Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

In these newly released videos from Mary Greely we learn that there have already been 51 flu deaths in North Texas and now doctors in Texas are warning people not to fly because of H1N1 as well. While flu season doesn’t even peak until February, officials are using this opportunity to inform residents that they should soon go get vaccinated to protect themselves from H1N1. Doctors are also warning people to wear masks if they plan on flying in the upcoming days and weeks.   Continue reading “51 Flu Deaths In N. Texas: Doctors Warn People Not To Fly Because Of H1N1”

ABC News – AP

Two casinos in downtown Las Vegas plan to start accepting the online currency Bitcoin.

The D casino and the city’s oldest casino, the Golden Gate, will accept Bitcoin at their hotel front desks beginning Wednesday. Bitcoins can also be used at the D’s gift shop and two restaurants. They won’t be accepted on the casino floor.   Continue reading “2 Vegas Hotel-Casinos to Start Accepting Bitcoin”

Sandy Hook Adam LanzaWait just a minute. Weren’t we lead to believe that this kid couldn’t tie his own shoes and was mentally on another planet. NOW we are to believe that he was a computer genius. From these writings he sounds more like some kind of philosopher not the whack job we were lead to believe. It would also appear that he was the Flash as he went in shot people then Flashed out to his car putting the Bushmaster in the car, Flashed back in and laid down and shot himself with two maybe three or was it four 9mm handguns.   Continue reading “The Day the FBI Knocked on Adam Lanza’s Door”

A micro-windmill on a pennyOilprice – by Charles Kennedy

Smitha Rao and JC Chiao, two researchers from the University of Texas at Arlington, have designed a unique concept to charge mobile electronic devices that use tiny micro-windmills attached to the surface of the device.

The design was initially created when trying to discover new methods of harnessing wind energy in regions where large wind turbines cannot be deployed. By scaling down the size of the turbines Rao and Chiao hoped that they could create more uses for, and grant more people access to wind energy.   Continue reading “Using Windmills Smaller than a Grain of Rice to Charge Portable Devices”

The Daily Caller – by Grae Stafford

Hillsdale professor Terrence Moore, author of  “Story Killers: A Common Sense Case Against Common Core,”  exposed some of the more distressing aspects of the controversial Common Core education standards program, saying that all teachers must tell young students that all right-wing groups are fascist.

Moore highlights how it is not just the reading lists and course materials — which have already attracted a large amount of criticism — that need to be examined by parents. It’s also the teaching notes and standard curriculum; the notes and standards come as part of a comprehensive package. Moore noted through his research that a distinctly political slant is introduced, one which dictates not only what children are taught, but also how they should be taught.   Continue reading “Teachers ‘instructed’ to teach ‘all right wing extremist groups’ are fascist”

Before It’s News – by Josey Wales

The a accumulation of wealth has been the motivator of man since the beginning of time. Man’s success or failure in his life is often measured by what he owns, what kind of job he holds, how big his house is, society measures their piers by how much wealth they are perceived to have.

Almost half of the world’s wealth is owned by just 1% of the world’s population, according to a report published just days before the start of the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting 2014, where the topic of rapidly increasing income disparities will be a major focus.   Continue reading “85 Richest People In The World, Own Nearly Half The World’s Wealth – (World Economic Forum 2014)”

Thomas JeffersonEnd of the American Dream – by Michael Snyder

Thomas Jefferson was radically anti-tax, pro-gun and anti-central bank.  He loved precious metals, he openly acknowledged a “Creator” and he wanted to add an amendment to the Constitution which would ban the federal government from going into debt.  If he was around today, he would be considered a “nutjob”, an “extremist”, a “fascist” and even a “potential terrorist“.  But of course Jefferson was none of those things.  Rather, Jefferson was a great thinker, the primary author of the Declaration of Independence and our third President.  Below, I have shared a list of 13 famous Jefferson quotes (13 for the 13 colonies that originally founded America) that show just how far America has fallen away from our founding principles.  I think that most of you will be very shocked when you read this list…   Continue reading “If He Was Around Today, Thomas Jefferson Would Be Considered A Tea Party Extremist”

Stunning: The icebergs have grown into unique shapes and sizes and some are as tall as a 15-storey building above the surface of the waterDaily Mail

In the calm waters of Greenland, gigantic icebergs dwarf everything around them.

Over the course of hundreds of years, these behemoths have grown into their own unique shape and size.

The natural beauty of the icebergs, some the size of a 15-story building, was captured by American photographer Michael J Quinn, 49, on a three-day expedition in Scoresby Sund, Eastern Greenland.   Continue reading “Greenland’s blue horizon: Photographer captures the slow drift of humungous 15-storey icebergs sculpted by the elements over hundreds of years”


Border Patrol agents at southern Arizona checkpoints routinely violate the constitutional rights of U.S. citizens with illegal searches and other actions despite the agency’s mandate that stops be limited to immigration enforcement, according to a complaint.

