pelosi grimaceLast Resistance – by Philip Hodges

In what universe would anyone describe Obamacare as anything other than a colossal failure? Failure always abounds when the government sees fit to involve itself in the formerly-free market. The government drags along with it an exorbitant increase in prices and a significant drop in quality of product. That’s what’s been happening with the healthcare industry for decades now. And is the embodiment of everything that’s wrong with the government’s penchant for central economic planning.   Continue reading “Pelosi: Obamacare is “a Glorious Thing””

Piper Michael

I’ve had it…

I’ve had it, I’ve had enough. Through a “long chain of abuses”, I now recognize that my government has turned from a democratic republic, into a fascist socialist nightmare verging on tyranny. They tell me that I’m wrong because I don’t wish to pay a tax on my behavior, that I cannot allow my money to be used for the murder of the unborn and the free birth control of the hedonists. I see the future, and the future is now, I will have a choice between spending money on food, or health insurance? What kind of a choice is that? Who Benefits? The choice to ‘redistribute’ my wealth, into the hands of those who vote for a living, instead of those who work for a living. This is not a choice, this is the Tyranny of the Majority, this is coercion, this is blackmail, this is the end of the Republic and the fundamental transformation through the animal passion of COVETING, a sin. Furthermore, this is destruction of my America. I will not stand for it.   Continue reading “Had enough?”

Photo - Image from Marotta's website warning investors to prepare a "bug-out" bag in case of a fiscal collapse.Washington Examiner – by PAUL BEDARD

A top financial advisor, worried that Obamacare, the NSA spying scandal and spiraling national debt is increasing the chances for a fiscal and social disaster, is recommending that Americans prepare a “bug-out bag” that includes food, a gun and ammo to help them stay alive.

David John Marotta, a Wall Street expert and financial advisor and Forbes contributor, said in a note to investors, “Firearms are the last item on the list, but they are on the list. There are some terrible people in this world. And you are safer when your trusted neighbors have firearms.”   Continue reading “Be prepared: Wall Street advisor recommends guns, ammo for protection in collapse”

bioterrorismfbImagine the nightmare scenario of an attack from a terrorist group or hostile nation. It probably involves a radioactive blast and a mushroom cloud, right? What about an attack that involves germs and surgical masks? How does that factor in? The reality is biological attacks may be just as devastating as the typical terrorist attack. How prepared is the U.S., and what’s the history of biological warfare and terrorism throughout the world?   Continue reading “Biological Attack — Are We Ready?”

Washington Times – by Stephen Dinan

Federal authorities said Thursday they have arrested and charged a Texas man in connection with the “knockout game,” accusing him of a hate crime for targeting a black man for a vicious street attack.

Most knockout victims that have appeared in news reports have been white, but the Justice Department said in this instance the victim was a 79-year-old black man, and stepped in with federal charges.   Continue reading “Federal authorities charge white ‘knockout’ suspect with hate crime”

Ray Kelly to join Council on Foreign RelationsSalon – by ELIAS ISQUITH

Ray Kelly is soon to leave his post as NYPD commissioner, but that doesn’t mean he’ll fade from the public eye. Not only is he planning to soon cash-in on the public speaking circuit, but according to a release from the venerable think tank, the Council on Foreign Relations will soon add Kelly to its roster of thought leaders, bestowing Kelly with the title of distinguished visiting fellow.  Continue reading “Ray Kelly to join Council on Foreign Relations”

nvcw.jpgFox News – by Stephanie McNeal

When budget woes reduced the sheriff’s department in one rural Oregon county to a bare-bones force, residents decided to take matters into their own hands — creating armed patrol groups in defiance of local officials.

Their decision has raised safety concerns with the county government, which would prefer residents instead hike their own taxes to fund the hiring of trained deputies. But despite the risks, the move stands as a unique, some would say innovative, response to one of the country’s most severe local budget crunches.    Continue reading “Citizens take law into own hands after cash-strapped Ore. county guts sheriff’s office”

NSA SpyingElectronic Frontier Foundation

The first step in Jewel v. NSA is for the court to decide whether to adopt or reject the government’s invocation of the controversial ‘state secrets’ privilege—a legal tool that started as a limited shield intended to protect legitimate and critical government national security secrets, but which the government has attempted to turn into a sword to block Americans seeking to enforce the law and the Constitution.

Essentially, by invoking the state secrets privilege in this way, the government argues that even if all of the allegations of serious law-breaking and Constitutional violations are true, surveillance of millions of ordinary Americans is exempt from judicial review.   Continue reading “The State Secrets Privilege”

drugsNatural News – by Tony Isaacs

In yet another blow to the claimed benefits of statin drugs, newly published research has found that statin drug use leads to accelerated coronary artery and aortic artery calcification, both of which greatly contribute to cardiovascular disease and mortality. The new study comes on top of findings that led the FDA to mandate adding “diabetes risk” to the warning label of statin drugs.   Continue reading “Another nail in the coffin for statin drugs – New research finds statins increase artery calcification”


(Daniel Jennings) State drivers’ licenses are slowly turning into national ID cards by a little known federal law called the REAL ID Act.

