SPLC Launches Hysterical Attack on Critics of UN Agenda 21The New American – by Alex Newman

The self-styled “civil rights” organization Southern Poverty Law Center, which despite mounting controversy maintains some links to government agencies, released a bizarre and factually challenged screed attacking critics and opponents of the deeply controversial United Nations plot known as Agenda 21. Apparently unfamiliar with the definition of basic words such as “conspiracy” and “theory,” or with the UN plan itself, the SPLC also lashed out at “activist groups,” “mainstream politicians,” voters, “extremists,” and others who question or oppose the UN agenda for what it calls “sustainable development” in the United States.   Continue reading “SPLC Launches Hysterical Attack on Critics of UN Agenda 21”

American oligarchyMilitia News – by Steve Watson

A recent scientific study by Princeton and Northwestern universities, which has gone somewhat under reported in the mainstream media, concludes that the US is now a fully fledged oligarchy.

The paper, entitled Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups and Average Citizens, notes that America is no longer even a Democracy, which begs the question, how far removed is the country from being the Republic envisioned and painstakingly established by Benjamin Franklin and the founding fathers.   Continue reading “US Political System Has Been Almost Completely Usurped”

download (5)KFOR News Channel 4 – by Andrew Donley

OKLAHOMA CITY  – A land dispute in Nevada  between rancher Cliven Bundy and the federal government began decades ago.

The Bureau of Land Management says Bundy was allowing his cattle to graze illegally, which triggered a round-up of about 400 head of cattle last week.

Bundy claims his family’s cattle have grazed on the land since 1870 without interference from the government.   Continue reading “‘I blame both sides,’ Oklahoma militia members join fight with feds”

Vietnam veterans memorial on Sargents mesaMilitary Video Center

“Cycle ride from Tomichi Creek off of Highway 50 near Gunnison, CO up to the Continental Divide, where we found this war memorial tucked away in seclusion. You won’t find it on any maps. An old local at the Tomichi Trading Post said the Park Rangers keep it off maps…the story is that a Vietnam Vet somehow used a chopper to sneak the pieces in. If anyone knows the true story, I’d love to hear it.”   Continue reading “‘Mysterious’ Vietnam War Memorial”

assad_042014.jpgFox News

The Obama administration said Monday it has “indications” chemical weapons were used in Syria earlier this month, and is investigating whether the Assad regime might have been responsible.

State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki discussed the allegations a day after French President Francois Hollande said France also had indications the regime is still using chemical weapons.    Continue reading “Obama administration: ‘Indications’ chemical weapons used, again, in Syria”

Infowars – by Paul Joseph Watson

Irate Chinese citizens savagely beat five government bureaucrats during an incident that escalated into a 1,000 strong riot on Saturday in another telltale sign of the Communist country’s increasing social tensions.

The disturbance began after members of the Chengguan municipal police, China’s widely loathed bureaucrats who enforce government regulations against street vendors, began harassing and beating a woman in the Cangnan County of Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province.   Continue reading “Chinese Citizens Beat Government Bureaucrats During Mass Riot”

Chris ChristieThis Can’t Be Happening – by Linn Washington, Jr.

The spirited protest outside the front door of the New Jersey Statehouse in Trenton where nearly 150 demonstrators bashed NJ Governor Chris Christie for scandalous obstruction unrelated to Christie’s headline dominating Bridgegate debacle featured the youngest offspring of two of the most legendary stars in reggae music history.

That 4/20 demonstration against Christie’s restrictive implementation of NJ’s medical marijuana law plus Christie’s opposition to legalization or even decriminalization of marijuana included remarks from Makeda Marley, the youngest daughter of reggae legend Bob Marley and Jawara McIntosh, the youngest son of reggae luminary Peter Tosh.   Continue reading “NJ Gov Christie Castigated for Roadblocks on Cannabis”

The Ulsterman Report

What happened, and may continue happening at the Bundy Ranch in Nevada is resonating across the country, much to the panicked chagrin of the Mainstream Media.  Here’s a great clip of Assemblywoman Michele Fiore not backing down to the openly snide and derisive questioning of MSNBC’s Chris Hayes. (I still say Chris Hayes is actually a more feminine version of Rachel Maddow.   Continue reading “Nevada Assemblywoman Shreds MSNBC Host Over Bundy Ranch Conflict”

