Future Tools

When fusion centers and their allied federal partners are pinpointed on these United States, it looks less like “We’re here to help you” and more like a military occupation.

Dozens of documents and databases were scrubbed to elicit the actual location of these nefarious centers. You could say these GPS positions are a “fusion” of many sources!  Continue reading “Fusion Center Locations in the U.S.”

Environmental Working Group – by Emily Cassidy

A new study led by scientists from the Arctic University of Norway has detected “extreme levels” of Roundup, the agricultural herbicide manufactured by Monsanto, in genetically engineered soy.

The study, coming out in June’s issue of Food Chemistry and available online, looked at 31 different soybean plants on Iowa farms and compared the accumulation of pesticides and herbicides on plants in three categories 1) genetically engineered “Roundup Ready” soy, 2) conventionally produced (not GE) soy, and 3) soy cultivated using organic practices.   They found high levels of Roundup on 70 percent of genetically engineered soy plants.  Continue reading “Extreme Levels” Of Herbicide Roundup Found In Food”

wek_tillman102110_145621a_8colPat Dollard

OLYMPIA, Wash. – In his first public statements about the death of Pat Tillman, the former NFL player turned Army Ranger, one of the fellow Rangers involved in the 2004 friendly-fire incident in Afghanistan told ESPN’s “Outside the Lines” he has lived for 10 years with the thought that he might have fired the fatal shots.

“It is possible, in my mind, that I hit him,” said Steven Elliott, who had been engaged in his first firefight as an Army Ranger when Tillman died on April 22, 2004, in the mountainous terrain of southeast Afghanistan.   Continue reading “Ex-Army Ranger Breaks Silence: I May Have Killed Pat Tillman”

Huffington Post – by Hilary Hanson

Don’t mess with Texas kids.

Seven-year-old twin brothers from San Antonio are credited with fighting off a carjacker, according to My Fox Austin.

Lucia Lozada, their mother, told KSAT that on Thursday afternoon, she was about to drive to church with the boys and their 1-year-old brother when she realized she had forgotten a baby bottle.   Continue reading “Twin Brothers, 7, Fight Off Alleged Carjacker”

Amanda Lankford and Gil O'Balle (Source: ABC-13)Police State USA

GALVESTON, TX — More than a dozen wedding guests were brutalized by police officers during a raid on a wedding party at a hotel.  Cops fired tasers, used batons, and generously applied pepper spray to the guests of a bride and groom hours after their wedding.  Among them was former pro-baseball star Brandon Backe, who said the shoulder injuries that he received from police caused his pitching career to end.

After causing a gaping head wound, bruises, hair pulled out, a broken nose, and pepper spray on numerous individuals, the only reprimand any of the officers received was a paperwork violation.  Interestingly, none of the 3 dozen cops reported any use of force.   Continue reading “Police beat up entire wedding party, ruin pro baseball player’s career”

Capitalist Preservation – by Elizabeth Nelson

We’ve all read them, we can’t get around them, not even on Twitter. Being the editor of a fabulous blog that’s about to hit a million views, a Conservative blog in a world of mindless Obama Zombies no less. Unfortunately Rob, Will and I have had the misfortune of reading our share of them, as anonymous Trolling liberal commenters feel compelled to “bomb” our blog and our TimeLine, like the emotional terrorists that they are.

However, as the annon commenter on Philly.com is about to find out, the First Amendment doesn’t extend to libelous, defamation, character attacks posted from “anonymous,” that is. Now, a ruling by a judge in Philadelphia might give “anonymous” second thoughts about making incendiary or defamatory comments online.   Continue reading “Anonymous Trollers Beware – No 1st Amendment Rights in Defamation Case”

AR blogger Ean Bordeaux via screencapRaw Story – by David Ferguson

A former police officer died while trying to set ablaze a food cart belonging to a blogger who exposed crooked cops and other corrupt city officials.  ArkansasMatters.com reported Friday that former Little Rock Police Officer Todd Payne died when blogger Ean Bordeaux (pictured above) tackled him as Payne tried to flee the scene of the attempted arson.

Bordeaux is the proprietor of the Corruption Sucks blog, a webpage dedicated to exposing corruption in the Little Rock local government and in the state government of Arkansas. At about 4:30 a.m. on Friday, he awoke to find the hot dog cart he operates for a living in flames.   Continue reading “Arkansas ex-cop killed while trying to set anti-corruption blogger’s hot dog cart on fire”

MoonEurasia Review – by MINA

While the West is busy staging coups around the world, Moscow today set out plans to conquer and colonise space, including a permanent manned moon base.

Deputy premier Dmitry Rogozin said: ‘We are coming to the moon forever.’

His comments came as President Vladimir Putin toured the Cosmonautics Memorial Museum in Moscow. On Saturday, Russia celebrates Cosmonaut Day marking Yuri Gagarin’s pioneering flight into space on April 12, 1961.   Continue reading “Russia Wants Permanent Moon Base”

Truth Dig – by Kieran Cooke

The conflict in Syria has devastated much of the country’s agricultural sector. But while the fighting has left large tracts of farmland abandoned, irrigation systems smashed and livestock neglected, other forces have also been at work.

Syria – and much of the Eastern Mediterranean region – is in the grip of one of the longest periods of drought on record. The World Food Programme (WFP) says the recent rainfall season in Syria, which usually lasts from October to April, produced less than half the long term average precipitation.   Continue reading “Drought Adds to Syria’s Misery”

stinging nettlesOff The Grid News – by Tara Dodrill

Stinging nettles are wild green plants that can be very useful in the kitchen in an off-the-grid household. Although the nettles were the source of many cuts and scrapes during my childhood, they are definitely worth growing and utilizing for natural remedies.

The stinging nettles grow in the wild virtually everywhere in the world and can easily be found during a hike in the woods or along the roadside. The primary nutritional value the plant is often heralded for is its fiber and calcium content. Strong bones are never more important than when increased hours of manual labor are necessary to work a homestead – or when you can’t call a doctor.    Continue reading “Surprising Wild Weed Can Be Used To Improve Health And Even Make Beer”

copsthennowThe Daily Sheeple – by Melissa Melton

It seems more and more these days that if you think a loved one is in danger in America, calling the cops should be your absolute last possible resort.

Missourian Elbert Breshears recently called for an ambulance because his elderly wife, who suffers dementia, had endured an episode and knocked a window out of their home.

According to ABC affiliate KSPR33 and unfortunately for Breshears, the cops showed up before the ambulance did:    Continue reading “Elderly Man Calls Ambulance for Wife with Dementia, Cops Show Up and Beat Him”

downloadWashington Blog

Bankers are often the driving force behind war.

After all, the banking system is founded upon the counter-intuitive but indisputable fact that banks create loans first, and then create deposits later.

In other words, virtually all money is actually created as debt. For example, in a hearing held on September 30, 1941 in the House Committee on Banking and Currency, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve (Mariner S. Eccles) said:    Continue reading “Bankers Love War Because It Creates Massive Profits”