Month: June 2014
Dozens of children have been rescued and 281 pimps have been arrested as part of a child sex trafficking sting over the past week, according to information released today from the FBI.
The 168 children, many of whom had never been reported missing, were recovered during an annual nationwide FBI crackdown, according to CBS. Dubbed Operation Cross Country VIII, it’s now in its eighth year. While arrests were made across the country, the largest number of juveniles recovered were the 18 found in the Denver area, followed by 16 in the Cleveland area. Continue reading “FBI Rescues 168 Children From “Living Nightmare” in Nationwide Sex Trafficking Sting”
RICHMOND, Va. – A Virginia man who has fathered children with several women has agreed to get a vasectomy to reduce his prison term by up to five years in a child endangerment case that has evoked the country’s dark history of forced sterilization.
None of the charges against Jessie Lee Herald, 27, involved a sexual offense. Shenandoah County assistant prosecutor Ilona White said her chief motive in making the extraordinarily unusual offer was keeping Herald from fathering more than the seven children he has by at least six women. Continue reading “Vasectomy will reduce man’s prison sentence”
Human Events – by John Hayward
Breitbart News commemorates a milestone in the deliberately-created humanitarian crisis on our border, as the White House finally admits that President Obama’s unilateral dismantling of immigration laws might just have been a factor in bringing a tsunami of underage illegal immigrants crashing down on our heads:
The White House admitted rumors of free entry to the United States are motivating migrants to risk the trek northward. Officials said they are pushing back against “misinformation,” noting that Vice President Biden’s trip to Guatamala to meet with the leaders of El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico is part of that effort. Continue reading “White House Finally Admits Its Role In Causing The Child-Immigrant Tsunami”
Heckler & Koch fanboys—and I’m specifically referring to those who insist that the company can do no wrong—aren’t going to like this.
The German government is claiming that the G36 assault rifle—the parent of the XM8 once looked at as a replacement for the M4/M16 family of weapons fielded here in the United States—can’t hack it in real-world conditions: Continue reading “That Awkward Moment When H&K Fanboys Find Out That The Germans Call The G36 The Rifle That “Doesn’t Shoot Straight””
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Residents of the city of Adak on Alaska’s Aleutian Islands evacuated the town site and gathered on a nearby hill Monday after a magnitude-8.0 earthquake prompted a tsunami warning for part of the island chain.
“We’re seeing water leave our bay, so we do have everybody up on the Bering Hill area, where our primary evacuation center is at,” City Manager Layton Lockett told The Associated Press by telephone as he gathered some last paperwork before heading out himself to join about 300 residents at the center. Continue reading “Tsunami warning for Aleutians after 8.0 quake”
Emma Czornobaj was convicted by a jury on two counts of criminal negligence causing death, a charge that carries a maximum life sentence, and two counts of dangerous driving causing death, which comes with a maximum of 14 years in jail.
The 25-year-old was charged in the deaths of Andre Roy, 50, and his daughter Jessie, 16.
She wiped away tears when the verdict was delivered to a packed courtroom in Montreal. Quebec Superior Court Justice Eliane Perreault said the 12-member jury voted unanimously. Continue reading “Canada woman stops for ducks; guilty in 2 deaths”
Police incessantly and unmercifully beating a man with batons and shocking him with tasers as he lays supine on a street pavement in Long Beach, Calif., is shocking and repulsive. Sundry video versions of this incident, posted on YouTube — have gone viral. It’s the most infamous and nefarious example of police brutality so far this year in the United States – when this violent act was captured in early September of 2013 by digital dice and snake-eyed focus. Continue reading “Police brutality? Watch this YouTube video — It’s not meant for those with weak stomachs”
The sun was out, not a hint of a summer thunderstorm around Saturday when Sean O’Connor went out to do some yard work.
But a crash that blew his boots off and across the driveway, where they lay smoldering, made him realize he’d just been hit by lightning.
“Just as I picked up the rake, I heard a loud crashing sound,”O’Connor told WGCL TV. “A few moments later I was picking myself up off the ground. I had the taste of blood in my mouth. I noticed my leg was burning a little bit.” Continue reading “GA Man Survives Lightning Strike That Blew His Boots Off”
Humanity Awakens – by Ben Fulford
The unfolding geopolitical chess game between Western oligarchs and their puppet governments featured many big moves last week, notably in the Ukraine, the Middle East and the UK. These moves have, for now, left Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, uncharacteristically on the defensive.
The game being played in the Ukraine, by what are almost certainly proxy mercenary forces working for the Rockefellers and the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate, is now clearly a move to cut off Russian gas exports to Europe. First, the new puppet Fed government in the Ukraine refused to pay for gas, then, when the Russians cut off the gas, the pipeline sending gas to the rest of Europe was blown up. Continue reading “Big power plays by Rothschilds, Rockellers leave Putin on the defensive and China in the middle”
Massachusetts –-( On Wednesday, GOAL held a pro 2nd Amendment rally and lobby day at the Massachusetts State House. The State House Park Rangers estimated the attendance at between 300-400. The rally and lobby day was held to oppose Speaker DeLeo’s gun control bill, as originally drafted, H. 4121.
