newton houseThe Organic Prepper

Going to the mailbox near Christmas is lots of fun. You often find it stuffed with cards, gifts, and photos from faraway loved ones. But one family in Newtown, Massachusetts got an unpleasant surprise in their mailbox last week when they became the shocked recipients of the meanest Christmas letter ever.   Continue reading “Bah Humbug to Baby Jesus: Anti-Christian Neighbor Sends the Meanest Christmas Letter Ever”

Activist Post – by Brandon Turbeville

The “Internet of Things” just wouldn’t be “Internet” enough if Google was not involved in a major way. Fortunately for those who have designed the gadget spy system, however, Google is attempting to become heavily involved in the implementation of yet another piece of the technological control grid.

According to the The Information and The Verge, Google is now testing thermostats connected to the Internet that would allow users to view the amount of energy being consumed in their homes as well as be able to make adjustments to that level of consumption. At least that is the justification used to sell the technology to the public. The real reasons behind both Google’s foray into the relatively new field and those of other tech firms, governments, and “sustainability”-related organizations are somewhat less interested in consumer satisfaction, environmental health, and lower energy bills.   Continue reading “Google Seeks Internet Surveillance of the Smart Grid”

MarijuanaNatural News – by Ethan A. Huff

As the American economy continues to limp along in near-stagnancy, the few states that have repealed their nonsensical prohibition of cannabis are experiencing major economic boons. A new report released by the marijuana advocacy group Arcview Market Research reveals that the legal marijuana market in the U.S. is now the fastest growing industry in the country, topping even the rapid growth rate of the smart phone market.   Continue reading “Thanks to sweeping legalization measures, marijuana is fastest growing industry in US”

Equipment used for the extraction of natural gas is viewed at a hydraulic fracturing site (AFP Photo / Getty Images / Spencer Platt)RT News

Researchers at the University of Missouri and the United States Geological Survey say that chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, could be causing serious hormonal disorders in humans.

A new report published in the latest edition of the journal Endocrinology examines a dozen chemicals used regularly in fracking — an increasingly commonplace practice of releasing natural gas from within the Earth by blasting a cocktail containing millions of gallons of water and other components deep underground.   Continue reading “Fracking chemicals disrupt human hormone functions, study claims”


Washington (CNN) – Chinese hackers tapped into the Federal Election Commission’s website during the federal government shutdown in October, a report released Tuesday by an investigative news organization says.

The report from the Center for Public Integrity, one of the country’s oldest and largest nonpartisan, nonprofit investigative news organizations, indicates that hackers crashed the FEC’s computer systems, which compiles federal election campaign finance information like contributions to parties and candidates, and how those billions of dollars are spent in each election by candidates, political parties, and independent groups such as political action committees.   Continue reading “Report: Chinese hackers attacked crucial government election website”


At issue is the arrest last week of Devyani Khobragade, India’s deputy consul general in New York.

She is accused of using false documents to get a work visa for her Manhattan housekeeper.Indian media reports say she was arrested and handcuffed last Thursday as she dropped off her daughter at school. The reports say she was kept in a cell with “drug addicts” before posting $250,000 bail. The U.S. Marshals Office confirms a report that Khobragade, 39, was strip-searched, according to Reuters.   Continue reading “India-U.S. Row Over Diplomat’s Arrest In New York Escalates”

Little Green Footballs – by Charles Johnson

The NSA is a topic of discussion on social media tonight because of 60 Minutes, but here’s something I bet you didn’t know about the incredibly intrusive techniques Facebook uses to monitor everything you do on their site (and beyond): Facebook Self-Censorship: What Happens to the Posts You Don’t Publish?

We spend a lot of time thinking about what to post on Facebook. Should you argue that political point your high school friend made? Do your friends really want to see yet another photo of your cat (or baby)? Most of us have, at one time or another, started writing something and then, probably wisely, changed our minds.   Continue reading “Facebook Is Keeping Track of the Things You DON’T Post”

burnpit_020413.jpgFox News – by Judson Berger

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers paid $5.4 million for shoddy trash incinerators that were delivered years behind schedule and never used, leaving soldiers at an Afghanistan base with no other option than to keep burning waste in open-air pits, according to an internal probe.

The report from Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction John F. Sopko was released Monday. It found the failure to complete the trash incinerators left soldiers exposed to potential health hazards from the burn pits, and taxpayers, once again, with nothing to show for a multimillion-dollar investment.   Continue reading “‘Complete waste’: Army Corps flushed $5.4M on ‘unusable’ trash incinerators, probe finds”

Before It’s News – by Jay Will

A bank robbery suspect was cornered on a northern Los Angeles County cul-de-sac and shot to death Friday on live television after he apparently fired at sheriff’s deputies from his car, authorities said.

The man died at the scene at around 10:15 a.m. after televised news reports showed a single bullet trail plowing through the glass from inside a sport utility vehicle, followed by a fusillade of shots that punctured the windshield and blew out the back window.   Continue reading “LA Corvette Pursuit Ends In Death – Brian Beaird Military Vet – Wild Police Chase Investigation”

So shove that up your dumb ass Harry.

