Miami Herald – by MICHAEL DOYLE

In a Freedom of Information Act victory, a federal judge has slapped the Obama administration for its secretive ways and ordered officials to turn over a bland-sounding foreign policy document.

Chastising what she called “the government’s unwarranted expansion of the presidential communications privilege at the expense of the public’s interest in disclosure,” U.S. District Judge Ellen Seal Huvelle ruled the Presidential Policy Directive on Global Development is not exempt from FOIA.   Continue reading “Judge smacks Obama secrecy in unique FOIA case”

karl_marx_hipFreedom Outpost – by John Risselada

It is overwhelmingly obvious to all paying attention that we are being governed by people who absolutely do not, share in the traditional values that once made this country great. The vast majority of people in this nation; however, still hold the ideals of individual liberty in very high regard as well as the fundamental Christian principles that were the driving force behind the creation of our government, and system of laws. People still believe our constitution should remain the law of the land, and furthermore; many people are becoming increasingly frustrated with the continuous usurpations of power by the current governing body. In fact, many people are fully aware that we are being governed by communists whose number one goal is the destruction of American sovereignty in favor of a global hierarchy in which we find ourselves subservient to the whims of global dictators. In order to overcome this we have to understand it for what it is, spiritual warfare.   Continue reading “Karl Marx Unmasked”

Senate Dems block amendment to restore veteran benefits by closing illegal immigrant welfare loopholeThe Daily Caller – by Caroline May

Senate Republicans were unable to stop military pension cuts when Senate Democrats blocked a vote on an amendment to prevent the cuts by closing a welfare loophole for illegal immigrants Tuesday evening.

The two-year budget deal brokered by Senate Budget Committee Chairwoman Patty Murray and House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, would cut military pensions by $6 billion over ten years, leaving some Senate Republicans scrambling to stop the cuts.   Continue reading “Senate Dems block amendment to restore veteran benefits by closing illegal immigrant welfare loophole”

prescriptionNatural News – by PF Louis

The phrase “prescription drug abuse” allows Big Pharma to get away with too much, shifting the blame to stoners, druggies and youths who like to get their kicks from illegal prescriptions and black market OxyContin-type drugs that sell for high prices.

Death by Modern Medicine: Seeking Safe Solutions, written by Dr. Carolyn Dean, outlines the statistics and issues within several other categories of prescription drugs that have caused deaths despite being properly prescribed and used.   Continue reading “Prescription drug abuse may now be the top cause of accidental death in America”

Screenshot 2013-12-19 at 2.47.21 AMBen Swann – by Kristin Tate

On Wednesday, 35-year-old Krystal Barrows was resting on her couch when Sgt. Brett McKnight shot and killed her during a failed drug raid.

Police had gathered outside of Barrows’ trailer home to conduct a heroin bust when McKnight’s gun went off by “accident.” The bullet went through the exterior of the trailer and struck Barrows. She died hours later after being taken by helicopter to Ohio State University’s Wexner Medical Center.   Continue reading “Police Officer Accidentally Kills Woman During Failed Drug Raid”

Before It’s News – by Zen Gardner

Interview with Akira Tokuhiro, Nuclear Engineer: Fukushima and the Mass Media, Vivian Norris for Hufffington Post, May 17, 2011:

[…] Fukushima differs from other nuclear reactors in that it uses a dirty fuel or MOX which is banned in many of the countries where nuclear power is a major energy source. My Swedish-Russian nuclear physicist friend is sending me links for reliable radioactivity readings and weather/wind patterns. We must remember some of what is posted on the internet are simulations, not actual readings. But he did add this:   Continue reading “Nuclear Physicist: Most Plutonium Fallout Will Drop on U.S.”


EMMETT– During debate on the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)in the U.S. Senate, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), said “it designates the world as the battlefield, including the homeland.

The citizens of Emmett, Idaho disagree.   Continue reading “Victory: Emmett, Idaho Bans NDAA Detention, Laws of war”

©A&E / Phil Robertson of 'Duck Dynasty'MSM News – by Tim Kenneally, The Wrap

Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson has been suspended from the A&E reality series, following anti-gay remarks he made in an interview with GQ magazine.

In a statement, A+E Networks said he had been placed on indefinite hiatus.

“We are extremely disappointed to have read Phil Robertson’s comments in GQ, which are based on his own personal beliefs and are not reflected in the series ‘Duck Dynasty,'” the company said. “His personal views in no way reflect those of A+E Networks, who have always been strong supporters and champions of the LGBT community. The network has placed Phil under hiatus from filming indefinitely.”   Continue reading “‘Duck Dynasty’ star Phil Robertson suspended over anti-gay comments”

Saudi Arabia's ambassador to London has claimed the country is determined to independently arm Syria rebels after rejecting the diplomatic tactics of its Western allies The Telegraph – by Damien McElroy

Saudi Arabia has warned it has been forced to go its own way in foreign policy as its Western allies seek diplomatic solutions to the war in Syria and crisis with Iran.

Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to London said US-led diplomacy in the region was risking the stability of the Middle East.   Continue reading “Saudi Arabia warns it will act against West’s policy in Middle East”

IR activeMax Velocity Tactical

Let’s talk about night operations. This is a topic that often comes up, particularly with regards to modern night vision equipment. There was a string of comments about this in my recent post ‘Out In the woods’, which took on the form of a mini forum. There are multiple aspects to discuss about night operations, so my intent will be to give a broad brush of the various aspects in order to clarify, and then open it up to comment and discussion.

This blog is primarily concerned with the armed civilian in an SHTF environment. Thus, you will only have the equipment that you purchased or acquired. We can certainly take pointers from practices within the military, and that is part of the intent of this article, but we must also be realistic and realize that we are not going to be issued all the latest gear. The gear you have is often a function of what you can afford.   Continue reading “Considerations for Night Operations”

doctors-attack-vitamin-mineral-supplements-ama-american-medical-associationNow the End Begins

For nearly 100 years now, high-quality vitamin and mineral supplements have made amazing improvements to the quality of people’s lives the world over. This author personally attests to the power of said supplements properly taken over the past 30 years. But the American Medical Association and its various minions see vitamin supplements as direct competition to their regimen of highly toxic drugs that come with an incredible number of side effects and drug interactions that kill thousands of people each year.   Continue reading “Desperate Medical Industrial Complex Attacks Vitamin And Mineral Supplements”


Stinking White-hating Jew spews his line of bull once again on CNN (video below).

From Council of Conservative Citizens

Once again, CNN featured the extremist Tim Wise, who last year called on his followers to murder members of the TEA Party. Tim Wise,who is Jewish, says that Jesus Christ is a symbol of “White supremacy” and “genocide.” Wise stated “The image of a White Jesus has been used to justify enslavement, conquest, colonialism, the genocide of indigenous peoples. There are literally millions of human beings whose lives have been snuffed out by people who conquered under the banner of a White god.”   Continue reading “Tim Wise Calls Jesus a Symbol of Genocide”

Video Rebel’s Blog

David Rothkopf wrote Superclass in 2008. It is about the 30 or so families and their 6,000 minions who are the New World Order. Rothkopf used to be managing director of Kissinger associates and is currently the editor of the Council on Foreign Relations’ Foreign Policy magazine.

The Superclass is so powerful that they have eroded the power of presidents and prime ministers. National sovereignty is being taken over by international agreements and by Mega corporations. The Trans Pacific Partnership is a case in point. This treaty would take away sovereignty over consumer, environmental and labor laws from the people and give it to the 6,000 members of the Superclass.   Continue reading “So If You Can’t Join Rothkopf’s Superclass?”

The Pirate’s Cove


(Washington Times) In Missouri, legislation has been introduced to nullify every federal gun control measure on the books, “whether past, present or future.”

The 2nd Amendment Preservation Act, introduced as Senate Bill 613 (SB613) for the 2014 legislative session by Sen. Brian Nieves, follows on the heels of a failed effort to do the same in 2013.   Continue reading “Missouri Looks To Nullify All Federal Gun Laws”

US President Barack Obama (4th L) and Vice President Joe Biden (3rd L) meet with executives from leading tech companies to discuss progress with at the White House in Washington, DC, December 17, 2013. (AFP Photo / Jim Watson)RT News

Executives of major technology companies pressed Tuesday for reform of the NSA’s surveillance operations during a meeting with President Barack Obama that was initially to focus on the government’s maligned health care website.

Senior executives from Apple, Google, Yahoo, Netflix, Comcast, AT&T, Microsoft, Twitter, Facebook and others met privately Tuesday with Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and members of the White House’s national security team. The meeting, which lasted over two hours, came one day after a federal judge ruled the National Security Agency’s bulk collection of Americans’ telephone metadata is likely unconstitutional.   Continue reading “Tech execs steer away from, to NSA in Obama meeting”

Trader Ryan Falvey (center), works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange on Wednesday. Stocks were modestly higher in early trading on Wall Street Wednesday as the Federal Reserve ends its last two-day policy meeting of 2013.NPR – by Scott Neuman

The Federal Reserve has decided to reduce by $10 billion its monthly bond-buying program beginning in January.

The Federal Reserve Open Market Committee says in a statement:

“In light of the cumulative progress toward maximum employment and the improvement in the outlook for labor market conditions, the Committee decided to modestly reduce the pace of its asset purchases. Beginning in January, the Committee will add to its holdings of agency mortgage-backed securities at a pace of $35 billion per month rather than $40 billion per month, and will add to its holdings of longer-term Treasury securities at a pace of $40 billion per month rather than $45 billion per month.”   Continue reading “Fed Says It Will Begin Tapering Off Its Stimulus In January”

Jim Stone Freelance

Washington’s Blog did an absolutely brilliant write up about how the NSA has dealt their own nation an economic death blow with their mass surveillance. Here is a comment on the article:

“Did the idiots at the NSA have no clue that they would kill the US economy if they vacuumed up every electronic transaction on earth? And then allowed it to be used for political and economic purposes?   Continue reading “How the NSA destroyed the economy”