The letter from the American Civil Liberties Union to the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Inspector General seeks an investigation into 12 specific cases and a review of checkpoint policies to determine if agents are complying with constitutional guidelines.   Continue reading “Border patrol “tactical” checkpoints a violation of Americans rights”

Pro Libertate

“Among other lessons we’ve learned in this trial,” pontificated Judge William Froeberg just before a jury acquitted Kelly Thomas’s killers, “is that violence begets violence.”

This statement was either a conscious lie, or a symptom of incurable ideological blindness. The murderous violence directed at Kelly Thomas by a half-dozen police officers was unilateral, unprovoked, and utterly unjustified. It wasn’t begotten by anything Thomas had done, or failed to do. It was purely a manifestation of the criminal impulses that are nurtured within those who belong to the State’s punitive caste – and then directed without stint or limit against those who refuse to submit to the “authority” of those privileged bullies.    Continue reading “The Verdict: Murder as an Official Entitlement”

KVOA News – by Brian White

TUCSON – U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secrectary Jeh Johnson will be touring Southern Arizona this week.

The secretary will be visiting border operations in Tucson and Douglas Wednesday.

He’ll be receiving briefings on border security. Johnson is also scheduled to meet with state and local law enforcement officials.   Continue reading “Homeland Security secretary in Douglas, Tucson this week”

KVOA News – by Nathan O’Neal

DOUGLAS, Ariz. – The border community in southeast Arizona is on edge after an intense gun battle ravaged a city just south of the U.S.-Mexico Border.

Authorities said that a violent gun battled took place in Agua Prieta around 1 a.m. Saturday, just south of Douglas, Ariz., claiming between eight and 13 lives, according to the Cochise County Sherriff’s Office. None of the listed deaths are U.S. citizens.   Continue reading “Border community on edge after violent cartel gunfight in Agua Prieta”

RINF – by Yuri Skidanov

The United States, an example of public and social order for the countries of the “golden billion,” has a unique history. In the 237 years of its existence, it has been either at war, or preparing for a new attack, looking for victims. During the period from 1798 to 2012 Washington used military force abroad 240 times, more frequently than annually.

The results of this military – aggressive development are impressive. Five percent of the world’s population who are lucky enough to be U.S. citizens consume, according to various estimates, from 25 to 30 percent of the planet’s resources. How did the country manage to achieve such prosperity for its 320 million people?   Continue reading “240 Wars in 237 Years: USA Wages War More Often than Just Annually”

Before It’s News

” Unlike Snwoden I did not have a 200,000$ a year CIA job… in Hawaii… I lived there for 19 years… and was forced to leave the US in fear for my life and future… No country came to my rescue… And no media ever mentioned me… And Anarchadia has come out with more censored stories… than Wikileaks and Snowden combined… and not about shit your government wants you to hear either.. Snowden is an imitation of me… except he’s in CIA Russia with CIA Putin who is great buddies with Bush… and his puppet slave Obama… Snowden comes from Hawaii like me… he is Mark Zuckerberg’s cousin… he copied my entire story… except has docs from the CIA and NSA because he is CIA… He is a limited hangout to censor Anarchadia… The CIA never wants to hear about Anarchadia and Viral in the same sentence… When Anarchadia has beat these nazi capitalists at their own game… We are now in 10 countries… in only 3 years… after 3 years of the US military spending millions of dollars censoring us… Except I’m really an American exile risking his life… Snowden and ASSange… are secret service… “
– John McCarthy   Continue reading “The Real Snowden – John McCarthy! Jullian ASSange & Snowden Are CIA / Mossad Assets.”

Infowars – by Paul Joseph Watson

Following an influential think tank’s call for a humanitarian “realpolitik” stunt to be pulled to weaken President Assad’s position, a report has miraculously emerged just 24 hours before the start of the ‘Geneva II’ conference which alleges systematic torture and abuse by Assad’s regime.   Continue reading “Cynical New PR Stunt Greases Skids For “Humanitarian” Invasion of Syria”

011205-A-5406-001Ben Swann – by Joshua Cook

Unwarranted NSA surveillance, the passage of NDAA, stop and frisk programs, and the rise of warrior cops, have essentially turned America into a centralized police state.

Blurring the lines between the U.S. military and local sheriff departments sets a dangerous precedent that erodes freedom and civil liberties.

Those lines are being blurred right now in South Carolina.   Continue reading “U.S. Army’s elite Special Forces train with local cops in a secretive joint exercise”