GOAL Executive Director Jim Wallace meets with House Speaker DeLeo Continue reading “Massachusetts Gun Owners’ Action League Members Rally Against H.4121”
Los Angeles, CA – -( “They don’t care.”
As Obama administration officials pivot like haywire jewelry-box ballerinas to divert attention away from the nationwide Veterans Affairs disgrace, a reader who has been fighting the system urged me to urge Capitol Hill and the American public to stay focused.
This former Special Forces soldier and medic served his country for 25 years. He worked in the health care field managing military field medical clinics. Continue reading “A Fed-Up Veteran Blasts VA’s ‘Lie, Delay, Deny’ Abyss”
UPDATE: A dozen law enforcement officers who exchanged gunfire with an Arizona man during a chase on Interstate 90 in northern Idaho over the weekend have been placed on paid administrative leave while the shooting is investigated.
Kootenai County officials say Marcus A. Rael of Glendale, Arizona, was shot at around 2 a.m. Sunday and remained hospitalized Monday in stable condition. Continue reading “12 Officers Exchanged Gunfire With Driver On I-90”
BELLEVUE, WA –-( The Second Amendment Foundation today is demanding that school officials in Connecticut’s Regional School District 14 immediately rectify the district’s blocking of websites belonging to firearms rights advocacy groups, including SAF, and is considering prompt legal action if this is not accomplished.
The situation was revealed Wednesday when a student at Nonnewaug High School discovered while researching a class project that access to such sites, and other conservative websites, was blocked while access to anti-gun-rights websites was available. Continue reading “Pro Gun Group Demands Immediate Fix To Connecticut School District’s Website Blocking”
Global Research – by Joachim Hagopian
A short time after the worst US war defeat in the nation’s history – the Vietnam War – a growing wave of films began emerging in attempts to grapple with America’s open war wounds. Some focused on allegorical cautionary tales such as “Apocalypse Now,” an epic masterpiece showing the war in Southeast Asia as a nightmare of misguided confusion and terror, and ultimately its senseless brutality. The caricatures depicted left an indelible imprint on viewers with Robert Duvall’s perverse character proclaiming that napalm in the morning “smells like victory.” Or the decorated war hero-West Pointer renegade colonel played by Marlon Brando who saw the evil Empire war for what it was worth and jumped ship to the other side to become a hero worshipped, warrior God to the indigenous deep jungle inhabitants. Francis Ford Coppola’s 1979 tour-de-force of an anti-war film became both a box office smash as well as Oscar nominated Best Picture with Coppola himself nominated as Best Director. Continue reading “The Glories of America’s Wars: “Made in Hollywood” by the Pentagon’s Propaganda Machine”
A Sudanese woman sentenced to death for apostasy was freed Monday by a Khartoum court, and has rejoined her Christian husband with their two young children, her lawyer and state media said.
State news agency SUNA said the Court of Cassation threw out the death sentence against 27-year-old Meriam Ibrahim after defense lawyers presented their case. Her lawyer, Eman Abdul-Rahim, told The Associated Press that Ibrahim left prison and was with her husband. Her 18-month-old son, Martin, had been with her in jail, where she gave birth last month to a second child. Continue reading “Sudanese Woman Sentenced to Death for Apostasy to Be Released”
83% of wave of invaders are over 14 and 80% are male
Instead of discouraging the wave of illegal child immigrants headed toward the U.S. border, major media outlets in Central America are encouraging the phenomenon in recent news coverage.
In a June 9 report, La Prensa Libre, one of Guatemala’s leading dailies, reports that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security will not deport minors from countries that do not share a border with the U.S. Elsewhere, the same newspaper quotes Guatemalan Foreign Minister Fernando Carrera as saying that his country has an agreement with U.S. authorities that Guatemalan children will not be deported unless they are accompanied by an adult. Continue reading “Central American Media Promote Illegal Child Immigrant Tsunami, Give Tips”
NEW ORLEANS — All last week, people were calling Louis Charbonnet to find out how they might avoid lying down at their funerals. Funeral directors have called; so have people with their own requests, such as the woman who wanted to be seen for the last time standing over her cooking pot.
The calls started coming in to the Charbonnet-Labat Funeral Home during its June 12 viewing for Miriam Burbank, who died at 53 and spent her service sitting at a table amid miniature New Orleans Saints helmets, with a can of Busch beer at one hand and a menthol cigarette between her fingers, just as she had spent a good number of her living days. Continue reading “Rite of the Sitting Dead: Funeral Poses Mimic Life”
CAIRO (AP) — An Egyptian court convicted three Al-Jazeera journalists and sentenced them to seven years in prison each on terrorism-related charges in a verdict Monday that stunned their families and raised international outrage, with a chorus of voices denouncing the ruling as a blow to freedom of expression.
The verdicts against Australian Peter Greste, Canadian-Egyptian Mohamed Fahmy and Egyptian Baher Mohammed came after a 5-month trial that Amnesty International described as a “sham.” The group called Monday’s rulings “a dark day for media freedom in Egypt.” Continue reading “Egypt sentences 3 Al-Jazeera reporters to 7 years”