property rights of private individuals and businesses.

Wisconsin Carry was able to get amendments to the bill that would have extended the right to carry on school grounds to concealed carry license holders AND protected the private property rights of private homes and businesses.   Continue reading “Wisconsin’s ‘Only Ones’ Concealed Carry Bill AB 9 Off the Calendar for 2013”

Donna SimonAmmoLand

New Jersey –-( It should come as no surprise that NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg is trying to use his name and cash to attack pro Second Amendment candidates here in NJ and across the country.

We have been told that his latest attempt at buying people’s rights comes in the form of pouring cash into the group Hunterdon United For Gun Safety (HUGs) specifically so they can attack District 16 ASW Donna Simon for her pro Second Amendment stance.   Continue reading “New Jersey Pro 2A Assembly Woman Donna Simon Under Attack by Bloomberg Forces”

 Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers AssociationAmmoLand

Florida –-( Well, I was wrong! I never thought the case against Sheriff Nick Finch would make it to trial, but that is exactly what is going to happen, tomorrow morning, October 29, 2013 at 0900. (Happy Halloween, nothing could be creepier!)

The charges against this good man have been so flimsy and frivolous that I was certain a trial would be out of the question.   Continue reading “FL Sheriff Finch Goes On Trial for Standing Up For The Constitution”

stolen pumpkinHuffington Post

Now a pumpkin thief‘s been carved up, rhetorically speaking.

Eric Fidler spotted this amazing sign in D.C.’s LeDroit Park neighborhood on Sunday afternoon, and posted a photo of it to his blog.

In case you can’t make out what the sign says, Fidler transcribed it thusly, with the not-so child-friendly language redacted:   Continue reading “Parent’s Sign Makes A Pumpkin Thief Eat Humble Pie”