Before It’s News – by Zen Gardner, Less Prone

Since Barack Obama recently took it upon himself to label himself ‘dictator’ with free will to kill Americans with drones, isn’t it time that Americans learn how to fight back and kill drones? Where there is a will, there is a way! This excellent article informs Americans who are completely disgusted with the ‘Police State’ our once free nation has become on how to kill UAV’s. If UAV’s are going to be used to kill Americans, Americans need to learn how to fight back. Our GOD given right to defend our own lives is a much higher power than either Barack Obama or the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution or the US Pentagon and their killing machines. These monsters DESERVE to be grounded. Here’s how to do it!   Continue reading “How To Kill A Drone Before It Kills You”

Medicaid paid to deadThe Black Sphere

Politicians wonder why we want accountability for our money, well when a state pays $12 million to DEAD PEOPLE, it does raise a few flags.

According to this report, the Illinois Medicaid program paid an estimated $12 million for medical services for people listed as deceased in other state records, according to an internal state government memo. Auditors identified overpayments for services to roughly 2,900 people after the date of their deaths.   Continue reading “$12 million paid to DEAD people in IL Medicaid”

Pro-Russian protesters stand in front of a barricade outisde the occupied Regional State Administration building in Donetsk on April 20, 2014The News Doctors

Slavyansk (Ukraine) (AFP) 4/20/2014 8:33:27 PM

US Vice President Joe Biden will begin a two-day visit to Ukraine on Monday, hours after a fragile Easter truce was shattered and pro-Kremlin rebels in the country’s east appealed for help from Russian “peacekeepers”.

Biden’s arrival in Kiev comes after a deadly gunfight gunfight killed at least two pro-Russian militants, an incident which sparked “outrage” in Moscow.   Continue reading “US Vice President Heads To Ukraine After Fragile Truce Shattered”

Facial recognition. Image courtesy of ShutterstockNaked Security – by John Hawes

Technology giant NEC’s Hong Kong branch is promoting a small, “easy to install” appliance which will enable businesses to monitor their customers based on facial recognition.

From a recent NEC press release:

The new Mobile Facial Recognition Appliance enables organizations in any industry to offer an ultra-personalized customer experience by recognizing the face of each and every customer as soon as they set foot on the premises.  

Continue reading “Facial recognition – coming soon to a shopping mall near you”

Students walk near a geiger counter, measuring a radiation level of 0.12 microsievert per hour, at Omika Elementary School, located about 21 km (13 miles) from the tsunami-crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, in Minamisoma, Fukushima prefecture.(Reuters / Toru Hanai)RT News

Katsutaka Idogawa, former mayor of Futaba, a town near the disabled Fukushima nuclear plant, is warning his country that radiation contamination is affecting Japan’s greatest treasure – its children.

Asked about government plans to relocate the people of Fatuba to the city of Iwaki, inside the Fukushima prefecture, Idogawa criticized the move as a “violation of human rights.”

Compared with Chernobyl, radiation levels around Fukushima “are four times higher,” he told RT’s Sophie Shevardnadze, adding that “it’s too early for people to come back to Fukushima prefecture.”   Continue reading “Fukushima radiation killing our children, govt hides truth – former mayor”

Oil spill response contractors clean up crude oil on a beach after a BP oil spill on Lake Michigan in Whiting, Indiana March 25, 2014.(Reuters / Jim Young)RT News

BP, the fifth largest company in the world, is refusing to foot the bill for US government-sponsored studies into its 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil disaster, including research into its impact on marine life, according to documents seen by the Financial Times.

The US government in July requested $148 million from BP to fund research work into the consequences of the spill, which started on April 20, 2010 when the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded and sunk in the Gulf of Mexico.   Continue reading “BP caps cash pipeline to research worst oil spill in US history”


HONOLULU (AP) — Officials say a 16-year-old boy is “lucky to be alive” and unharmed after flying from California to Hawaii stowed away in a plane’s wheel well, surviving cold temperatures at 38,000 feet and a lack of oxygen.

“Doesn’t even remember the flight,” FBI spokesman Tom Simon in Honolulu told The Associated Press on Sunday night. “It’s amazing he survived that.” The boy was questioned by the FBI after being discovered on the tarmac at the Maui airport Sunday morning with no identification, Simon said.   Continue reading “Teen OK after riding in wheel well of Hawaii jet”