The theatre in Shaftesbury Avenue was packed for a performance of the Curious Incident Of The Dog in the Night-time.
An eyewitness said she heard “a crackling” noise before the collapse at about 20:15 GMT. Another eyewitness said the “entire dome roof” fell on audience members seated in the stalls.
When I first read the rant of Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson, I was offended by his crassly stated opinion on homosexuality. I felt it was judgmental and much more crudely stated than was necessary. If he’d just said that this was against his religion, I, along with many others, would have gotten the point.
But this isn’t a treatise on my personal opinions about gay people and whether they should be allowed to marry and raise families, and for goodness sake, exist without harassment. I honestly don’t care one way or another how a person lives his or her life, as long as they aren’t interfering with my freedom to live my life as I choose. Continue reading “Why I Support Both the Right to be Gay AND Phil Robertson’s Right to Criticize It”
The White House is facing questions after a photograph surfaced of President Barack Obama smiling next to the leader of an authoritarian separatist group known for its past terrorism and what experts dubbed egregious human rights violations.
The recommendations on what to do about the illegal NSA spying are out. As if they really matter.
If congress and the administration and the courts were serious about protecting privacy and especially cutting the budget, perhaps the litmus test would be shutting down the Utah Data Center “Bumblehive” before it goes completely on line. Continue reading “Shut Down “Bumblehive?””
Here is absolute proof that gun registry leads to gun confiscation. The long gun registry information referenced in this article was supposed to be destroyed, BY LAW, last November, yet the RCMP had access to this supposedly destroyed list of firearms owners and the firearms that they owned. – Jim Stenberg Continue reading “High River – Long-Gun Registry Records used in Firearms Seizures”
An obscure regulation designed to close a gun law loophole that allows some people to avoid background checks when purchasing machine guns and silencers has sparked one of the more unusual gun control debates of the year. That’s because those doing the arguing are all gun enthusiasts. Gun control groups have stayed out of this one.
As if climate change weren’t destroying the natural wonder quickly enough, the Australian government’s approval for construction of one of the world’s largest coal ports will involve dumping 3 million cubic meters of earth drudged from the ocean floor into the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area.
“To give you an idea of the scale of this dredging,” Greenpeace Australia director Alexander White writes at The Guardian, “if all of the spoil was put into dump trucks, there would be 150,000 of them lined up bumper to bumper from Brisbane to Melbourne.” Continue reading “An Even Quicker Death for the Great Barrier Reef?”
The news that broke yesterday was that Phil Robertson, the patriarch of the incredibly popular A&E show, expressed his opinion on homosexuality, then A&E suspended him from the show that averages over 14 million viewers, for said opinion.
Are you ready for the coming tyrannical crackdown and the complete evisceration of our constitutional liberties? Have you taken the proper precautions that will ensure the safety of you and your family? It is not likely that very many of us have taken the any meaningful steps to maximize our chances for survival in what will prove to be humanity’s darkest days. Will it be possible to avoid detection and prevent yourself from being taken into custody?
When the DHS bus rolls into your neighborhood, are you prepared to deal with what lies ahead? Let’s assume for a second that Obama attempts a third false flag in the past several months and is successful. Subsequently, martial law is fully declared. I have always said that the order of things to come will be false flag events, followed by martial law and culminating in WWIII. Continue reading “Watcha Gonna Do When They Come For You?”
Federal agencies (read DHS/NSA) have been leveraging the Kinect 3-D motion-sensing, facial and voice recognition technologies that power the Xbox One for security purposes.
The use of Xbox Kinect in the homeland security arena may come as a surprise to many, but not to Barrow. “We integrate many of our consumer products today with our more enterprise technologies,” he said. “And everything is on the same Windows 8 platform. If you think about how Xbox works, there’s just a lot of ways to use that technology that are not just fun and games.” Continue reading “Why is DHS/NSA interested in Xbox Kinect?”
One of the largest American retailers Target has confirmed that a massive breach of security involving the credit card details of up to 40 million Target customers took place between the end of November and the middle of December.
The Federal Reserve will decrease the amount of bonds purchased by the United States central bank, Chairman Ben Bernanke said Wednesday, by roughly $10 billion per month.
Freedom: It’s bad enough that the president’s health insurance takeover costs more, breaks his pledge of letting you keep your plan and diminishes choice. It actually restricts your travels too.
‘We have never had to put a wall up to keep our people in.” Those words from President John F. Kennedy in June 1963, standing at the Berlin Wall, neatly illustrated the moral superiority of the free West over the Soviet bloc. Continue reading “ObamaCare Found To Restrict Where You Live And Travel”
A 50-year-old California man described by relatives as a “loving father and a doting grandfather,” White had been living on the streets of Hayward for years. He wanted to work and was able to find odd jobs here and there, but it was never much or consistent enough to afford a place to live. Hayward has no emergency shelter with beds for single men, so White slept outside. Continue reading “In The Wealthiest Area Of The Country, 7 Homeless People Have Frozen To Death This Winter”