Activist Post

Two weeks after her passionate plea went viral (seen below), the Clark County Commission passed Daphne Lee’s Anti-NDAA resolution 6-0 shortly after noon on Tuesday. This resolution condemns the detention provisions of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) as unconstitutional, and urges Nevada’s congressional delegation to take action to repeal those provisions.   Continue reading “Clark County, Las Vegas, Passes Resolution Condemning Indefinite Detention”

Before It’s News – by Susan Duclos

Very quick recap for those that haven’t heard about the ever-growing sinking hole in Louisisana, which was caught on camera literally swallowing massive trees as it continued to grow, well over the size of 20 football fields, and is still expanding.

As noted in September 2013 news reports and still showing on  24 hour readings from uploaded on 12/18/13, there is considerable seismic activity being noted in association with this sinkhole and others found in the Gulf of Mexico mud volcano’s.   Continue reading “La. Sinkhole Volcanic Seismic Activity Noted”

KHOU – by Jeremy Desel

CONROE, Texas – The investigation into a mysterious illness in Montgomery County is expanding as other hospitals and doctors report similar cases.

The new case files are being reviewed for similarity to the eight at Conroe Regional Medical Center that prompted a Montgomery County Health Department investigation.

Four of those eight patients died and two are still fighting for their lives.   Continue reading “Mystery illness in Montgomery County triggers review at other area hospitals”

Washington’s Blog

32-year NSA Veteran Who Created Mass Surveillance System Says Government Use of Data Gathered Through Spying “Is a Totalitarian Process”

Bill Binney is the high-level NSA executive who created the agency’s mass surveillance program for digital information.  A 32-year NSA veteran widely regarded as a “legend” within the agency, Binney was the senior technical director within the agency and managed thousands of NSA employees.   Continue reading “Former Top NSA Official: “We Are Now In A Police State””


The spate of campuswide lockdowns has drawn attention to the practice, which security officials say they increasingly rely on.

“I don’t think there’s any greater level of danger, but our response to it is much different than it used to be,” Northeastern University criminology professor James Alan Fox said.   Continue reading “Bomb hoaxes on campuses expose America’s police state and the exploitation of terrorism”

0.2 japanese tsunami artPatrick Henry Unbound – by Hatrick ‘Hattie’ Penry

Part 1

Plume-Gate: the world’s largest, provable cover-up and conspiracy

“For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”   Continue reading “Something Wicked This Way Comes: The story of Plume-Gate, the world’s largest, provable cover-up”

MethLabKOMU.jpgDallas Observer -by Eric Nicholson

Police in Parker County had been watching Michael Fred Wehrenberg’s home for a month when, late in the summer of 2010, they received a tip from a confidential informant that Wehrenberg and several others were “fixing to” cook meth. Hours later, after midnight, officers walked through the front door, rounded up the people inside, and kept them in handcuffs in the front yard for an hour and a half.

The only potential problem, at least from a constitutional standpoint, was that the cops didn’t have a search warrant. They got one later, before they seized the boxes of pseudoephedrine, stripped lithium batteries, and other meth-making materials, while the alleged meth cooks waited around in handcuffs, but by then they’d already waltzed through the home uninvited. They neglected to mention this on their warrant application, identifying a confidential informant as their only source of information.   Continue reading “In Texas, Search Warrants Can Now Be Based on a “Prediction of a Future Crime””

New York Times – by NEIL GOUGH

HONG KONG — China’s biggest Bitcoin exchange was forced to stop accepting deposits in the Chinese currency on Wednesday, sending the price of the virtual money tumbling in one of its biggest markets globally.

The exchange, BTC China, made the announcement in a post on its verified account on Weibo, China’s Twitter-like messaging service.   Continue reading “Bitcoin Value Sinks After Chinese Exchange Move”

WND – by Bob Unruh

A proposal by a state senator in Ohio, Cafri Cafaro, a Democrat, would require every homeschooling parent in Ohio to be investigated – and approved of – by various social services agencies before they would be allowed to teach their own children.

And officials with the Home School Legal Defense Association say it is the “worst-ever homeschool law proposed.”   Continue reading “Democrat: Investigate Every Homeschool Parent”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: You do not have to stop for these check points. You have committed no crime and are not a suspect of one. 

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. – Fourth Amendment   Continue reading “Pennsylvanians Coerced Into Giving Cheek Swab at “Voluntary” Checkpoint”

World Events and the Bible

(VideoNatural Society) – The following may just be one of the most hard-hitting GMO (danger) reports ever aired by the mainstream media. Who would have ever thought Fox news would admit the dangers of GMOs? After all, the mainstream media (MSM) have all but done a complete shut-out concerning activist concerns and anti-GMO marches that have happened around the globe. It looks like the evidence was piling up to be far too incontrovertible, though, as Carol Alt (a super model who has been on over 700 magazine covers) and Max Goldberg of discussed the many studies that articulate the dangers of GMO crops.   Continue reading “FOX News Admits GMOs Are a ‘Real Safety Issue’”