The idea behind the law is to make it easier for law enforcement and security personnel to identify individuals through their driver’s licenses and state-issued identification cards, and the law has even led some states to ban smiling for license pictures, so as not to throw off computer facial recognition software.   Continue reading “National ID Law Takes Effect In 2014”

Before It’s News – by Susan Duclos

Florida, Oregon and Canada are all reporting cases of H1N1, which has been found in Texas already, causing the deaths of some victims, sickness in others and fears of more cases to be reported. Originally termed a “mystery illness,” test results for the H1N1 flu aka Swine Flu came back positive, worrying officials that a larger outbreak could occur.

In 2009 the H1N1 was named as the cause of a worldwide pandemic.  By June 2012 the first global study published in the Lancet Infectious Diseases Online first, estimated the number of people that died from the 2009 pandemic.   Continue reading “It’s Spreading! H1N1 Florida, Oregon & Canada Join Texas With Swine Flu Cases Reported”

AZ Central – by Dennis Wagner

A federal agent who exposed the Justice Department’s flawed gun-trafficking investigation known as Operation Fast and Furious says the FBI played a key role in events leading to the 2010 murder near Nogales, Ariz., of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

John Dodson, a special agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, contends that the bandits who killed Terry were working for FBI operatives and were sent to the border to do a drug rip-off using intelligence from the federal Drug Enforcement Administration.   Continue reading “Agent: FBI key in border agent Terry slaying”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

Before It’s News has recently received the following tip from a confidential source who asked that we get this information out to the public. In light of recent cancellations of airline flights out of Alaska, Oregon and Washington state, was there another reason behind those cancellations besides what we have already been told?

While the official word is that ‘the flu’ has struck Alaska Airlines crews, causing the cancellations of 24 flights, we have been informed that the real reason that crew members have called in sick has been due to fears of high levels of radiation in the air, as confirmed by this recent story that hot particles are now in the lungs of Americans, especially in Seattle, via an Interview with nuclear expert Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds.   Continue reading “Inside Info: Alaska Air’s Been Fuked! Cancellations Due To Fukushima Radiation Rather Than The Flu?”

WASHINGTON CROSSING, N.J. (AP) — George Washington has made his annual Christmas Day ride across the Delaware River.

Washington’s daring Christmas 1776 crossing of the river turned the tide of the Revolutionary War. The 61st reenactment of it was staged Wednesday. Hundreds of people gather each year to hear Washington’s stand-in deliver stirring words to the troops and watch three boats make the crossing from Pennsylvania to New Jersey.   Continue reading “Crowds relive Washington’s 1776 river crossing”

Thai anti government protesters clash with riot policemen during a rally at a stadium to register party-list candidates in Bangkok on December 26, 2013. (AFP Photo / Pornchai Kittiwongsakul)RT News

Thai police say an officer has been killed during an anti-government rally in the country’s capital, Bangkok. Police used tear gas, rubber bullets on protesters who attempted to halt planning for the February elections over the controversial security law.

The officer died after being airlifted to hospital, and it hasn’t been confirmed yet how he lost his life. Earlier, police reported that he had been hit by a bullet during the clashes.   Continue reading “Thai police officer killed in clashes with anti-government protesters”

Al-Qaeda spokesman Sulaiman Abu Ghaith (Reuters)RT News

Osama bin Laden’s son-in-law is facing two new conspiracy charges in his impending trial, as US prosecutors have reportedly linked him to the 2001 Al-Qaeda shoe bomber plot.

Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, 48, who formerly served as a spokesman for Al-Qaeda and was arrested in February, was originally charged with one count of conspiracy to kill Americans. A superseding indictment unsealed on Friday, however, added two new charges: conspiracy to provide material support and resources to terrorists, and providing material support and resources to terrorists.   Continue reading “US hits bin Laden’s son-in-law with new conspiracy charges”

Reuters / Noah BergerRT News

Expressing concern over employees’ health has backfired on the world’s leading fast food producer, McDonald’s. Its own employee resources website recommended workers to avoid burgers and fries whenever possible due to health risks.

The McResource site, notorious for giving advice on how to make ends meet working for $7.25 an hour at McDonald’s, has cooked up another gem: the folks preparing and serving McDonald’s food should actually avoid eating it themselves – because it is unhealthy.   Continue reading “McDonald’s to employees: Avoid burgers and fries – it’s risky for your health”