NYC Food BankCBS New York

More and more New Yorkers have been reaching out to soup kitchens to feed their families, new research showed Wednesday.

Research from the Food Bank for New York City revealed that most of the city’s food pantries have seen a sharp increase in visitors.

The trend follows a $5 billion national cut to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program that went into effect Nov. 1, CBS 2 reported.    Continue reading “NYC Food Bank Use Skyrockets Following SNAP Cuts, Report Says”

Revolutionary New Book by Stephanie Relfe

Fat is Not about Calories.  It’s about Toxins.

Obesity is not a disease. It’s a business plan.

You’re Not Fat. You’re Toxic is an explosive expose in the fight against the worldwide obesity epidemic.

Mega-corporation presidents and government infiltrators worked together to plan your weight gain. It is not an accident that you are overweight.   Continue reading “Book Review: You’re not fat, You’re toxic”

Relfe – by Stephanie Relfe

It looks the same—the bread, pies, sodas, even corn on the cob. So much of what we eat every day looks just like it did 20 years ago. But something profoundly different has happened without our knowledge or consent. And according to leading doctors, what we don’t know is already hurting us big time.   Continue reading “The Ultimate Killing Machine – GMOs”

Independent Political Report


People from; the left, right, and center, cry out, “Take Back America.”

The only way to take back our country is to do as our forefathers did in 1776, start a revolution against the powers that be.   Continue reading “Arizona Constitution Party Chairman Calls for Revolution”

SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

One of our favorite commentators on politics and global happenings is back with his latest diatribe, and as is usually the case, he’s right on target.

This week Bob at Drinking with Bob takes aim at President Obama’s recent comments in an interview with The New Yorker in which he made the claim that one of the main reasons his popularity is sinking is because he is black and some Americans haven’t gotten over that.   Continue reading “A Message to Obama: “Being Black Isn’t Your Problem… The Problem Is You Suck!” *Video*”

AltMarket – by Brandon Smith

There is one rule to citizen defiance that, in my opinion, surpasses all others in strategic importance; and it is a rule that I have tried to drive home for many years. I would call it the “non-participation principle” and would summarize it as follows:

When facing a corrupt system, provide for yourself and your community those necessities that the system cannot or will not. Become independent from establishment-controlled paradigms. If you and your community do this, the system will have one of two choices:   Continue reading “Mexican Citizens Topple Cartels And Are Rewarded With Government Retaliation”

Information Liberation – by Kit Daniels

Police departments across Utah have been receiving surplus military gear well-suited for riot control, such as grenade launchers and armored vehicles, through a U.S. Department of Defense program that is far more prevalent than what was previously known, according to recently released documents.

For the past five years, the Pentagon has equipped dozens of Utah police departments with a wide variety of military equipment commonly used in riot response such as the aforementioned grenade launchers, M14s, M16s and mine-resistant ambush protected (MRAP) vehicles through the Excess Property 1033 Program, the Salt Lake Tribune reported.   Continue reading “Utah Police Obtain Grenade Launchers, Riot Gear From Feds”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

In what is now being called a first of its kind ever move, Iran has sent two warships into the Atlantic Ocean and towards the East Coast as shared in this video from Paul Begley. Are these moves of aggression towards America or simply Iran exploring new waters? Are these moves of Iran at the invitation of Barack Obama? The mainstream media is also surprisingly reporting this EXTREMELY important story.   Continue reading “Two Iran Warships Head Towards US! Let The Games Begin!”

WTSP 10 News – by Preston Rudie

St. Petersburg, FL — A Republican Florida House candidate says the U.S. Secret Service paid him a visit after he called for President Obama to be hanged.

Joshua Black also tells 10 News he’s not dropping out of the District 68 race, even though Gov. Rick Scott and other Republicans are calling on him to quit.   Continue reading “Secret Service visits FL GOP House candidate Joshua Black who calls for hanging President Obama”

 KATC 3 News

HOUSTON (AP) – A Canadian company on Wednesday started delivering oil through the Texas portion of a proposed cross-border pipeline that has stirred controversy and tension between the United States and its northern neighbor.

TransCanada began delivering oil from a hub in Cushing, Okla., to customers in Nederland, Texas, early Wednesday, Alex Pourbaix, president of energy and oil pipelines, said at a news conference. The company expects to complete a smaller pipeline that will transport oil from Nederland to refineries near Houston later this year.   Continue reading “Canadian company starts Keystone pipeline in Texas”

WND – by Bob Unruh

Fox News anchor Greta Van Susteren charges that the Obama administration tried to press her to shut down a colleague’s reporting on the jihadist attack in Benghazi, Libya, that cost the lives of a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans.

Van Susteren asserted recently on her blog that the administration made an extensive effort to conceal what happened in Benghazi. She cited U.S. officials’ refusal to include the Fox News Channel in several Benghazi briefings along with a warning that her colleague’s career would be ruined if she persisted in her reporting on the attack.   Continue reading “Obama ‘Threatens Fox News Reporter’s Career’”

Crimes Against Humanity

2014: HDIAC

We have barely entered into 2014 and we are already witnessing the largest chemical attack the world has never known.  The chemical war is being conducted in food, land, water, and even in the very air we breathe.

On February 26 FEMA will be conducting a virtual exercise that involves a chemical incident scenario that contaminates the food supply. Weeks before the exercise the government in partnership with the Resource & Resources in Food Protection will hold a Webinar on assessing the potential adverse effects of contamination of the drinking water distribution system.   Continue reading “FEMA to Conduct Chemical Contamination Operation on Food Supply”

Mitt-Romney-241055-2-402The Daily Sheeple – by Kimberly Paxton

A new documentary about the life of Mitt Romney reveals a loosely hidden truth: Romney and his followers “had to steal” the Republican nomination from Dr. Ron Paul during the 2012 Presidential Elections.

The documentary, called “Mitt“, was aired at the Sundance Film Festival. Near the end, Romney states:   Continue reading “Mitt Romney Finally Admits What We All Knew: They “Had to Steal the Republican Nomination” from Ron Paul”